Africans think of us as "the Jews" lol

Africans think of us as "the Jews" lol

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Well I guess blacks are smarter than I thought.

Not really, the Nazi, etc. LARPers basically just think that the Jews are a parasitic and subversive force, they don't think that the Jews entirely stole civilization or make up some entire alternate history or anything from them.

I meant in the sense that they think we are actively conspiring against them in some great and organized way

>only our capital is at war

Well I guess per her testimony there's no reason to take endless hordes of somali refugees like we keep getting pressured to. After all it's a verdant paradise of love and plenty.

Yeah I would really encourage everyone to watch African tourism videos and read the comments, it's very insightful. Most of the African commenters generally seem to support white people and colonialism, it's weird.

lol i keep posting on my FB whenever i see dumb SJW shit that Jews aren't white people but people don't get it


That's my main gripe with stormfags, they sound like niggers when they blame tha joo for everything.Anyway, I'm not saying that they are guilt-ridden.

>organized way

I'll take what is Hollywood and all of American media for $200 please Alex.

lmfao it's like a bizarro Sup Forums


AHAHAHA This is fantastic, it's literally a black version of a Sup Forumsack

Africa deserves to be free. The jewish-american-anglo have destroyed them. Just let them be free and take them into your countries for your white women







>When it was Europe that colonized them

No, the problem is that they think of the Jews as White People.

>SA is a shithole because there's still some whites there

Europeans colonized them, americans fucked them, the jews took the profits


>Listen to rap song years back
>It isn't a radio edit, but it still has expletive removed type gaps
>Can't get my head around it
>Find out years later it was because it was calling out Jews
>Still don't understand it
>Couple of years pass
>Get it

A lot of the niggers who "made it" know all about the JQ. The only one who ever seems (or seemed) to call them out though was Ice Cube. Others did, just not to the same extent.


Pick one

Can you blame them? They can't differentiate between Europeans and Jews. Our own hardly can.

But blaming da joo is grounded in reality while being magic KANGZ that had flying pyramids and got defeated by cavemen is not you fucking double nigger piece of shit

What was the rap?

And yeah, some of the smarter niggers realize the "white" people fucking them over are rootless jews

are you braindead? serious question. Do you know what a somali is? They are prime niggers. They are the most disgusting, vile, ugly, wretched creature that walks this acursed planet we call earth. I honestly want to burn every single atom of this place so no one has to know about them anymore.

What's wrong with black nationalism in African countries though? It's inconsistent to say Germany for Germans but also Namibia for Germans.

If Africa isn't a poor shithole, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY HERE?!

The only white people that earned their place placed in africa are the Afrikaners. And regardless, its not like we're immigrating there in mass. Its a non issue for them

>they don't think that the Jews made up some entire alternate history
The Holocaust

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, I'm just saying it's funny because I've never seen it before, and it's literally something you'd see on Sup Forums but from the perspective of an African, rather than a Westerner.

A separate video. It's interesting. They want the same things we want. I mostly see blacks in the USA pushing for more D I V E R S I T Y but turns out authentic Africans just want the exact opposite, quite like us.

>Africans think

It happens at least twice in No Vaseline, but I haven't listened to any rap in years so I couldn't give you a lot of examples.
What should have been a redpill for a lot of people was Straight Outta Compton (the film, not the song or album). There was outrage by Jerry Heller because of how he was portrayed (almost certain that Ice Cube wrote all, or at least the bulk, of it). He said he didn't like how he was being made to look like some moneygrabbing Jew. So to prove to everyone that he wasn't a moneygrabbing Jew he fucking sued Ice Cube for saying he was a moneygrabbing Jew. He died before the outcome though.
There's even a scene in the movie where they're listening to No Vaseline and then Jerry Heller chimps out about the anti-Semitic lyrics and Eazy-E calls him out for being a hypocrite (having had no qualms about niggers calling niggers niggers as long as he's making money from it). Though that part is probably fictitious, due to Jerry Heller being the only one alive when the movie was made who could confirm or deny it, I very much doubt things like that didn't and don't happen even now.
Straight Outta Compton is genuinely packed with a lot of redpills, but unfortunately it was targeted at wiggers and niggers who take no notice.

>they don't think that the Jews entirely stole civilization
Well there is the whole "we wuz indians, greeks, persians, etc."
And at their cores, all supremacists/nationalists/chest-thumpers claim to be oppressed by supposedly inferior people, which is pretty funny.

oh shi-

They're not wrong.

redpills about Africa at ~12 minutes

they're kinda right

Woke af!

I'll check it out m8

>I saw that they have everything they have here in the UK
>here in the UK

Heh, Africa is gr8, but she ain't livin' there

At least when I move to a white country, I won't pretend what I'm leaving behind is amazing