Hello fellow human. What do you think of fellow human Mark Zuckerberg?

Hello fellow human. What do you think of fellow human Mark Zuckerberg?

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He probably goes to Taco Bell and doesn't get comped at casinos or ever have $1000s worth of sushi.


Yes thank you for your insightful post. This place could be a lot better if it wasn't for gigantic faggots like yourself who can't think for themselves.

You just copy the retard before you and type the same shit and post incoherent gibberish as well. You are a fucking worthless faggot and you only take away from teh greatness of this place.

You got any more worthless posts that you just regurgitated from some fucking man child.

Fellow humans. Please discuss only the things you like about fellow human Mark Zuckerberg.

I like his bendy, inhuman legs.


ZUCC didn't get COMPED?
What a pleb


>Yes thank you for your insightful post. This place could be a lot better if it wasn't for gigantic faggots like yourself who can't think for themselves.
>You just copy the retard before you and type the same shit and post incoherent gibberish as well. You are a fucking worthless faggot and you only take away from teh greatness of this place.
>You got any more worthless posts that you just regurgitated from some fucking man child.


Someone post his legs.

I legitimately feel disgusted and cannot trust anyone with legs like that. It's too creepy

>Hello fellow humans
>Nice opinion you got there
>would be a shame
>If someone banned you for it

Meme is only funny when in context you dumb quoting faggot. I bet you say "PICKLE RICKKK"

wow you sound COMPED


I hate this dude so much, facebook is a fucking cancer of modern society. I deleted my facebook recently and started feeling so much less depressed. Also fuck the facebook algorithms, stupid fucking kike site kept showing me memories proudly that I did not want to see, and selected to see 'less' of with literally no change. Also seeing your worthless friends with your exes, your enemies showing off. Seriously, fuck that site, all it did was let me beef with liberals which is a fucking waste of time because they're retarded and threaten to call cops on me after I take it too far. Is there any alternative to fb I could use? would love something where I don't get banned just for saying nigger.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>Zuckerberg sometimes talks about the promise of brain implants, which he believes will one day convey the entirety of one’s mental state to another human being, and it’s easy to see why the idea might appeal to him. His expressive range runs from almost annoyed all the way to not displeased. He speaks in complex sentences that sound as if they’ve been worked out in advance. In appearances and interviews, he can come off as super cerebral, less like a person and more like a simulacrum of one engineered for Facebook’s benefit.



Wow you sound like you've never done anything of value for the benefit of humanity ever in your life. You probably never contributed to a single great thread in this place or helped to red pill your fellow man in any way shape or form.

It's amazing to see the quality of online posters dwindle over the course of fifteen years to the stage it is at now. I'm not surprised because people only become stupider year after year as it's all part of their plan to dumb down everyone.

If I was you faggots i'd go find another thread to shit post in immediately and green text for no reason and answer your own questions in the same reply, throw in some incoherent gibberish, snarky, edgy comments, and just cointinue to do that for the next few hours. The reward will be unimaginable

I wish I could do it but I never learned how to be a gigantic worthless faggot, and no matter how hard i've tried it doesn't work for me. Even if i'm shit faced drunk I just can not master the man child nigger waste of life shit poster. I'm too red pilled and there's no going back. Sorry my dude

taco bell

>too red pilled
>my dude

Get the fuck out of here with that normie shit.

He went for ascension ahead of his time and got turned into a complete doll. Smart doll.
Hey Zuckie :^)

Everything I said is the truth. You faggot niggers contribute nothing of value to any threads you shit post in and more than likely never have. There are niggers who post with more substance, truth and value than you cunts.

I'd love to be able to get a glimpse of your lives and how you niggers have lived them and what life was like for you growing up. I'd bet it's fucking pathetic beyond belief. I can only imagine this behavior has a direct correlation to your value as a brainwashed meat sack pilot and it's probably even more pathetic than your shit posts here. At least some of us can laugh at you worthless faggot niggers, and you make us feel better about ourselves.

Gimme 5 minutes with him. I'll cure him of his god complex.

>fellow human

cringe to the extremes


Everyone is summarizing what a piece he is. Don't like the publics opinion, don't ask the public.

he is a jew so he is gods chosen and i adore him obviously. i wish he would start a kosher wireless provider

I-i-cant read his power level..




Someone post. I'm curious now


This is some delicious pasta.




Literal business genius. Facebook was a major success and earned him billions of dollars.




Got a job for me?







stop speaking in binary nigger

He looks weird


>fellow human
That's where you are wrong

>low effort OP
>WOW, what's with these low effort replies?

In the time it took you to write these two posts, you could have written whatever posts you wanted to see.

The net is being consolidated into larger and larger pieces. As someone who remembers the internet from the 90s, I'm genuinely concerned about how powerful and ubiquitous Google and Facebook have become, and it's only going to get worse.


woah is that real?

how can brainlets even compete?

To whoever made these. Thank you.

I'm sorry did I strike a nerve and make you do some serious self reflection. I can only hope so you worthless fucking nigger.

If I got one person to either kill themselves or think about changing their ways and attempting to become an educated man and educate others then it was worth it.

That's sarcasm most of you are beyond help and will never be a man let alone learn how to wade through all the bullshit and disinfo to become properly educated.