In here we list circumstantial reasons why Paddock is a lefty

>eats sushi

Other urls found in this thread:




shoots people most likely affiliated with the right


P Niggas

fuck you faggot ass should've been aborted cock sucking nigger loving piece of shit.

Just like the guy that shot up the republicans at their baseball practice, right?

>shot up a country music festival

>fucks a jungle Asian

His brother is clearly an old acid deadhead

>wears full fingered gloves to shoot.

>his brother loves "the arts"

>unkept facial hair on a boomer

Went on gun buy sprees after key moments in Trump campaign. When Trump Won the Nomination, around election time. After swearing in of Trump


Because if he shot himself, he did it with his LEFT hand.

>brings 6 gorillion guns for no reason.

>has a car loaded with explosives, does nothing with them.

Throws guns randomly all over the room pointing in all different directions.

This guy went from working as a mail man to weapons defense contracts at Lockheed

This shit blows Newtown out of the water in (((coincidences)))

CIA/Mossad must have really fucked up big time

>boomer, into power puff girls so hard, his email is related.

nobody figure out the blue thing?

more than 30 of the firearms were acquired in the past 12 months


I guess it is the drain hose for the walk in tub. I guess When they checked the room they pulled it out drain hose to see in anything was dumped down it or because a it looked strange. (what the hell is this blue thing?)

tub? those are two chairs next to each other for compactness that can be pulled out if needed

What do we know about the brother? I think the psycho bro knows something. What can we did up about him?

Filipino girlfriend


>brother was super defensive about being well off
lefty trait