Why is a former drug-addicted chef the only celebrity to denounce Weinstein?

Why is a former drug-addicted chef the only celebrity to denounce Weinstein?

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Democrats are starting to distance themselves now. Shit getting srs.


he denounces everybody. heroin makes you a negative nancy.

I imagine Weinstein has dirt on EVERYONE in the entertainment business and beyond.

Harvey put himself on leave and ordered his company to investigate him.
As a result a third of his corporate board has resigned.
Meanwhile Harvey's suing the New York Times for breaking the story without permission.


Because he's a jew

Did someone say pizza?

Hollywood is a liberal shithole, Trump curse continues

Because if they start talking about sexual harassment in Hollywood, eventually they'll get to the pedophilia.



I think Bourdain's girlfriend may have had first hand run in with Weinstein.

Because it serves their interest to pick on the generic innocent category of 'white male'.
Those who are actually in power and doing the abuse pay the bills. Cant call for their genocide.



The Whitehouse weighs in on the donation controversy.


Bourdain is based.

Imagine the celebrity all star porno videos that Weinstein has stashed away.
Everybody from Malia Obama to Salma Hayek has been molested by Jooba the Hut.

Harvey has em by the short hairs, and won't let go.

he says what the fuck he wants



There's been a lot of LARPing on the board recently about the cultural winds shifting and entering into new era of civilizational cycle, but the flipping on Weinstein and the fallout from LV sincerely has me believing.

Yep, this is the correct answer. The only thing that ever breaks the tribal loyalty is Jews literally fucking other Jews, or, in this case, literally fucking other Jews' wives. Bordain had a really fucking long tirade on this somewhere a couple years back, wish I could dig it up, but looks like it got scrubbed.

They've both whole heatedly endorsed white genocide though so I hope they just kill each other.