3 Diet Cokes

>Sivan noted to HuffPost that Weinstein’s car was “stocked full of cases of Diet Coke,” which she said she found to be odd. In a 2001 profile of Weinstein in New York Magazine, journalist David Carr noted that while sitting at a table, Weinstein had “three Diet Cokes on standby in front of him.”

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is he still drinking that garbage?

Better without text




so Jew run on cancer good to know.

Diet Coke is fucking toxic. Had a teacher who drank that piss for almost 30 years and looked like a goblin with her face melting off, pot bellied, and no ass with skinny legs. He looks like he drinks that shit everyday.

I drink about a litre of that garbage a day. I'm drinking it right now. I can't stop, it's like heroin, how the fuck are they allowed to put addictive shit like caffeine in our food?

Can confirm that shit along with cigarettes killed my mom. What do they put into that shit that makes it so addictive?

Also can confirm, father in law drinks this shit and smokes constantly and hes practically turned grey

I used to drink 2l/day. only way i could quit was, that I switched to regular coke, than i could stop completely. No soda for at least 6 years now.

Just drink red bull cola.
Much better.


soda aint food dummy, its liquid candy/plastic hybrid

There is something wrong with people who drink diet soda period.
There is nothing wrong with sugar-sweetened soda provided you do not exceed your caloric intake for the day.

Coke that won't make you fat? I think I know what was really inside those cans.


I've never known a skinny person who drinks diet soda.

Aspartame in diet drinks fries your brain in a similar way to cocaine.

>buy caffeine pills

(((Diet coke)))

what a great week for memes

It's the aspartame not the caffeine.


No, I actually did a report on aspartame last week for chemistry. Therr is no evidence to support that claim. Aspartame is pretty harmless although it may increase hunger

>caffeine pills
You need to be at least 18 years old to post here kiddo

I have diabetes :(

its addictive fucks with your metabolism and is a neurotoxin. Rumsfeld forced aspartame through FDA after it failed twice to pass inspeciton.


Aspartame is harmless you retards.

You dumb motherfuckers.


The California Environmental Protection Agency and others have urged that independent scientists conduct new animal studies to resolve the cancer question. In 2005, researchers at the Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna, Italy, conducted the first such study. The study found that rats exposed to aspartame starting at eight weeks of age and continuing through their entire lifetimes developed lymphomas, leukemias, and other tumors, including kidney tumors, which are extremely rare in the strain of rat used. In 2007, the same researchers published a follow-up study that exposed rats to aspartame beginning in the womb and continuing through their entire lifetimes. That study, too, found that aspartame caused leukemias/lymphomas, as well as mammary (breast) cancer. Then in 2010, they published a study that exposed mice to aspartame, starting in the womb and continuing throughout their entire lifetimes. That third study found that aspartame caused liver and lung cancer in male mice.

All rodents get cancer, that's how they die of old age

AIDF pls go. Multiple studies have confirmed aspartame fucks you up. It fries your fucking brain.