Would the world be a better place if there was just one gender (male) and life like sex robots existed to cater to the...

Would the world be a better place if there was just one gender (male) and life like sex robots existed to cater to the male sex drive?

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No. Male and Female are needed to co-exist together in harmony has they have for millennia. Recent problems are due to Jewish tricks, not inherent failure on the part of women.



Research (((Anna O)))

>libertarian complaining about jewish tricks
Atta goy

But dont you know about the one episode of Rick and Morty (my favorite show btw) where the male and female gazorpizorps are separated and the males go back to their primal ways? Another alt-rightest 4channer disproved once again by Reddit!


So the only people having sex with other actual people would be faggots.

Not my idea of a party BTQH senpai

>(((Female are needed)))

No, kill yourself Jew

B-but then who would do all the cucking?


We need more TradCon propaganda to promote no-fault marriage, so there can be more alimonies.

More Marriage = More Alimony

why go to that trouble when we can just subjugate human women and fuck them whenever we want?

Sex robots and artificial wombs are a feminist pursuit as well. I mean, it's in the feminist literature going back into the 1960's...

>would society be better if x and y were instead x and z where z is better than y?

Use a state certified matching program based on genetic optimization while giving people equal access to gross reproductive resources.

Match the next 18 year old girl to the most eligible bachelor in a kind of state sanctioned arranged marriage.

Think chicken for every pot, but it's a pussy for every cock.

Men thrived not because of women but despite them.

yes, neo-patriarchy is the future.

This could be a thing guys.
The state takes ownership of reproductive resources and redistributes access to everyone as equally as possible.
It's like socialism or communism but with vaginas.

Because women can subvert individual men and control those who are weakwilled and donkey brained; like you.

I also think that there may be another option guys.
As vectors of reproduction goes, traumatic insemination is pretty sweet.
Could we develop sharp, barbed cocks with which to thrust forcibly into a woman's stomach and pump her uterus directly with our seed?

My faggot radar went off chart!!!!!!!

Only male gender?! Jesus fucking christ, I cant tell if that comment was ghey or autistic. It sets a record in both dimensions

Kys you ugly crooked teeth piece of shit

Your sentence is a load of shit and you know it's a load of shit

we could sell kits for men with which they can use to inject women's uterus' directly. The needle depth would have to be designed around the average depth of a woman's uterus... but you know it only takes one good jab and a quick depress of the plunger and you are done.

You sound illegal

I wouldn't want to be a homo/virgin. Besides, reproduction is not meant to be available to everyone.

Gas all transhumanist fags.

Yes. Women are useless to society and civilization and are swiftly becoming obsolete. They are inferior in every way, primitive subhuman creatures who have long overstayed their welcome. They need to be exterminated for the betterment of a human race.

not exterminated...
no votes, no property ownership, no divorce...
That sort of thing.