The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending

>The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending.

Take a moment and let that sink in. This is how Jews gained power and influence in Europe, the Church GAVE it to them on a silver platter. They FORBADE Christians to rival the Jews in this profession, giving the Jews complete monopoly.

How will Christcucks ever recover?

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good qestion

Isn't this sort of the same thing with porn? Like they don't have any moral qualms with it while the WASPs do, so they step in to fill the demand. And the field economics gives absolution in some sense? They are creating the demand, they're just providing what people want.

It goes to show how much more empathatic and altruistic we are. How is that a knockdown to modern day christians?

Use civil discourse rather then ad hominem to refute this, unless you cant, which is just as good

"Ashkenazi" Jews and Italians share much the same genetics. Rome were slavers, Jews are slavers and the task the Pope lays claim to (the "keys to the kingdom of Heaven" granted to Pete) is already resolved in the bible (Pete handing the keys to all his congregation like one book later). But remember we evil -Germans- are oppressive monsters who hate European freedom and destroyed the "Holy Church" with our Protestantism for no reason oy vey

She is hot.
You got more?

meant "aren't creating the demand"

And this is always the argument given when someone brings up the ever declining standards of the media and hollywood and things like rap music. "We're just giving people what they want."

If there's never any collective sense of guilt about the consequences of this sort of thing, can a culture progress/learn/advance? Can a culture without any sense of past misdeed or mistakes ever improve? Have you ever known someone whose entire life history consisted of a string of incidence where other people victimized them and never for any reason? I've known people like that and they seemed doomed to keep being victimized.

classic case of the white man being too trusting and giving his fellow man the benefit of the doubt

never again, that is for sure.

I wamt her to throat my banana, if you know what I mean.

>No-one mentions Germans
>Germans start playing the victim
Oy vey indeed.

Like I'm going to listen to anything you say when you post with that pic.

Christians abstained from usury because its evil, jews just used it to their advantage like they've done in every society they entered.

Here's a twist, the jews wrote the bible and intended kike on a stick worshipers to do this from the beginning.

That's because ashekenazi have very much euro dna.

How about you filthy pajeets stop sexualizing every woman you see?

>christianity was invented by jews to give them mote power

But money loaning is immoral and the church was right. It's centered on giving people money and knowing they won't be able to pay it back so you can take all their stuff.

>Being this beta cuck protector.

I've been looking for this pics sauce for month

They should have thrown the Jews down the well instead of letting them live as leaches

I grew up as a white in American with great sense of guilt about things like American slavery, the mistreatment of native americans, the mistreatment of japanese americans in WWII, the folly of the vietnam war. All of these things have a dramatic impact on personality. Personality is can be conceived of as being shaped by or even mostly formed by the narrative we construct about our lives, see for instance Dan McAdams.

But it seems like certain cultures are deprived of this and instead brought up around a cultural narrative of victimization. How can a narrative of past victimization not impact future events?

Meeting popular demand is a fucking meme. People don't know what they want until you show them. So many trends are just the result of some kike fever dream marketed by their golems.

>>The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending.
That's American education and never happened in reality.

I really don't know who the fuck invented this bullshit? American education, I guess.

Poo in loo

Sounds like you were a victim. Feeling guilty for something you didn't take any part in is fucking retarded.

Want to see her bob and vagine?

>Be Jews in Rome
>Scheme up the downfall of Rome using a religion
>Proceed to get kicked out of everywhere for the same reason for the next 2000 years

The Jews were money changers, not lenders. Know the difference

>redditfaggot posting his newly learned history factoid

Yes with open chest

Did someone say "open chest"???

It was never allowed to take interest tho. Read Aquin.

its pretty incredible how whatever happened only took out the front of his chest and nothing inside
hard to figure if its lucky or not; but incredible nonetheless


It was done by a human tho

>Jews are reviled for being greedy moneylenders
>the Church was wrong in forbidding its members from going down the same dark path
The Church did nothing wrong

Catholics aren't Christians.

I'd like to know the story too.
Here's an open face

They were ripping the people off which is why the Christ drove them out of his Father's house. It's a hint to His people to do the same today.

Hitler tried to do it; which is why the "democratic" nations of the world ganged up on him.

They're just mad they forced the Jews to do a job which is insanely profitable

More than likely, the Churchmen who did it were well rewarded for their moral rectitude.

>Butthurt that I beat him to it
Face it, had I posted it without that mention we'd have trash like you doing that "Destroyer of Europe" bullshit simply because of my flag. Your game is ending, Yizhakandro.

No, seriously, look into it:

The Catholic Church is a Semitic empowerment scam, basically designed to keep the peoples freed from Rome in bondage. It started with Augustus letting them pay tax to their temple and ended with all that false-flag kvetching about "Christianity" ruining that Empire.

The Jews were imported into Europe by pagan Rome. It was pagan Rome that first banned usury and imported Jews to run their banks. And Christians who spent the next 1,700 years trying to kick them out. Usury was banned in pagan Rome and Christian Rome because it turns societies into debt slaves.

>Among the Ancient Western philosophers who condemned usury can be named Plato, Aristotle, the two Catos, Cicero, Seneca and Plutarch (Birnie, 1958). Evidence that these sentiments found their concurrent manifestation in the civil law of that period can be seen, for example, from the Lex Genucia reforms in Republican Rome (340 BC) which outlawed interest altogether.

>abstained from usury because its evil
What is wrong with charging interest on money lent?

>Among the Ancient Western philosophers who condemned usury can be named Plato, Aristotle, the two Catos, Cicero, Seneca and Plutarch
Banning usury has been Western tradition since its foundation. If you are in favour of usury, maybe it's YOU who are the Jew.

Depends on whether you are letting loudmouthed extremism ratfaces define America, or not.

That girl is a gentile with a little (octaroon jew) semite tribal blood.

See →#for a look at actual inbred caucasians, the purest (inbred) caucasians seem to be from Sardinia, an island know for its defective, retarded, nepotistic, inbred supremacist residents and culture... Italys original indigenous population was the gentile Sabines before Turkblooded, ratfaced, "caucasians" came and raped everyone. Ratfaces are know by many names: AshkeNazis (kikes), bolsheviks, vichy, Saudi... the list goes on, they infiltrate royalty and rape the commoners time and time again. They were known in ancient times as the hideous wendigo that lived in the caucus mountain range, khazars, pharisees, and more recently as ha ole (hawaiian for breathless/speaks without breath), or the dragon of eastern Europe that Saint George slays.

Kikes are not semites, gentiles or persians. Kikes demoralize, destroy and rob all other ethnicities whenever they think it will go unnoticed or unpunished, keep turning the other the cheek good goy.Their half breed cryptos serve them in their borg assimilation of all other ethnicities.

Also from Norway 1814. Was in the constitution, (((of course))) it has been repealed since then.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of (((central banking))), or fractional reserve banking. I'm challenging the fundamental assertion that the concept of interest is evil. This would mean that
a) all investment is evil
b) a man has no right to demand some form of compensation for assuming the risk of never seeing his money again, and for assuming an opportunity cost of not having that money available for the duration of the loan

Both of these points seem unreasonable.

Christianity is a hopeless cucked religion, and Christcucks are braindead.

How many wars did you lose to us, Kraut?

Every war the kikes roped us both into throwing away our gentile youths on.

You're fucking retarded and this is why nobody in the mainstream will ever take retarded natsocs seriously.

Interest is an absolute necessity in modern economies. This is literally econ 101, there is no reason to lend money for loans to start up new businesses if there is not an incentive for the lender to do so. Someone would rather have £100 now than £100 in 2 years. This is called the time value of money and has been shown to exist empirically. You need interest to compel lenders to provide loans to others. Without this, no lending, and thus no growth in the economy.

This is literally the first thing you learn in econ, and yet natsocs are so blitheringly stupid, so fucking subhuman, so immune to all common sense, so unbelievably retarded that they cannot grasp this simple, blindingly obvious fact.

Honestly blows my mind how stupid natsocs are. The OP is right, the reason jews are so powerful is because the fucking retarded christcucks gave them that power on a silver platter. Christcucks are outrageously dumb. Paganism is the only answer.

> Christians believe usury is wrong, so they get Jews to lend money for them.
> Jews don't want to make fire or turn on lights on the Sabbath, so they get a goy to turn on lights for them.
There's no difference between Jews and Christians. People group themselves together and use outsiders to accomplish things that they want but are unwilling to do themselves.
Also, the Church invented "interest" (from Latin "interesse," to be of importance to someone) to replace "usury." Same concept but a different word, because Christians can get around the spirit of the law by embracing the letter of the law just as deviously as Jews.

What does the church have to do with defining America?


Poland is the only bastion of Jesus in Europe and you wanted us dead. Nazis are demonic horders. We say no to you all.

Usury is also prohibited by the Law of Moses. Exodus 22:25, Deuteronomy 23:19-20, Leviticus 25:36

It's also excoriated several other times throughout the Old Testament.

Not only that, but Jewish merchants were allowed to circumvent the rules governing trade that were set by the guilds. Jews were basically operating in a free market without any regulations, while goyim were subject to many different regulations, price controls, inability to advertise, etc. Christianity was a Jewish con. So Jews could always undercut goyim prices and kill their livelihood (part of the reason they were so hated).

There's no moral imperative, certainly not from Christianity. It's more about where you draw the line. Borrowing has enabled us to make a lot of developmental progress in a short period of time. However, correlation does not necessarily equal causation. Nazi Germany made a lot of progress in a short period of time too without making unsustainable borrowing. Even the USSR did. If you care about the future of Western civilisation, it would be preferable to make progress by increasing productivity and living within our means, as they did in the Renaissance and Enlightenment, arguably the height of Western culture that saw the birth of modern science and industry without large scale borrowing, rather than creating an unsustainable debt/immigration ponzi scheme that will inevitably suffer a catastrophic global collapse.

>Interest is an absolute necessity in modern economies
Yes, because our societies have been restructured into debt/immigration ponzi schemes, not out of actual necessity. Investors raised money by stocks and shares when our empires were first created, not by borrowing at interest. America survived just fine for 150 years before the Federal Reserve scam was imposed on them. It seems like an attractive option at the time, because you can create a lot of apparently free money out of thin air, but it is not at all necessary and has catastrophic consequences (debt slavery), even if it somehow is propped up perpetually (mass immigration).

>living within our means, as they did in the Renaissance
Someone hasn't heard of Phillip II of Spain and his four sovereign debt crises.

back then it was the church, now its the government with the centralbranks. same shit different toilette. also i believe in christ but its painfully obvious the church is subverted by the synagogue of satan and shouldbe crushed

Another thick as pig shit yank subhuman.

You dumb fuck it's not evil, there is zero reason to lend money for credit (which is what enables economic growth) unless you provide interest. No interest, no lending from savers, no loans and thus no growth in the economy. Before the industrial revolution most of the economy was cottage industry and didn't require large capital investments and thus money lending and banking wasn't essential. After the Reinassance and the industrial revolution banking became absolutely essential to the economy and economic growth and you needed massive lending to start up businesses and industry. This required people to lend money. You need to give people an incentive to lend money you dumb yank, people don't give money out for no reason. You dumb Christians gave the kikes their power.

I used to think the dumb americans thing was a meme, maybe it is, but these natsoc hicks who failed school and get their education from Sup Forumstards sure fit the bill. Here's a piece of advice Cletus, you gaptoothed fucking redneck, how about you read a book for advice on how the economy works than getting it from these basement dwelling shit smelling subhumans on the internet?

Poorly done disinfo.
Kill yourself Vargcuck.

>Interest is an absolute necessity in modern economies.
No it isn't.

>there is no reason to lend money for loans to start up new businesses if there is not an incentive for the lender to do so
Banks do not lend from deposits. They create the money that they lend out.

>You need interest to compel lenders to provide loans to others. Without this, no lending, and thus no growth in the economy.
No you don't. Just have the state lend directly at 0% interest and make private banking illegal. Problem solved.

>This is literally the first thing you learn in econ
Economics in not science. It is propaganda designed to support the neoliberal system.


So your saying the jews wern't following their god. Is that why bad things always happen to them?

Chosen in that they were the vehicle for God to display His glory and salvation. He states several times in the that He would not limit Himself to just the Hebrews. Abraham was a gentile, after all, well before God set him apart.

>"We could not sell money at profit without interest, but we can print enough money for a system based on paying people for money that otherwise wouldn't be there to exist in the first place. This means interest is vital."
You literally just need ink and paper. The day Americans figure out how to draw numbers your fiat currency bullshit burns with you.

>there is zero reason to lend money for credit (which is what enables economic growth) unless you provide interest
The reason is right there, dumbass. To enable economic growth. That is why it is the state's duty to create currency by lending it at no interest. You just need to cut out the middle man, which is the Federal reserve and private banking system.

In essence, yes. The Jews stopped following the law when the Temple was destroyed in 70AD, I believe, since it was impossible for them to do so. They also lack a Levite Priesthood, which the Law requires. Rabbinic Judaism is a concoction made in the 200'sAD.

Jesus, Himself, said there is a Synagogue of Satan that consists of people who call themselves Jews, but are not.

>Just have the state lend directly at 0% interest
Where does that money come from?

>there is zero reason to lend money for credit (which is what enables economic growth) unless you provide interest.
What is equity? Debt and equity are both forms of allocating capital towards potential future growth, but equity involves profit-sharing and risk-sharing in proportion to the success or failure of the enterprise. Debt restructures the risk as a possibility of default compensated for by a risk premium that doubles as compensation for time-value of money, but both forms of capital allocation can help grow the economy through providing capital for business. Of the two, equity does not require usury.

>how about you read a book
Yes goyim, read these lolbertarian books published by the Rockefeller-funded (((Mises institute))). That will teach you all you need to know about troo (((economics))).

The state creates it, as it does now.

Your understanding of economics and history is shocking. I want you to understand that I'm restraining myself from insulting you, but this is what I mean when I say that people need to actually start reading history instead of getting their education from pol.

Yes investors raised money from equity but banking and debt existed long before the start of the British empire. It has existed for millenia but really got going in Florence, then Amsterdam became the global centre and after the glorious revolution of 1689 the balance of power of banking shifted to London. Lending money at interest was a feature of European societies for a long time and it was the fault of Christian to give the power to lend money to the Jews (Although large banking syndicates just ignored this after banking became popular in Europe).

You do realize that central banks have existed in the US before the Fed? National banks and The Bank of North America and 1st and 2nd Bank of the United States existed long before the Fed. Secondly "creating free money out of thin air"... that's what all central banks do lol. You do realize that the gold standard means that your sovereignty to set interest rates disappears? That your money supply is controlled by gold producing countries like South Africa and Australia? Secondly, it's that which causes real debt slavery via debt deflation.

You can disagree with me but there is a whole field of study about this, you may have heard of it, it's called economics. There are disagreements in economics and about monetary economics but it's important to actually understand the basics of the field. You can't get your understanding of the Fed and Monetary Policy solely from conspiracy sites, Sup Forums and VNN.

Ultimately, money is created by the willingness of the marketplace to accept it in exchange for goods and services. If money is created in too great a supply, it will lose value, regardless of what the bank or state might say it's worth. Cf. Venezuela. Thus the market provides the limit of the state's ability to create money.

Why should the state allow private lenders to profit from currency that they create? Why allow the private middle man when the state can do it directly? It is essentially theft from the public.

Yeah, you guys destroyed Rome. And then nationalism.

Fuck off. You have no right to anything. Aren't you supposed to watch Muhammad fucking your momma right now, anyway? Hurry up, Hans! Muhammad doesn't have all the time in the world! He still has to fuck Fritz and Joseph in a couple of hours, remember?


What is wrong with Indians?

Yes, which is why the state must have the power to control the money supply, using tools of lending, taxation, and so on. Today they do this through a private intermediary which extracts huge profits, when it could be done without the private banking system much more efficiently and without giving undue power to these private entities.

yeah, the establishment elite has chosen the jew for his role and brainwashed and socially manipulated him for this position. so that whenever people wake up to the power structure and demand change they go after the jews instead of seeking those who control even the jews.

classic strategy, they're hiding behind a scapegoat race of their own creation. works perfectly

The church had persecuted "Jews" in the past. They forbade Christians to be usurers because it is not a Christian thing to do. It doesn't mean they approved of the "Jews" doing it. The church wanted Christians to stay away from these "Jews".

"Behold, I will make those of the assembly of Satan who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying, behold I will make them come and fall prostrate at your feet, and they will realize that I love you."

- Revelation 3:9 NABRE (New American Bible Revised Edition)'

what the fuck, that's crazy

That's as retarded as saying (((they))) created Islam. No one creates a group to kill themselves. When the U.S. ZOG created ISIS, it was a different story, because they could push for strict anti-terrorism laws AND secure the Middle East for Israel.

So you rail against kike-led usury, but in the same breath you advocate fiat currency?

It doesn't follow from the marketplace's control over the value of currency that the state must necessarily have power over the money supply at all. Giving the state a role in money supply is a custom among some nations, but not all: Ecuador, for example, has no control over its money supply since it uses the US dollar. A true lolbertarian could give you arguments in favor of privatizing currencies completely (and, I'm sure that most of /biz/ would be happy to make arguments in favor of using various cryptocurrencies over which no state has control).

>The church had persecuted "Jews" in the past
False. This is Jewish persecution narrative, and is not historical. The church never persecuted Jews. They protected Jews. See Sicut Judaeis. Only individuals persecuted Jews, but the church would step in to prevent it when possible.

Jews have a vested interest in portraying their history as being eternal victims. You, being a good goyim christcuck, bought that false narrative.

Look who is talking......Mr. Shart in the Mart.
Fucking Cleetus go clean up in the shart aisle.

usury is bad for the soul, it's pure greed
you think jews are bad for any other reason than greed? it has corrupted their entire culture

>So you rail against kike-led usury, but in the same breath you advocate fiat currency?
Yes, because I support national sovereignty. Controlling currency is necessary for that.

From people who deposit their money at the government bank instead of private banks.

interest is evil because greed is evil
your flag just signals you're ok with greed, so you will never understand this

I was talking about Britain. YOU are the one who knows nothing about our history or economics. Our empire was founded 100 years before the Bank of England was. Pericles built the Acropolis without resorting to usury. The Roman Republic founded its empire when there was a TOTAL ban on usury. Yes people borrowed money, but it wasn't the basis of the economy. It. Is. Not. NECESSARY. Not till Cromwell imported the Jews from Amsterdam. Even then, usury laws weren't repealed till 1854, long after the Industrial Revolution and the British Empire was consolidated. Where is our empire now since the Jews restructured our economy and stopped financing it? Where is American industry since they set up the Federal Reserve? The French Revolution didn't happen because of historical materialism either. It happened because the monarchy got tricked into debt, the Jews pulled the plug, and their only other source of income was taxing peasants, since the aristocracy was tax-exempt. Of course, the Jews supported Napoleon because he promised to emancipate them, so that's where all the funding went. The whole thing could have been avoided if debt had been avoided. But unwitting brainwashed shills like you will continue trying to drag down Western civilisation to your gutter level.

fuck off kike. The Catholic church was infiltrated by your kind

The the second vatican council made every pope (including the one who organized it) a heretic. They changed the Catholic Tridentine Mass into 'novus ordo missae' at the council. They infiltrated jewish degeneracy in the Catholic church (pic related). See examples like the lesbian church in Sweden.

Google sedevacantism.

Pius XII was the last TRUE pope. Every pope after him was Mason and including this one a Jesuit.

It's not true.

It's another Jew lie.

Ancient Greeks and pre-Christian Romans complain about Jewish debt slavers/predators.

Jews themselves brag about supposedly "Jewish" names of bankers in Babylon.

'Pope' John XXIII usurped the place of Cardinal Siri.

Read this two articles that prove it.

I wonder where all this jazz about bishops, cardinals etc. come out being pedos? pic related. The Devil has entered Vatican, kikes are raping little kids.

It's the reason why a lot of things/products/memes fail in the first place and then they're brought back out a few years later and goys jump on them. This isn't because there was no (((market))) for it originally, it's just that the goys had their attention on something else.
Goys will always do what the crowd are doing and they'll always want what the other goy has, purely so they don't get excluded from the group.
There used to be a time when psychology was exactly that and wasn't (((psychology))). When it was still psychology we found out many interesting things about how people think and, in a lot of cases, weren't that different to other animals. You can't let the goys know that though, not that it would make a difference because goys are goys, but (((they))) are much too paranoid and always side with "but what if". Just imagine if the goys realised that every time they heard the bell and started salivating without even thinking about it, and that they weren't doing it out of choice. That's what (((they))) panic about, but (((they))) should already know there wouldn't be a rebellion, simply because they're goys and they aren't being told to.
(((Popular demand))) is literally Pavlovian Conditioning. I never once heard anyone, child nor adult, complain about how there should be more poorly written wizard books on the (((market))), but along comes Harry Potter and every cunt suddenly always dreamed of being Merlin.
Where the (((popular))) lead the goys follow because people think humans are lot more intelligent than they are. Yes, as far as problem solving goes that much is obvious, but humans are still like any other animal. Easy to train once you know how and, more often than not, reluctant to bite the hand that feeds.

No, investment (i.e. Lending) is letting some one borrow money with the agreement that if the venture for which the loan was taken is successful, the lender shares in the profits and IF the venture is unsuccessful the lender shares in the loss. Usury is lending with the agreement that EVEN IF the venture is unsuccessful the lender profits at the expense of the borrower who is already in a position of destitution (presumably). With usury then there need not be a venture, but collateral may be required in order to ensure that the lender reaps the reward. Otherwise, there is a blackmail network in place (credit agency, debtors prison etc) which serves to ruin the borrower should he not pay the loan back WITH interest, no cases excepted or considered. This is in place which in no way directly benefits the lender except for making an example out of the person and effectively establishing a parallel government.