Catalonia will hire BlackWater operators

As a region of Spain, Catalonia does not have an army

Lacking an army, in case of a Spanish army aggression against the Catalonian goverment or people they are ready to sign a Multi-Billonaire contract with Academy/BlackWater to protect their interests

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They are only good at murdering unarmed civilians

i dont care, dead alive unarmed armed , As long as I get paid you are dead.

Fuck Catalonia

in before Spain offers them more money to work for them, instead

no nation that values its sovereignty should tolerate the existence of mercenary/private security outfits or allow them to operate on their soil




Dumb. Blackwater was disolved into Xi
Which changed its name a 2nd time to escape all the bad press.

Yea, because hiring Mercenaries to do your dirty work has never gone wrong before...

This. Larper ing fake news. Back to BBC porn guys

Another memeflag larping

what dirty work, security? training?

I worked with the before. They'd lose any incursion against even the Spanish police. If you think black water/academi mercs are going to be wandering around Spanish territory fully armed then you've another thing coming.

Catalonians are stupid nigger tier commie faggots, they need to shut up and go back to sucking on the Spanish governments teets.


This. No mercenary group will ever agree to fight against standing armies unless they are 3rd world African ones.

Spanish police are WEAK, LOW ENERGY when it comes to confronting people who are willing to fight like antifa

>Signed, Shaemus McLibtard, of "Refugees are welcome here in Derry"


will be coming over soon with my friend to kill some subhuman manolitos

>Spain shuts down Catalonian airspace, restricts movement in and out, and closes its ports

How do you expect to move in the necessary logistics and manpower into an isolated region? Spain will use military options to retain their sovereignty, I am almost sure of it

Even if money is right? Althought to support this "borderline illegal" conflict Catalonia would need a fuckton of money to make mercs fight for them since separatists are basically considered as terrorists.

Is your friend's name "Vladimir" by any chance Tovarish?




Separatist scum on suicide watch

Shows what you retards know, that's not even their name anymore

>How do you expect to move in the necessary logistics and manpower into an isolated region? Spain will use military options to retain their sovereignty, I am almost sure of it
span v blackwater? I know who my money would be on


looks like a stupid stripper with a saved chest.

Making it an armed conflict is already a loss for Spain

If I'm in Derry then how can I have a tricolour as my flag?

> mogrel burger logic

Also it's the Sinn Fein refugee welcome brigade that love the idea of Catalonian independence.

Stay mad antifa boy stay mad ;) can't wait till Spanish police beat up you and your faggot "commie" freinds and put a stop to your larping

Wrong. Academi has better weapons, better communications, better equipment and better Intel than gumbit operations without the political mud. Academi vs Spanish military, you'd be stupid to out your money on Spain by any honest metric. Spain is below a shit tier military

spain has no money, much less some rural village full of dumb farmers named catalonia

>Seen the retarded Ra larpers near the border put up their catalan flag near the monument to dead commie catalan soldiers
These idiots actually boast about being Good Catholics too, yet they put up a flag which symbolised the murder of Clergy Members.
Might Fly a Spanish Flag putside the House.

i dont even fucking get why you think catalans are communists? why?? they say they what to join the EU

where have you seen support from anarchists and communists for the separatists? if anything i only read criticism and skepticism








Not the CUP bruh, and ERC are just commies who want to stay in the EU because the EU is popular in Catalonia.

Do a bit of research & look into their History.


spain have communists in general, like every other country. Catalonia is the most wealthy region of spain, the separatists are just the bourgeoisie that dont want to pay taxes to the more poor regions, you think what? that all the means of production will be communized after Independence day? no more rents? no more centralized government? that banks will burn? you people are insane if you think this is what this whole shit is about hahahaha

EU is a big communist project you dumbass. So is America, along with China. Communism is a long term process that involves taking a society and massively increasing its productive forces until a hypersurplus is achieved and money becomes meaningless, because when supply massively exceeds demand then the price of everything goes to zero.
In EU, like they've done in America as well as China, they are progressively erasing all distinctions between different people in different areas, transforming you all into a single market and single culture and eliminating your traditions and regional ideals and values and reforming you on the profit principle so your priorities in objectives are always to produce more and more, caring not for any other issues.

>EU is a big communist project you dumbass

stop reading

Sup Forums cant tell the difference between communism and neo liberalism

It's all fun and games until the assassinations start.

Look at my post: Commies always stick together & support each other wherever they are.
Catalonia doesn't care about it's culture or people, as soon as they'd get independence they'd throw it away to the (((eu)))

Both disgusting, jew-fueled Nation-wrecking states of mind promoted everywhere outside of israel.
Now. GTFO you're Not turning anyone.

Presumably you speak from experience.

read some anarchist/communist take of the catalan situation before Larping

yeah yeah

>muh jews

God you people are so fucking boring, conspiracy theory nerds

Which happened in 2010 lol

whatever pablo. go get your head cut off by the cartels

Sounds like Catalonia could use a 2nd Amendment

Not my own, but dealing with them.
My Great Grandfather fought against the seperatists under O'Duffy for Franco in the 30s.
I'd gladly follow in his footsteps today. Communism must be stomped out wherever it takes root.
Beating up destructive retards like you back to sense might be the greatest feeling ever, you're all "bash the fash!" But any time you come across Real Opposition you cry & flee like women.

what "Real Opposition" ? the alt right? you are nothing but snitches

both subvert hierarchy, albeit to different extents.


guess we know who the good guys are now

oh, right, i forgot where i am, this is Sup Forums home of the basement kinds allways on the lookout for some daddy

grow some balls and stand on your own two feet

>implying blackwater is stupid enough to actually engage Spanish authorities
Those boys are about to earn a lot of money for standing around looking tough

Fun fact mercenaries are not covered under the Geneva convention. They are not considered prisoners of war if captured they are considered criminals and there is no organization that protects them. So basically you can do whatever you want to them without repercussion...
>Other than them trying to kill you

The "Alt Right" is just a moniker for the entry-level front of Massive Sentiment of Public Outrage at how decadent the World has become, I'm glad you're all so retarded that you underestimate us.

OP is obviously bullshit, they'd never get to enjoy their "hard earned" cash.

Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

But to do that I would have to be an off the grid hermit, wherever society is, so is hierarchy.

Yes, let me tell you, everyone here is extremely impressed by the quality of your society and the products that result from this superior mode of social organization! We are all impressed.

Iceland, what even are your posts today.

If you read up the chain I wasn't really approving of neo-liberalism either.

They could just buy arms and form a militia. I wouldn't be surprised if a catalonian IRA forms in the near future.

the world was decadent for a while now, not just from the 60's. blaming it all on some jew-kabbal isn't subversive or interesting beyond some internet subculture of meme'd paleoconservatives

>t. Taco spanishdick lover

I tried to respond to your strange potato infused vinegar but was unable to. According to my most recent research all indications are that US citizens are not human beings, yet corporations are somehow immortal human beings.


this is why you will never be able to accomplish anything as political movement - anytime you'll fuck up you will blame the jews, you transfer all agency to you imagined master. they are your fetish

will see who will have the balls to take it where it must be taken. many Russians are flocking to Catalunya to fight for the cause of ethnic freedom

How can they even afford this when all of their banks and businesses are leaving?
What's to stop Spain or the EU from simply offering more?
Why would Blackwater take this contract in a Western European nation allied with the U.S.?
Blackwater's not even that good in actual combat, especially not against a modern military.

You people are altogether too dramatic.

>you will never be able to accomplish anything as a political movement
>says the anarchist

This conflict will lead to another Holocaust.

"Imagined" why do they own most positions in business & the media in the Western World & do all they can to wipe out White People & White Culture then?
Oh come on Man, this is the ecact same shit (((they))) pushed for 100 Years ago in your Country, they want socialist republics to bow to the eu so they can have an easier time indebting & removing White People.

We can only hope.

we up. we exist in the real world. you dont.

Ethnic Russians experience just the same problem: shitskin come to our lands because of inner migration, cucked Moscow brings foreign nonwhites on top of that, ethnic Russian regions pay for shitskin regions
Spaniards are not really White

lolno the emoji film has a better script

they would have to pay them in real monyzz

>Ethnic Russians experience just the same problem: shitskin come to our lands because of inner migration, cucked Moscow brings foreign nonwhites on top of that, ethnic Russian regions pay for shitskin regions

Hmm, interesting. Maybe you could institute a system of forced labor camps throughout this vast land.. maybe this time you can call it Disneyland!

Someone drinks deep from the Obama DOJ's well.

Guess you haven't been keeping up with the case.

Maybe you could inform us of the particularities of this case, faggot

we can just bring back apartheid. but labor camps for nonwhites is a good idea, although I'd argue that instead of name it should just have a camp number and code

Catalonia, no!

Yeah you exist in the gutter where you belong. What a childish ideology.

Why stop there? Can you not also employ children as state informants?

You seriously think merc groups can challenge a nationstate? You realize mercs arent protected under the UN right? All you would need to do to fuck over blackwater is a few naval blockades, and as far as i know blackwater doesnt have access to warships to do anything about this, or even access to jets that would be required to destroy them.

you cant imagine life without a daddy and im the childish one?

Only those who listen to e-celebs like Assange, Molymeme, Katie Hopkins...are not aware of the ideological forces that have sparked the separatist movements in Spain.

>Hint it has nothing to do with "muhhh democracy or muhhh ethnostate"

You're the equivalent of an edgy teenager rebelling against his parents.

The "murderers" are having their charges thrown out and retrials issued. If you had an IQ above nigger you'd be able to suss out what a titanic clusterfuck of hoopjumping the Obama DOJ went through to discredit a company run by a Christian who believed in the good fight

Stupid fuck.

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet between themselves possess sufficient funds to employ mercenary armies that can overwhelm many, if not most, nation states.

do you really think that Russians should treat nonwhites as equals and allow them free movement? suck some strapon, subhuman faggot

so whats the difference between the "founding fathers" and teenagers rebelling against his parents?