My work is mandating a seminar on white privilege. What should I do

My work is mandating a seminar on white privilege. What should I do.


Do a flip faggot

sue them for racism

Get a real job where they don't have time for that shit.

Do a seminar on our Fuhrer and why Jews shouldn't be teaching schools.

Don't go, or call in the Klan or something to protest.

Start selling whatever stock you have in the company. If you have enough money, start actively shorting it.

When did Riley Reid do blackface?


This, they can't pull this shit outside of their universitys, it is prejudice against white people and the law is on your side as it's written.

Identify as part of the only race in history that has an outgroup preference despite being a global minority, then quote statistics on Nobel prize recognition and race, and rape rates and race, until you are physically removed.

> Post details if for real, otherwise sage.

google does these. you probably have a shit job too and are underpaid for your region

Crime statistics

1) Stop whining and quit being a manchild: take the seminar
2) Become a better person
3) Help spreading your newly learned knowledge

put a Judenstern on it and a middle finger, then find some new work

Subtly redpill them. The people who are going to be at the seminar will already hate white people... give them what they want, but subtly drop some statistics on them. Get them agreeing with you before you tell them some small redpills... will get them to internalize the redpill. You plant the seed, then just water it a little. Later on, (another day) you water it some more, and so on. Eventually, you win. That's how I do/did it with libshits at work or school

>implying most people working for google have "real" jobs
Think the engineers at google have to put up with this shit? No. These trainings are for the diversity hires they stick in their offices to do busy work

why though? Americans do not even know whats its like to be "white" or live in a "white" country mr. 56% (((white)))

Make all the nigger sit outside

Do not come to us for answers. The answers are within yourself. We only want to see the results

Play it straight and do the seminar exactly as a SJW would do it, but make every reference and example of white privilege about jews and be sure to emphasize their names and the state of Israel.

Is it knowledge or is it indoctrination?

Submit white boi

Have a thousand examples ready about Hindu priviledge in India, Muslim priviledge in etc, repeat for every social group in world, then yell fuck off trolls and quit.

Sue them for racism bro

Show up in a turban with a suitcase with a disassembled clock that ticks loudly inside of it, and claim you have converted to Islam.

Make sure to be combative.


Get a trade faggot

Get the best of the best of course.

How much money do you have?

educate them about liberalism gone wrong

This, you'll get progressive brownie points for dating a Filipino homosexual

Reveal your power level immediately. Say the n word and basically do the equivalent of raping the biggest prisoner in the compound so they know you're the alpha. Then go find another job after they fire you.

Bomb the presentation by telling everybody who believes that white privilege is a bad thing to fuck themselves.

Show this to your teacher:

quit and find a new job

Where do you work?

Bear with me:

Prepare a 5 minute long speech. Go all over Sup Forums and watch some Stefan Molyneux videos on Black crime/violence/intelligence/welfare/etc. Find the best and most damning statistics you can. Make a poster with some basic graphs. Have everything prepared, as if you were writing a book about it.

Here's the twist: pretend the entire speech/chart is about white people. Just replace the use of the word "black" with white, or African-American with Caucasian. Go through the entire speech pretending you're talking about white people, pretend every statistic is about white people.

Be super cuck like, and be enraged (on the inside, pretend you're talking about black people). Get the crowd furious at white people. These people have likely never seen a statistic in their lives, so go ham, and really drive it home how barbaric and criminal and dumb white people are. Get the crowd ROARING and excited.

Then you have two options at the end: Shamalan people and tell them every statistic was actually about black people, tell them how it was ALL about black people... Or...

Don't tell them anything, and let them continue on with their lives thinking white people are super dumb. Then, as they go on in life, maybe researching about it, or talking about it with friends, they'll slowly realize the entire speech was actually about black people.

Regardless, they'll realize how racist and biased they are.


Break down how privilege as a concept doesn't work. It's nothing but original sin and focuses on people in a group dynamic instead of the individual. There is no metric to which you can measure it and all it does is divide with no interest in bringing people together

If white privilege is real you should be able to just not go and face no repercussions because of your white privilege

I mean... you ARE white, right OP?

Tell them you identify as European American and not white and tell them you will be speaking to your lawyer and walk out.

take a knee and dont say anything, they'll think your down

Give them some info about the Ozarks. All white, no privilege.

Your workplace is now hostile. You konw the rest.

Admit that you have white privilege and stop being a racist bigot.

"Hey, when I have to get higher marks than a black person to get into the same schools, or do better to get the same job, how is that white privilege?"

trips speak the truth

>What should I do.
cancel it


I actually saw something similar to this but with men and women.


Sue your workplace as a hostile environment towards whites.

Put a black co worker in your will as sole heir

I never understood this concept. Are they saying white people are the only people with grandparents and great grandparents who looked out for their families? If so why not learn from it instead of throwing a tantrum

Sit in the back and try to leave early

Call in sick.

Tell them you have AIDs complications... if they complain you can call them homophobes.

As for strategy, if confronted refuse to have a conversation until a substantive definition for what 'white privelege' even is. I bet nobody in the room will be able to define it, theyll just revert to emotional arguments. Once that happens, leave and hope they fire you so that you can find an attorney and get some dollarydoos

im just going to do this. show up eat the free lunch and leave

Do the classes. When they do Q/A raise your hand and tell them you're not required to have the same opinion as them to perform your job.

Say no.

These things are cringy, but it's pretty painless.

Just act like you are listening and try not to roll your eyes.

Companies only do this shit to cover their asses, you can't really blame them.

i never thought about it that way. joe rogan said one of his silicon valley friends says this social justice thing is like a new tax. They pay these outsourced companies to have a seminar and then they avoid lawsuits

go in blackface to show solidarity


I'd talk to a lawyer, but I sued my boss for discrimination. This is the problem with black people who cry inequality. They have equality and don't want to use the legal system, it's easier to complain. Why bother complaining about if it you were just going to go anyways.

Invite Antifa and BLM to come and then manipulate them into killing each other.

take an assault rifle.

Tell them you acknowledge your privilege and say that you thank God in his Heaven every day that you were born white.

Are women getting hotter/morelewd or am I just getting hornier?

Pvt uni can do this, buisinesses can do this.

White privilege is the belief that whites are better than all other races and it is our burden to uplift the lesser races to our level or as close to our level as possible by hobbling ourselves.
If you word this right, niggers will actually agree with you.

Show up in black face

Tell them if that's the case why is affirmative action a thing? Why do black people here brownie points when applying to schools? Why do they get so much say on what others should do? Why whenever a white person is murdered by a black it's 'fine' but when it's the other way around everyone is outraged.

fucking jew detected.

blackface for the seminar