Boomers are the original cringe generation...

Boomers are the original cringe generation, in comparison to SJW and Millennials these blue jean wearing (traditional) males are the fucking worst, as a young guy im looking back on how they lived and they literally laid out the road to SJW bullshit, as much as my father and his friends act so much cooler and pretend they are so much better than me and my friends they are fucking bullshit, my dad was a fucking veteran and never really had a proper career after that, plus my mum and her friends and everyone her age don't even have career professions, my mums literally a stay at home mum her whole life

theres literally nothing my parents did in their lives but they did enough to own a 5 bed room home my dads pushing 70 now and retired and doesnt own anything except a home

but my dad always comparing me to him non stop when in actuality hes never had a profession or education but he lives easy and always complaining about me and my brother

My grandfather always pulls that shit. I should have a job and a wife and a house and a car and a yard by now because at his age he did. But he ignores the fact that back when he was my age, a single factory job with only semi-skilled labor straight out of high school could let you have all that and live a fairly steady, stable life. Then says I need to find a better job like I'm not constantly looking, then says I need to just put my feed on the ground and fucking walk into places and talk to managers and shit, despite the fact that half the businesses in my area even bothering to hire are online application only.

Old fucks who are completely out of touch with what living is actually like today are beyond infuriating.

I'm really pissed at my dad for only letting me listen to Tavistock, nigger-tier classical rock growing up.

Too late now you'll always be a nigger.

my dad worked for the united nations for a while, i dont even think he worked there a decade. he was pretty much a stay at home father too and worked a couple factory jobs in the past

i am constantly bombarded with his same rhetoric of him telling me to walk in and put my CV in a store and ask for the manager, some mornings he will wake me up and hand me the home phone and yellow pages and tell me to call local business

>tell him they don't accept cv's or accept phone call applications

he literally does not compute, he can't fathom that you can't get a job this way, and hes trying to kick me out, im doing my best to try get a job

>tfw spent a saturday driving around from mall to mall dropping my CV off to supermarkets and electronic stores etc

get rejected everytime everystore, ill just leave my cv on a bench after rejecting than tell my father that they have my CV, but god damn why can't he actually understand that things have changed

im not even kididng or memeing this is my life right now and its stressing me out

>talking shit about Home Improvment

Where can I watch home improvement? It's time. Tool time.

the only thing that scene is missing is a flashback and a skinny topless 6/10

Bring him on one of your outings, he needs to see it in person.

remind him that his generation raised the generation of nigger enablers and fag sympathizers that caused all of this shit, if he isn't already one himself. sad!

When I want to shoot someone with a sword I always make sure I am within reach of their sword.

We should all band together and boycott social security. Let all the old fuckers get kicked out on the streets and die. Its what they deserve for running our country into the ground.

It sounds like your old man is a bitch and wants live in his own little bubble. Maybe you should give him a good kick in the nuts to give him a reminder that they exist.

What do you like and what are your hobbies? I might be able to help.

Don't forget to use a shitty overrated sword that is in its storage casing.

i would not mind working customer service at any retailer i want to work somewhere for 2 years and get experience

i am not in the US so i doubt you can help me

I made money selling stuff online. It is something you can do anywhere, not just in the US. If you are interested in something specific, you can make it, get it molded, then make 100s of them and sell them online. Doesn't really matter what it is. Just make a really good version of it and figure out how to market it and sell it online. Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, wherever. No need to work for someone else when we have the internet.

Wilson really was such a subversive

>whaaaaaaa i hatez my parentz
>everything is their fault
>they got stuff n' i don't n' i don't unnerstand how
>fur as i can tell they didn't do shinola!
>i've been smarter than them since I was 12!!!
Born in the 90's were you?

that's interesting. how do you even get started on this type of stuff? what sort of resources do you need? what websites do you use to find out about it?

>my brother and I
maybe cuz you've yet to take 20 minutes out of your fucking life to learn basic gramar