Conservatives want equality

>conservatives want equality
>conservatives don't want welfare

Explain yourselves conservafucks


That drawing is hysterical

Equality is easily disproven, have you ever met someone smarter or taller or more physically capable than yourself? If yes, then equality isn't real and it never has been and never will be.

But i srsly wish Central American trash WOULD bw like this cartoon
Dream on

Are you insane ?

I dont want equality i want the best to succeed and the worst to be destroyed. equality is the pandoras box that has given us people who cant even read positions of power and influence.

Dont teabaggers and libertarians overlap? The ideologies are identical. The tea party is funded by libertarians, and you need to be STUNNINGLY bigoted to be libertsrian (its like Christianity, the overwhelming majority of evidence opposes you so you must keep making excuses for rejecting reality),which means, ironically, that you must be an authoritarian...
Libertarians have some kind of brain damage.

Thanked goodness I don't have any conservatives in my family.

A short, weak guy with a knife is at least equal to the tall, strong guy. The whole of civilization is essentially a collection of man-made tools to reduce inequality. We're not animals to be bound by the dictates of nature.

Why is the Priest on our side of the wall? Isn't Mexico super Catholic?

equality is a commie idea
>implying there arent crazy men with guns here
>implying there arent pedophile priests here
>implying we aren't racist towards niggers

If they showed the Mexican side it would be those guys standing on top of a pile of decapitated heads

>the catholic priest

I know liberals are actually mentally ill at this point but Mexican is far more catholic than america, and any public defender will tell you that most of their mexican clients are there for raping kids.

Conservatives will become extinct due to their ability to change with the times. They want to keep things the same and never change. Their stagnate ways will be frozen in time. They will be the ones living like people from 1800's while everyone is in the year 2067.

>perhaps the wall isn't such a bad idea
Spot on. Start building!

>conservatives want equality

Nobody ever said that

>Catholic priests

This artist doesn't realize that most Mexicans/South Americans are Catholic.

Equality of opportunity isn't equality of outcome.

Also we don't have infinite resources to give welfare to all 7 billion people which is what bleeding heart types seem to want.

Maybe someday, but not yet and if you try to force things before we're ready we'll never have the savings necessary to make it to a post scarcity civilization.


>why is that businessman just standing there? is he actually blind? what's wrong with him? oh he's rich
>the kkk has like 3k members in the u.s. and they don't really do anything - they're not relevant or in large numbers enough to be considered a problem
>the cowboy has a belt-fed automatic weapon, fully automatics are banned
>mexico is more catholic than the u.s. by far
>those mexicans are just two (kind of white) chill looking sombrero humble dudes and not tattooed drug cartel maniacs holding up a severed head with the face skinned off

i should just become a liberal comic artist - it seems really easy and low risk

He is most certainly not. A tall strong guy with a knife would wreck a small guy with a knife. Civilization if anything has brought about more and more social stratification and inequality, as well it should.

Equality is a myth.

That's why it need to crumble along with conservatism. Civilization is shit. Quit trying to "conserve" it idiots.