We are living in a simulation and it was created for white people only


>The human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history. We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.

Based on this knowledge and a simple analysis of our world, one could easily come to the conclusion that this simulated reality is extremely biased toward white people. Why is this reality so much influenced by white people? Why did white people conquer the entire world technologically and culturally? History is filled with historical facts and events that portrays the white man saving the day and furthering the advancement of the human race while other civilizations made no progress at all left on their own. Could it be that this reality was built for white people? A reality where other races are nothing but props placed on a stage where white people experience life? Most white people have wondered at one point in their life if they were the only person truly real and if other people were merely accessories in their life. Looking at society today and recent events where white people act as white knights for other races, it’s becoming obvious that most of these people are delusional and that they think that they are living in a movie or a videogame where they are the heroes saving the poor oppressed person of color. Everything that’s happening in this world and also in movies follows this narrative model:


White people, are the heroes of this journey. Other races are figurants. Whatever happens, white people always win in the end.

Other urls found in this thread:


So what happens when we die?


Do you really think that the way this world and this reality is constructed is a coincidence? Why is it that white people represent the ultimate ideal of what it means to be human? This entire world was built like a videogame. The heroes, are white. They save the day over and over. People of all colors look up to them. Every single human that is "alive" today wishes that they were white. Why is that?

>Most white people have wondered at one point in their life if they were the only person truly real and if other people were merely accessories in their life.
the fuck you been smoking?
t. cracker

I axed you a question

This will resonate only with players. The NPCs can't understand it. Based on your answer, I will take an educated guess and assume that you are an NPC. It's not your fault, so don't worry too much about it. You can go back your your schedule.

>Most white people have wondered at one point in their life if they were the only person truly real and if other people were merely accessories in their life.

Is this literally true? It’s crossed my mind.


What was your question exactly?

If you are white, it definitively crossed you mind at some point in your existence. This is a common trait for players. NPCs don't think about that. They can't, because they are NPCs.

Based on your answer. You are probably an NPC. A backdrop prop. Don't feel bad about it. Most people don't understand or think about this. Only white people wonder and question reality. They know... That something is... Off...

I've been playing the game of reality and making observations. And this is one of my conclusions. There's more to it. But it gets uncomfortable quick, thinking about it. You'll see.

What if someone introduced the question to NPC's like now though, and then they think about it? Or is spontaneous thought of the idea a per-requisite?

Can you honestly imagine a god that would create a perfect world then add blacks, degenerates etc?
It is obvious we are living in an almost perfect world.

I'm not white and this has crossed my mind many of times? Loads of people think about this not just whites lmao

Have you ever thought about the fact that most people don't really exist? And that they are there just to play a role in the scenario that is your life? This concept can be pushed further. Up to the point where non white people don't really exist. They are animated props, part of the backdrop that is your existence as a white person. Have you ever thought about that possibility?

That's just the schizophrenia. It's pretty common in whites

>browns thinking white people are out to get them

They wouldn't know, and they would only question your sanity. All of their reactions would be programmed to not arouse any suspicion from you. If they reacted to it, it would break reality. And make the game not fun anymore for you, white person.

Greeks, Romans, WWI, WWII... Every single major events that has ever happened in this reality is centered on the white people. Isn't it strange? White people know deep down, that people of color don't really matter. Their life and existence is expandable. Why is that?

Why is that? If that's true, don't you think that it support my stance? What if they aren't sick, but that they are just becoming aware of what's really going on?

That's all part of the programming. Brown people are NPCs. They were programmed to resist and fight against us. Not surprising.

We are in an ancestor machine, on a 'ship'. we pass from one life to the next, experiencing. 'The Egg' has it that we are a God doing this.

You have just chosen the hard mode. If you select hard mode, you play the game as a shit skin. This is why you are aware of this. Your skin is dark now in this world, but in reality you are white. Otherwise you would not be aware of that.

The Egg people are white. That's what the story is all about. God is white.

This is our everyday. NPC's live out scripts, every junkie, crackhead etc... lives out a scrited life. Try them, you won't walk that path, just don't get attached to the NPC's and try to rescue them

Wondering if everyone else is just a "robot" I've had a few people say they've thought the same thing. There's a wiki page about it even

Let's pretend we are already aware of this, and as you said have all noticed the npcs and that this is a constructed reality for some of us. What do we do with this awareness?? Why are we doing this? Is this all a waste of time? Does any particular set of decisions become more important by possessing this awareness to you?
Is this all really just one entity processing it's self awareness in some way that is beyond our present awareness, or what?

South park

How many times in your life have you encountered people and thought: wow, these people aren't real. Stereotypes, archetypes. Toss a coin in their hands and move on, never thinking about them anymore. These people are NPCs. it's easy to spot them once you get used to it.

Big if true

Most non white people, are NPCs. That's just a an uncomfortable fact. But it's real. Look around you the next time you walk in a busy street. 99% of the people there are not real. They are props. Their life is meaningless, their existence is meaningless, compared to yours. Why is that?

First time i smoked weed my GUI crashed and reset. My first name was displyed top left and the screen playing the video slowed to freeze frame, then stopped on black screen. Rebooted. We are nearing the end of our journey, i believe that's why we are becoming moreso aware.
Meditate, try to stop 'your' thoughts, are they really your thoughts?

Everyday, all the time. Most of the ppl I know live out scripts. Same for you?

It's true. And more people need to think about it. I feel bad in a way because I am spoiling the game for most white people. But I thought, why not?!? I'm a player as well, I woke up in the middle of the dream and thought it might be funny to spread the knowledge. Why not?

I think this is what must happen. How else would you end an immersion game?

Holy shit user my friends all convinced me it was a psychotic episode but something similar happened to me when I smoked weed for the first time. I don’t remember it at all but apparently I started crying and telling my friends I wanted to “restart the level” and just kept saying that because I regretted choices in my life. I know it sounds like a lie but it’s what happened

If that's true, why can't we get a country of our own ? Why is Europe invaded ?

You mean lack of empathy?
When you encounter people, you make an observation. And that observation mechanism is corrupted and or manipulated by various reasons.

Yeah you experienced it and the supporting NPC's tried to patch over it

I have wondered this. What is observing the physical observations my body is making??
Learning that awareness is not relegated to any one part of the brain made me wonder this initially.
Also, why does observation have such significant effects on the world around us?

This makes so much sense. I know you’re just another person who doesn’t have all the answers, but if life is like you say, why do bad things happen? Why would a game give you someone you love and a soul mate and then just kill them?

Dude, millions of people have experienced the same thing, including me. And yes, mostly white people. That's not a coincidence.

No, and it's not solipsism. Some ppl live out scripts. The scripts are created by our language memes...smackheads do this, crackheads do that, stoners are this, hippies are that, leftists are this way... and on. The NPC's literally walk these scripted memes as a life

Pretty sure we're just a simulation of "what if we as a race suddenly became cripplingly retarded, how would that happen and how would it play out?".
We're just some faggot nerds "what if?".

We may well be experiencing the lives of our ancestors

This scenario is evolving. The game is creating as new scenario where the white people will need to save the day once more. It wouldn't be a game if no new challenges would be created for us to be heroes again.

The cpu doesn't need to run what isn't being observed

I feel empathy toward white people. I feel a connection. I feel that other people, non white people are props. Their lives don't matter. Why?

I don't know. That's just how it is.

Can confirm, am white. Wow, that’s so crazy. Goddamn

Literally LoL'ed

NPCs are programmed to evolve and match your experience as a white person. Don't be fooled. Just remember their role. They aren't real. You are.

Why did we split from the rest of the world. Why did we make the journey and leave the others?

We are all white. This is our true nature. This world allows us to interact and share with other races.

How do I know you’re real? Or how do you know I’m real? How can I tell the difference between NPCs and someone of substance?

I'm gonna larp for a second and give a possible reason for why that's happening - I think it's a stress test, I mean it's completely laughable how westerners are convinced about the double standard where the ungood that they're inflicting upon themselves is actually a good welldeserved treatment as a way of "white guilt" and "reperation" repayment, It's just completely psychotically corrupt how they've brainwashed an entire continent including the US that everything a white man does is somehow oppressive when everything that's great in this world was first created by whites. The mindfuckery is a game for them and we the goyims are a mere subject for the multi-generational brainwashing, like shaping a fragile play-do.

Anyways it's just what I've been thinking of lately and it's awefully eerie the whole out nowhere cultural shifts the 21st century.

*puffs joint*

Why do you think most technological advances come from white people? Why are white people so creative? Why do they drive the media industry? Games, Movies, etc. All of it, is driven by white people. Imagination is a realm controlled by white people. God is white. Simple as that. Everything else, is a creation for us to enjoy and learn from.

If you are white, you will know. If you are an NPC, you will not ask me this question. Look at this thread. How many people that aren't white are questioning this? one example, one single person questioned it. That should be you answer.

This will fuck with you just a little. Half of everything ever invented was invented by a Brit. The Earth literally funnels decent, mild weather to the British Isles via the Gulf Stream....

im realy high rn and this threads a little weird to say the least

If life is a game where white people need to save the day, we need chaos, we need new scenarios. And what's going on in Europe now, is the perfect build up that will lead us to the next WWIII where the white people will save humanity once again.

>implying victory is certain


Why would it fuck with me? Do you believe the revisionist history of the BBC where King Arthur was black? Everything that you just mentioned was created by white people.


>No, and it's not solipsism.

Yeah it is dude. That and maybe autism. Seeing other people's behavior as a script is just a heuristic we use to try and make sense of the chaos all around us.

Yes, there are dumb people who don't have the capacity to examine themselves or their behavior. There are also people who play out their roles in life and forget that they aren't that role, but actually a real person.

But for the most part what you're describing is your own human limitation and failure to perceive the motivations and state of mind of others.
It's fun to think about all the npc stuff, but it's really just narcissism and low EQ.

Against the idea, too complex:
Pop denial:

T. Npc

Can you think of one major event that ever happened in this world that was influenced by people of colors?


Isn't that fucked up? Does that make you question your entire existence? Right now mentally challenged Liberals are trying to erase that past and change history so that people of color are meaningful. It's just one more scenario for all of the white people to fight against. They can't win, because this entire reality was built for white people. The more they fight, the more they create new scenarios that white people will fight against.

> White people are a minority.
> Video games are catered for their target customers.
> White people will always win, whatever the scenarios.
> This is why they hate so much white people, because they can't and will never win.
> The game is rigged, always has been.

>one day our computers are so fast that we can simulate a universe.
>Then we simulate ourselves too.
also some scientists claim they can prove that a simulation would still make consciousness but I don't know if it would be the same.

>you would only need to simulate the brain or the consciousness.

Maybe stats were random and whites had the highest use your head

But but i do....senpai dont and i get shut down when i do but it still happens

Im sure in the overall number its small


its probably just some experiment
you may be an important component or just some random noise

>The game is rigged, always has been.

I firmly believe that deep down, every minority has thought at least one time in their life that they wish that they were born white. This is very uncomfortable, but I strongly think that it's the reality that we live in. No one wants to be brown. They just rolled the dices and committed to a bad choice. Now they have to live with these consequences. Asians want to be white, Arabs want to be white, Mexicans want to be white. Everyone wants to be white. There's not value in being brown or yellow, none.


Because this world was created for white people. That's it, that's all.

Are the Chinese white? I'm pretty sure they've done a few things over the past several thousand years.
This is getting into we wuz pharaohs n sheit territory.

are you suggesting jews are white

That's a damn good retort bro, partly because it could literally be true. I'm totally using NPC as an insult from now on.

since you have a computer chip shoved up your ass, you should remove it, and replace it with a dorito, because the fucking dorito actually rules you

This reality is a playground for white people. Everyone else, is a background prop. An accessory. Many people will feel anger once they realize that. Good for them and for the white people. They will be part of the next great scenario where the browns revolt and the white save the day once more. Isn't it fun? It's also endless. Wonderful it is.

But i get in trouble when i dont follow script

>are you suggesting
instead of
haha i like it

99% of the people around you are NPCs. I hope you are ready to handle it. Things can get really fucked up once you realize this. Not everyone can handle it, and this is why some end up shooting crowds from hotel rooms.

You sound bat shit insane

Before I'd even heard of simulation theory I had had a few episodes of "abstract moments." They seemed almost as if a script was being run and what I knew as my consciousness was aware of this almost cyclical replaying of events, like I could sense the experience of time itself playing itself out through what I know as "me." It was deja-vu on steroids, and all my senses were very intense, and like looking at abstract art... it was hard to tell if what I was seeing was three dimensional or if that was an illusion. These occurrences have always happened while I was sober. It's always puzzled me what they were and I've almost wondered if it was some sort of sugar imbalance because the one variable that seemed common was I probably had not eaten for a period of time before they've occurred.

Having said all that, I'm honestly tired of fellow whites focusing so much on the color of their own skin, sounding as pathetic as blm/sjw/marxist rhetoric spouters who seemingly have nothing else going on with their lives that they have to focus on some invisible oppression and it's correlation to melanin. Intellect seems to be the one important thing and focusing on the shader used on the meat robot is absurd and sad. Idiocy knows no race (yeah, some have it in higher abundance) but when you think your utopia is gonna come about because everyone looks like you, you're just gonna start focusing on some other minute detail of difference to explain why things aren't perfect.

You think your cyborg overlords are gonna give two shits about your whiteness.

Tbf, I don't know any whites that haven't entertained the notion of solipsism at some point in their life. In contrast, I've never met a black that was capable of doing it, even in that moment when prompted. They always look at it as an excuse for racism, literally.

This thread is blowing my fucking mind, and I'm still not even halfway through.


Shocking, a white/European concept. I used to believe this as a kid.

>the game

Marblecake also the game. You have all lost

We memed the end of the world... the game once known means you have lost. Goddammit. I'm starting to really believe all the lulz have been a CIA/FBI game...fick

we're not living in a "computer" in the computer science sense of the word. Traditional computers cannot model quantum mechanics.

God is real. Stop with this bullshit. Stop wasting your life on Sup Forums. Today is Sunday, go to bed and wake up and go to church. Go to heaven.

You know you want to.

greentext the thoughts I cannot see

Jews are in the simulation to be bug testers and abuse bugs, a patch is incoming

>retarded atheist niggers explain away their inferiority
lol what's next

But I'm not white

any white person who identifies themself as a cracker has a nigger brain

I long for that

>talking to glassy eyed nigger cattle
come on...