UFOs in WW2

>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Western Europe by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas-tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if they were under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down.

pic related the kecksburg acorn, seen 20 years after the war.

just 2 pages, dont be a lazy fuck.

will keep posting more

Other urls found in this thread:

vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view
archive.org/stream/InterviewWithMr.WilhelmLandig/Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt


Reading now, but just as one thought -

I assume you already know about the whole Antarctica-nazi-base rumors. Even if aliens don't exist, it seems like a good place for a base. And then there was the time this happened...


They're coming.

What reality am I in?

So this took place a few years before Roswell, and then we have artichoke/paperclip.

Then we have a large number of sightings in the US over the next few decades.

What else can we learn from the Nazi use/creation/interaction with UFO's? How far back did 'modern' contact go, with which governments?

Probably one that none of us would be happy knowing the extent of.

It's called ball lightning.


Where do we research from here, OP?

This leaves a lot of possibilities open.

pic related refers to this document
phtotograph made made 7 years after the war.
with the kecksburg acorn and this one being after the war, how likely is it that Rosswell were actually Nazis? Officially say its a weatherballon while spreading rumors of ayys to cover up there are Nazis in highly advanced aircraft years after they were utterly destroyed

yeah, heard about it. and actually i wanted to get to the antarctica base stuff a bit later, after establishing the UFO thing and that there are signs of nazi activity after thewar like the kecksburg acorn or the adamski photograph made 7 years after the war. but the terroristswarning really is weird and i didnt see any good explenation for it.

well, from how i see it the nazis had UFOs during the end of the war, but they were still in development and trial and not ready for combat. however UFOs/flying saucers are no new phenomenon. look into the hindu vimanas which basically are UFOs

>Cucks(((berg))) acorn
What did they mean by this?

Sorry, forgot to post picture.


General links on Keckburg



pic related is a german POW that talks about an aircraft whichs description fits a flying saucer, started from a german facillity. its page 91 of
vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view

good question. if i knew i would doing so. there is a lot of people poisoning the well. corey goode seems to be one of them. He likes to talk about the nazi moonbase frequently. but that guy gives me some serious mkultra vibes. Its not that i think he is lying on purpose, he probably believes it, but due to recieving some brainwashing or something like that. He just creeps me out which is why i believe the moonbase is disinfo stuff. An user mentioned some stuff of what he talks about reminds him of some triggers of a program similar to mkultra and would actually use brainwashing techniques in his speech (pausing at the right times and pronouncistions and setting accents in the right places and that stuff).
however there is this

I also have a discord to look into nazi UFOs, hollow earth and antarctica, and who doesnt spam is welcome. just be sure to stay online until you get a role or you will be automatically kicked (had some problem with trolls/shills, so some security meassure)
discord gg/6cECaK


Yes, Corey Goode gives off an extremely MKULTRA type demeanor, and I'd thought similarly that he's not intending to lie but probably heavily programmed.

^ Which makes me lean towards UFO tech being used in a false flag at some point. Goode is certainly doing ground work for that narrative, from the looks of it.

Podesta also had comms with Edgar Mitchell and etc about 'disclosure' so that set the NWO alarm for the subject.

From the looks of it UFO's obviousl exist, but if we or the Germans have been building them since the 40's, how can we expect to tell 'the real thing' from .gov projects and psy ops?


why the fuck would I click a cia . gov pdf link.

>Which makes me lean towards UFO tech being used in a false flag at some point.
going to make a bold statement here, but please bare with me for a moment. as far as i know the word used for heaven in the bible also just meant "sky" meaning they were taken into the sky and dissappeared there. i believe UFOs are around for a very long time (look into the hindu virmanas for example). so what if the angels actually came with UFOs, took him (enoch i think it was) to heaven/the sky (since they flew away) and from there brought him into paradise which could be inside the earth (paradise originally means walled enclosure forexample)

well, considering all this i could see 3 purposes of project bluebeam:
1. Fake an alien invasion to unite the people under a common threat and create the one world government/NWO (the standard theory)
b) making the demons appear as (friendly) aliens so we dont oppose them or when hostile makes us unable to properly oppose them since we dont understand the spiritual nature of them
but there is another option considering this
III: Make the UFOs of the angels during the rapture or the UFOs of the nazis look like they are aliens invading the earth so we reject their salvation and join the government and fall for the great deception.

pic related is a painting in Church of the Dominican Monastery, in the town of Sighisoara, Romania. below it reads "Israel, hope for the lord" from either 14th or 17th century (depending on wether its from before or after the rebuilding of the church) the psalm mentioned below reads

Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.

and regarding podesta some even more crazy theiory:
some reports also suggest that aliens are actually demons. reports of alien abduction and demonic possession are quite similar. both involve usually violent sexual acts, unableness to move or speak, general sense of fright and threat, and often it runs in the family. however on thing makes me think those are demons. it is said that both stop pretty much instantly when trying to say jesus christ or thinking about him.
but i guess there are both around, aliens and demons, possibly even demons from other planets the aliens brought with them, then the cia fakes stuff as well of course
greys for example i feel like are demons. the nordics might be actual ayys, or those living inside hollow earth. or ayys that resided in the inner earth for millenia
however i cant tell if the reports are real because i never was abducted nor possessed

however, i dont really trust buzz aldrin nor paul hellyer for that matter. there is also boyd bushman who worked for lockheed martin talking about aliens. but check
2:36 you see the pedo triangle.
now with the theory that aliens are actually demons/fallen angels. there is also the thing that apparently getting buttfucked makes you more receptent to their presence. how likely is it that the guy was actually assraped as kid or any time for the matter and duped into believing the demons/fallen angels are actually aliens giving him/them the technology. i mean the fallen angels are also said to have given humanity certain kinds of knowledge
how likely the same happened with paul hellyer?
paul hellyer says aliens want to help humanity AND that they work with the government. no matter how awesome their technology would be, you cant combine those 2 things

I definitely agree about the length of time we're looking at. No way the Sumerians knew the orbit of the planets without some type of help. Then there's the ancient depiction of UFO's and sky Gods.

Your mention of demons is really interesting because of its use in ritual abuse and MKULTRA as well, which 'Skippy' is probably very familiar with.

They do actually seem to believe that their alters are sometimes demons... I just see it as multiple personalities but they def buy into it (some of them).

Checked, and also, check out the Astonishing Legend Podcast, who do a short series on the Kecksberg incident.

If you've got the time, of course. Perhaps, at least, check their show notes for their sources, and follow up from there.

pic related page 88 of
vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view

you dont have to. here is the same PDF. I think it saved it as a standalone file and doesnt link to CIA, but who knows

Are these things in Antarctica?

Also, pic related (1/2) reminds of Pakals tomb...

Pic related is Pakals tomb lid... Also, anon5/larpfrank mentioned that Giger was killed because of what he had seen...

aside from nazi UFOs seen after the war (will get to some of it later) Mengele is another sign that germans projects continued: for example he fled to brazil and continued his research there apparently. the village in which he took cover has the highest birthrate of twins in the world, and now look how they all look (pic related)

an user mentioned he read that german scientists from project paperclip were still communicating with each other and people outside the country.in argentina where many nazis fled to is San Carlos de Bariloche. this place had a lot of germans and even a plastic surgery clinic which could be used to distort peoples appearence so they arent tracked down easily and can lead a normal live. georg anton pöch is rumord to be hitlers new personality.
the nazis from paperclip that were put into secret agencies could have covered for both, the communication, and the creation of new personalities.

maybe the scientist just stayed loyal to germany and didnt spit out the secrets and played dumb and just fed the authorities some breadcrumps.
project paperclip, instead of a bunch of traitors, may have been a trojan horse instead

1710 painting with UFO...

"In the foreground of a hilly landscape, Christ is baptised by St. John, amid a circle of onlookers. The two figures are brilliantly lit by rays from the disk high above, against general darkness. (from the Fitzwilliam Museum catalogue, by H. Gerson and J.W. Goodison); Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge"

Absolutely, paperclip appears to have been a trojan horse, in more ways than one.

My question is - did the Nazis have 'more contact' with UFO's than cultures did historially, as seen in art for centuries? Or were they just adaptable enough to use it? What role did their obsession with the esoteric/occult play in that?

(Ie, the symbols on the Acorn/Bell etc etc)

I feel like their studies in brainwashing - which is tied to the twins studied you mentioned (Mengele did both) - is intimately tied to UFO studies for both the Nazis and later the US.

I'm not sure if it's because the elite believe that aliens are demons as you mentioned previously, or if its for some other reason.

It seems people like Helena Blavatsky had a huge influence on all this area as well.

well, i heard rumors about the nazis, or vril society being in contact with what we call the Nordic Aliens. However i dont really think they are aliens

There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
however from what i found the description of the ant people doesnt really fit, they seem humanoid but not human. but maybe there are multiple races living in hollow earth living peacefully there together. sumerians and hopi also used the swastika

Furthermore Nazis went to the North and Southpole, both said to have openings, as well as tibet which has legends of an underground kingdom, shangri-la/shamballah.
the hopi indians and tibetians use the swastika and have legend about a world beneath the ground.
China, the celtics, greeks, aztecs, all have legends of the white blue eyed people coming and bringing technology.
And they all use the swastika.

So i believe what people call the nordics or pleiadians are actually the inner earthers which may or may not came from space but if so settled there millenias ago

I wish with all my heart that the nazis are thriving out there in space and or under antarctica


you are now into one of my favorite theory-crafting areas.
there is a lot of indications that could be because of German scientists abducted as war trophies did not give the technology and knowledge they possessed.
Take the rocket technology f.ex; because of german technology the americans managed to get to the moon, but now they cant go back (regression in technology; unheard of in this day and age) and all records have been destroyed. Them fucking up on purpose is the only explanation that does not include fake moon-landing or flat-earth.

Im unsure if i would believe that Hitler survived. I see no reason for kikes to not do what they always do; demand revenge and act completely without scruples. having him alive in any way shape or form would be extremely dangerous to their world order, but im not omnipotent so i am only guessing

Pic related are instructions on how to get to Agartha/Hollowearth via Submarine and were released by the KGB (at least all sources claim so and i didnt find any sources debunking any of it). Nikolai Subbotin, russian journalist who seems to have some reputation, has an interview about these documents. but sadly its in russian with german subtitles only. but if you speak either of those languages:

This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
archive.org/stream/InterviewWithMr.WilhelmLandig/Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
A transscipt of the interview for the non-german anons

Admiral Byrd, who led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole". I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

well, about NASA, currently its obviously just a front to distract and not there to give us information. maybe they are in space, or even have people on mars, but they sure as hell doesnt show us real stuff

Absolutely fascinating. I've seriously wondered numerous times as to why it does seem that there is an intentional effort to be rid of white people.

I'm familiar with the cultural stories about an inner earth, and I don't buy hollow earth, but I do think there's a solid reason the Hopi think they came from the ground, and mayans/aztecs threw offerings and human sacrifices into giant cenotes..


And the Tibetans/Buddhists believed that there were a race called the naga who were also able to be contacted in subterranean watery caves.


"Nagas are believed to both live on Mount Meru, among the other minor deities, and in various parts of the human-inhabited earth. Some of them are water-dwellers, living in streams or the ocean; others are earth-dwellers, living in underground caverns."

Better pic of Naga showing the Underworld, /subterranean aspect.

about the cenote thing:
turns out the aztecs also used a form of the swastika. but those wells according to the wikiarticles was used by mayans not aztecs. no idea if those used it too.
an user mentioned the aztecs also had stories about underground kingdom/worlds but i couldnt find anything about that though

Swastika in a more modern setting - US Naval base.

>Jim Wilson of Popular Mechanics magazine researched this material for an article and through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) documents discovered that the modern USAF ADMITTED by 1995 that the Germans possessed flight discs but only conceded that they were "inherently unstable". No proper identification of those discs nor photos were disclosed. In fact, further classified German discs are not to be declassified until 2020 and the Kahla Complex where they were to be manufactured until 2045.


"MEXICO CITY — Mexican archaeologists have discovered a maze of stone temples in underground caves, some submerged in water and containing human bones.

Clad in scuba gear and edging through narrow tunnels, researchers found the stone ruins of 11 sacred temples at the site on the Yucatan peninsula.

Archaeologists say the Maya believed the underground complex of water-filled caves leading into dry chambers, including an underground road stretching about 330 feet, was the path to a mythical underworld known as Xibalba.

According to the Popol Vuh, an ancient Maya scripture, the route was full of obstacles, including rivers filled with scorpions and houses shrouded in darkness or swarming with shrieking bats, said Guillermo de Anda, one of the lead investigators at the site. The souls of the dead were said to have followed a mythical dog who could see at night, he said Thursday."


"To the ancient Maya, cenotes were passageways to the underground world of Xibalba. They were often also associated with the rain god Chaac, and sometimes said to be his dwelling place. "


pic related:
>Admiral Richard E Byrd made the announcement today that the United State are required to take protective meassures against the possibillity of an Invasion of the country though hostile aircafts originating from the polar area
>The Admiral said that he didnt want to scare anyone, but the bitter reality is that in case of a new war the United States could be attacks by aircrafts that can fly from pole to pole.
>The Admiral stated the necessity to be in a state of alert and watchful along the whole icebelt which would be the last fortitude against an invasion.
what did he mean by this?

do you have agood source for the quote?
about the pic: there are some scetches around of UFOs which supposedly are from tesla. however i never came to check those on its legitimacy

"Chaac is usually depicted with a human body showing reptilian or amphibian scales, and with a non-human head evincing fangs and a long, pendulous nose. In the Classic style, a shell serves as his ear ornament. He often carries shield and lightning-axe, the axe being personified by a closely related deity, god K, called Bolon Dzacab in Yucatec. The Classic Chaac sometimes shows features of the Central Mexican (Teotihuacan) precursor of Tlaloc."



which leads to - Tlaloc (pic related)-

"Dedicated to the Tlaloque, this veintena involved the sacrifice of many children on sacred mountaintops. The children were beautifully adorned, dressed in the style of Tlaloc and the Tlaloque. On litters strewn with flowers and feathers; surrounded by dancers, they were transported to a shrine and their hearts would be pulled out by priests. If, on the way to the shrine, these children cried, their tears were viewed as signs of imminent and abundant rains. Every Atlcahualo festival, seven children were sacrificed in and around Lake Texcoco in the Aztec capital. They were either slaves or the second-born children of nobles.

The festival of Tozoztontli (24 March – 12 April) similarly involved child sacrifice. During this festival, offerings were made in caves. The flayed skins of sacrificial victims that had been worn by priests for the last twenty days were taken off and placed in these dark, magical caverns."


I gotta crash user, it's extremely late here- good luck and great thread.

the stuff about how it states specifically children were sacrificed makes me think once again of pizzagate and the demons/fallen angels from

sleep tight. thanks for the infos.

What if demon stuff does happen during those crazy spirit cooking ceremonies?

Serio, how many Times do I have to say it? Hitler did nothing kurwa wrong!
