Why is everyone so silent about this?

Why is everyone so silent about this?

>its ok when trump does it ;)
Trumpflakes are niggers of white people


Because this isn't twitter, or a place to get butt mad over faggots on twitter. I hope you fucking die, because you're a fucking retard like PAtton and you annoy me here. Patton doesn't annoy me here. That's you. Fag hole.

I actually have no problem with what Weinstein did. It's his choice.

It's also the women's choice to be a slut for fame. It's not like he did anything illegal

Trump's no rapist. Is Patton confusing him with Bill Clinton? He must be on some strong meds or something.

Only moralfags disagree with us

Because there is a difference in coercing young actresses into sex with their careers than behaving sexually to whores that come onto you sexually.

Dude just tell him his wife is burning in Hell and it's all his fault for letting her die in her sleep right next to him. Not hard guys, it's pretty simple how to respond to this queerbait.

He's not being arrested and charged with any crimes. (Not yet, anyway.) So why are so many people defending him?

>Rapist & Predator
>Just like Bill "17 Victims" Clinton
>Just like Bill "Rape Machine" Clinton
>Who was married to Hillary Clinton, whom Patton loves.

So I guess rape is totally fine as long as it's done by someone you support.

This dude killed his own wife.

But Trump talking about feeling up broads is bad.


Because no one cares (or is surprised) that Hollywood leftist creeps are standing up for one of their own, or that they're still butthurt over the election. They're boring. They can keep embarrassing themselves, but we don't have to watch. I was a huge MST3K fan -- seen all Mike's episodes dozens of times -- but I haven't touched the new show because this creep is in it.

why's he addressing MAGA douches regarding this?

They're just mimicking his wife.

>But Trump talking about feeling up broads is bad

He was talking the Truth. Anyone who knows females groupies know this.

Why is anyone supporting Harvey (((Weinstein)))
If anything we should form temporary alliance with SJW to bring KIKEWOOD down

You know whats great?

All the women who started running their mouth about Hollywood being sexist, and how men are sexist, and how this and that, ended up being on the list of women who slept with Harvey to get their roles.

So it turns you actresses are just simple whores.

I haven't heard any accusations against Trump in the same way as Harvey. Some people have said stuff (unknown people that aren't famous), but they refused to testify.

Harvey jacked off in-front of one chick. And casting couched 1 person (I'm sure there's way more).

Trump just said if you're rich, you can do whatever you want, which is apparently true.

Is Patton suggesting those women are weak and feeble minded? Why did they stand for it for decades? You even have females that lured other females to Weinstein. What about that?

The fact that I read that Tweet in his voice annoys the shit out of me even more.

>Defending a leftist kike

Rethink your lives

This is just an opportunity to curb Weinstein's influence. Look up the Weinstein Company's filmography, it's pure kike filth.


Calling it now Fatton Oswalt will be the next victim of Trumps curse

I'm totally all for this guy going down for it. Only because of the hypocrisy on the left which is why it's hilarious to see them all squirm

At least now we can be pretty sure he's not a pedophile, which is more than I can say for anybody else in Hollywood.

Especially such a big player with deep ties to Hillary and the DNC.

>President Trump, who himself has been accused of making unwelcome advances toward women, also commented on the matter. Asked about the allegations on Saturday evening, Mr. Trump told reporters that he had known Mr. Weinstein “for a long time,” adding, “I’m not at all surprised to see it.”

HAHAHAHAHAHA, Trump puts the boot in

Bill Clinton? don't know what you're talking about

That's clearly been the talking point all day, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Nothing says a pedophile couldn't also get off on making starlets perform for him too.

murder is a hell of a drug

>Why is everyone so silent about this?


We know Emma Watson got Weinstein'D

What about Obama's daughter?