AMA: Paddocks Brother's Drug Dealer

I was the Paddock Brother's Drug Dealer for years... Ask Me Anything...

Why do people tell lies on the internet?

Did Pat Garrett really kill Billy the Kid?


how good is your raw?

can i have some drugs?

reported you to the feds just in case this is true. you should be on the interview list.

do the dont of doing dope degrade your doodoo?

Real good. Come the vegas.. spend $100,000 and I will comp you some grams...

Such low effort bait, it isn't even worth a (you) but here we are. You suck. I hate you. Kill yourself.

Did you go to the FBI and tell them everything you know?

Did you tell your parents that the FBI is coming to your house today after seeing this post?

Where can I get that good schwag? That primo rope-a-dope. The kind that will make you hard as a rock and sharp as a tack?

You do realize the FBI will be seeing you today? They are not fucking around right now and they are looking for anything.

but in all seriousness did you comp him?

Heroin? Thats hard drugs user. Shame on you1

This. Imagine being such a loser that you roleplay on the internet. Imagine being such a loser that you believe him.

>Ask Me Anything...
Хyи cocёшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?

Did you comp them?

ofcourse. He was a High roller... Always got to comp high rollers... not broke ass nic and dime nig like yalll... not everyone browse four chan...

So people are well off.

did you ever comp him?

do you accept gold cards?

Not gonna lie, former Paddock supporter here. He was all about the comps, but in all seriousness we can't let him get the Taco Bell.

нeт, пpocтo пpoдaжa кoммyниcтичecкoй пoдoнки ..

>they are COVERING up everything

Retard. Supposed to charge rich idiots more.

Good job throwing your profits away.


My dad works at Publix and he says that Paddock is finished.

Publix sushi can still win against comped $1000 sushi. Match me!

Cocaine, right?

I have a serious case of itchy balls.

if i spend about 100k on coke a year, how much will you comp me for the christmas holidays?

>inb4 100k is too much
sorry fags, but 100k just isn't a lot of money