Netherlands becoming Poland

So I'm here in The Hague visiting a friend. The last few visits, there was a polish store, (run by Pakis), btw. However, I did not hear that much Polish spoken on the street.

That was a year ago last time.

So I'm back. I'm currently chilling in a room with the window open and I hear polish from passersby THE WHOLE TIME.

What do we think about this? Some people will probably say: well at least they're European! but personally I understand as much of Turkish as of Polish and both feel very alienating. Polish even more cause I am used to Turkish.

Other urls found in this thread:,Przestepstwa-przy-uzyciu-broni.html

Poooolish from pooland poo in Netherland, what's the problem?

Just be thankful it's polish people and not sandniggers

Heh, read carefully and notice that I said that what's people would say.

At least they are bringing cutie pie polish girls with them. Something that can't be said about 3rd worlders

yes I too think it's better than roaches, but it still bothers me a lot.

>Polish even more cause I am used to Turkish.
Just kys.

>implying poland is 1st world

it's forced upon me asshole; I actually have to go outside. fuck off.

Poles are subhuman scum, I agree.
We ought to kick them out of the EU so they can't take our tax money anymore.
Reminder that Poland is a leech and contributes nothing but crime and poor pollack scum to the rest of the EU.

Let's make a deal, you send back all the poles, gypos and slavs and whatever, we make a great 30 kilometer high wall of fire where the old iron curtain used to stand and we never speak to each other, enjoy your muslim overlords


haha kom niet zo doen, turk/maroc zijn gewoon 9/10 kut de jeugd is helemaal kut en leven vaak in extreme bubbles, waar ze geleerd worden alles buiten hun family te bedriegen, Nederlandse jeugd te misleiden met slechte levens adviesen aankomen, daar bij in tegen doen polen dat niet en zijn het harde werkers ook bij de kut baantjes, ik zend zelf namelijk polen uit naar nederland(ook litouwers en meer rond om balkan) een turk of neger is vaak al na 1 a 2 weken weg, omdat het een stel homo's zijn die amper hard werk aankunnen

>Netherlands becoming Poland
NL becoming multi-cultural, deal with it u fucking bigot
what a racist cunt

I know what you mean, Maarten. We had less than 20,000 Poles in 2002. 15 years later, we have almost a million. I have nothing against Poles. A lot of them are good, hard-working lads, but the numbers are out of fucking control.

> Votes for European integration with the EU
> Confused when integration happens

What part of "ever closer union" did you find misleading?

What's this? A lack of brown people somewhere in Europe? Time to pack my bags

Poland is dying :^)

Shh Aquafresh, shhh just gib shekels and take our best people.

>2nd world doesnt exist

Wew nigger genes kicking in fast there Ahmed

bin that racism lad

not that the third world of rejected turks(koerden,armenen) and maroc(berbers)
Kurds armanians and berbers etc should be ashemed, not even there own leader wanted them, because of there shitty genes

>what is homeostasis
commie education everybody

Ik heb liever Pools op straat dan Arabisch.

Maar het liefst natuurlijk Nederlands.

also polish women are better to fuck than those hairy towel monkeys

>Latvian flag there too
Why do westcucks love BLC (Big Latvian Cock) so much?

you can thank your politicians for that. they're in charge of your immigration policies, not us. regular people only do what's in their best financial interest. btw i think most of them will come back eventually, poland is increasingly becoming a really comfy place to live

It's something else when you have to live among them! What is stated in the OP is what bothers me most; you hear a very weird foreign language all the time in your own neighborhood. It makes you feel VERY not at home in your own country.

Is this supposed to be Dutch?

ja dat laatste dus. ik wou hier een discussie op gang brengen over migranten uit het voormalig Oostblok en trek het erg in twijfel of deze mensen hier gewenst zijn. En zo ja, hoe en in hoeverre. Leek me wel interessant.

Slavs do not form isolated diasporas usually, so just wait a generation for full integration. Russians certainly mix in very rapidly, maybe Polacks are different.

I'm Russian and I really like your country.

It's a fucked up situation but it's not really the immigrants fault. It's the fault of the politicians that keep this immigration system in place and the retards that keep voting for them.

why did you lose ww2 if you didnt want to get slaved?

only cuz we smoke shiton of weed

Pretty much everyone understand that to be honest, no one blames individual Poles for making a sensible decision to earn more money. The numbers are just far too high and that causes lots of problems, and as you say that's the politicians' fault. I'm glad that Poland is improving though, and not just because it will mean less Poles will want to come here.

Quads btw

>poland is increasingly becoming a really comfy place to live

London has lower quality of life than Warsaw now.


London-has 800 victims of knife attack injuries in 2 months

WHOLE Poland-has 700 victims of knife attack injuries in a WHOLE year.

Let this sink in. 38 mln country in Eastern Europe has less knife attacks in a year than London alone in 2 months,Przestepstwa-przy-uzyciu-broni.html

because its most likely run by russians

As far as Poland's prospects: they're not bad. So they could return any time now. However, it could also never happen. For the moment it really annoys me though.

>btw i think most of them will come back eventually, poland is increasingly becoming a really comfy place to live

I moved to UK in 2011, afer 4 years of being unemployed. I am thinking about coming back as the crime rate and living standards are becoming terrible.

>crime levels equal to natives
>women r fine af

The fuck are you complaining about lodewijk

i actually care about my people and I love my land. Fuck off.


fajnie jakbyśmy mieli jakiś własny prosty termin odnoszący się do "niepolaków", coś jak właśnie "goj" u żydów, albo "gaijin" u japończyków

Western European disrespecting Great Poland makes me laugh every time. They are so jealous of our success

Go back to Turkey, Mohammed. Polish should be the primary thing to be heard in Poland!
Maybe you can go west because Skyrim no longer belongs to the Nords. They'll welcome you with open assholes.

>Polish should be the primary thing to be heard in Poland!
>Netherlands is Poland
cool beans

They look like different places. Are they one thing?

sterf pleb

call'em dobrý denglers

OP made a thread about Polish immigrants in the Netherlands. You responded by talking about Poles in Poland, which wasn't relevant to the conversation, and I replied pointing this out. I don't what you're doing now :DDDDDDD


Real. ized my mistake late. while running aroun. d here, skimm. ed this thre. ad and made myself loo. k stupid.
Nice du. bs m8
System thinks I'm spam


This has been going on for years

It has actually been going like this for many years:

First some turk owns his supermarket where he sells all his muslimy things, he goes broke, chinese and polish take over building for less than what the dumb turk paid.

win win if you ask me, no arab halal stores but Chinese/Jap snack foods and some Polish supermarkets with cheap beer, without browns and blacks surrounding the stores.

En de gevel is zelfs oranje, beter kan niet toch?

Like in any country, stay away from big cities, they are infested greatly.

Is this the new /polder/, I hope all of you voted FvD.

Why do Americans not understand that there's differences between American ethnicities? Is it the negroid inmixing, the Jewish education or a combination of both?

Gorol jest niezły

So are you thankful for all the "Christian" Hispanic migrants?

I admitted I misread it because I was on many threads. No need for verbal acid attacks, Conrad Hans.

Not him, but look at my quality of life chart comparing San Diego to London here We're probably only about 50% or 60% white just like the 52% meme yet our quality of life soars. We are """diverse""" like London, but are far richer than a homogeneous city such as Warsaw.

I'm not thankful for any immigrants here, but the quality of life is great. Is that a result of immigration? I don't know because I'm no economist. Frankly I love where I live. Would I prefer it to be more white? Sure, but on the other hand I've never had any trouble with Juan. It's more Jamal I don't like.

Shit, I mean, look at this comparison.

Are you drawing an equivalence between brown and white immigrants?

I saw more kebab than polish subhumans last year when I indulged in degeneracy

>Having a friend in The Hague
>I am used to Turkish.

always the case. the greenhouse industry ran on refugee and illegal polish workers long before poland joined EU

Poles will integrate at some point because they're European and not sandpeople whose main cultural habits are sponsored by the Saudi or Turkish government and because mass immigration from Poland will halt because Poland is slowly getting richer. That means that this problem will solve itself in the near future, unless we go full multicultural, pretend we're a nation of immigrants and build more things like your pic. Then they will probably end up the American "muh heritage"-types but more Gopnik-tier.

I just fucking don't understand this at all. Firstly, Dutch is not hard to learn. It's actually logical. For me, it is essentially like many of the modern children of Middle German. Basically, take all the shittiness out of German and leave a lot of English cognates and a similar structure to English - minus subordinate clauses - and if you are an English speaker, figure out the gender of the nouns you use. Poles take to English, the messiest, most exception-riddled pile of loanword soup, easily. They should fucking try and learn (and use amongst themselves and in public) Dutch in the Netherlands and the parts of Belgium where it's spoken.

Integration means accomodating them in your own country, what you want is assimilation.

gaijin to dosłownie obcokrajowiec

never met a polish person in my live.

So what? Polanders aren't that bad at all. Just different from the Dutch normies. But easy to become friends with. And these are the types of friends that will stick up for you no matter what, if you're not a douchebag.

I'd worry more about the growth of Islam.


>Something that can't be said about 3rd worlders
>implying you wouldn't want a qt petite desi gf
But yes, eastern europeans are better and thank the EU for saving our genetic pool by bringing them here

1 Euro = 4 złoty. This makes for a very good idea, to go work for some time in the West and then come back... Of course, nobody knows how much time is some.

Do what UK did. It's only way.