Kim Yong Un's hot sister was just promoted

Rocket man Kim just appointed her to the North Korea Politburo. A big honor.

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This is a 10/10 in North Korea


Why does she have male pattern baldness

germany deserves white genocide

Nice to see North Korea leading the way in liberalism by promoting women!
Gender equality in North Korea!

You are all a bunch of faggots.


No, but you are for thinking that's hot lmao

She is hot, objectively. She is not fat and hasn't got a big nose. She falls in the top 10 percent of women just with these two criteria met.

Good lord, even Kim's sister's hair wants to get the fuck out of North Korea.

If I fugged her would kimmy kill me?

get out weeb

Nice meme OP, calling her 'hot'.

It''s a meme....r...right??

Yes, he would kidnap you, bring you to Pyongyang, put you in a stadium full of NK citizens, spray you with VX, shoot you with an anti-aircraft gun just before you succumb to the VX, and live-stream the whole thing globally.

>ever objective
you should subjectively kys though

Isn't this the same sister who's basically been Kim Jong Un's adviser for awhile now and was the one who told him to get fat?

>that forehead
>that non existant chin
Bet she smells good tho

>Kim Yong Un's hot sister

You mean:

"Locket Man Kim just appointed hel to the Nolth Kolea Politibulo. A big honol."


She looks like shit. She looks like she's balding

>I don't know what objectively means

I wonder if she is as ruthless as he is?

>tfw just realized rocket man has alt-right haircut

They're not ruthless, they're just defending their nation and race


No he doesn't!

The so-called alt right haircut is a version of the SS haircut. Another version being the Marine Corps' high and tight haircut.


tfw you'll never be part of a politburo and send to gulag pig capitalists, jewish spivs and western saboteurs

why even bother

>villain scar next to eye
9/10 would probe DMZ

Duck you for making me laugh out loud in public

Rocket man is the first Alt-Right president

>>ever objective

>this is the state of Hungarian education

A non-trivial portion of sexual attractiveness is objective and scientifically predictable.

>Flat body
>no ass
>shovel face
>no chin
>soulless eyes
>nasty facial blemish
>essentially a skeleton

How is she hot?

lmao no one from this picture is still alive

>>essentially a skeleton
not everyone has to obese like your sex idols

Don't be to hard on op she was cute at one point

What happened ???

They're just doing the same thing Hitler would've done in their shoes. I don't consider that morally wrong. The US should leave the Korean peninsula

>doesn’t even show his flag
ok then, nice opinion

