Knowingly exposing others to HIV no longer a criminal offense

Since most of the threads here are usually garbage, let's start a good one.


>Guess who's behind the law

Other urls found in this thread:

So progressive and brave. Not having AIDS should be a crime in CA!

check your immune system privilege, healthy bodied scum

Gesus... that's a thing?


It's called bugchasing and it's our culture, sweetie.

why are ameritards so fucked up?

Stop being homophobic

We have some case law about that here as well. Assailants were convicted of heavy assault though iirc.

I'm not afraid of fags. No one is; we just dislike them

What do you mean?

But most niggers have STD's including HIV so meh

>What do you mean?
Gee, maybe it's related to the topic at hand, if only there was a clue to what this thread is about.

Going volcel.

Sue California.
Let the supreme court decide on this.

Looks like Bayer can resume production of their pills that gave children aids. And then had to ship them overseas to other countries to not lose profit.

We should have quarantined GRID-infested faggots in 1980, then this wouldn't even be an issue now.

Inb4 sauce

Great! Nobody here scores anyway...

Bug chasers need to be executed. They are bunch of walking health hazards. Bug chasers are as dangerous as terrorists. Gotta remover bug chasers or they will remove us all.

>Giving AIDS, a incurable deadly disease that kills your immune system, is no longer a criminal offense.
>Saying incorrect pronouns, a word that not used in the victim's presence and at most temporarily hurts their feelings, is considered a criminal offense up to one year in jail.

Really makes you think. They fear the intangible more than the tangible.

California is turning into shit, that Mexico don't want that shit.