I am a Jew. Explain to me what my people have done, what their endgame is, and why they've cut me out of the deal

I am a Jew. Explain to me what my people have done, what their endgame is, and why they've cut me out of the deal.

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Probably nothing, low level jews like a happy bakerwitz are expendable as goys to them.

When Sup Forums refers to "the jews", it's usually just a shorthand for "neoliberal jewish globalist elites" rather than "every single Jew". They get called "Jews" because most of them are in fact Jews and have a hypocritical attitude regarding nationalism/ethnocentrism/generalizing all white people as "racist sexist white males" or whatever.

You're a jew who is blind to what other Jews have done to our world. Says enough really, you are part of the problem and will be gassed on the day of the oven.



You didn't give me any shekels >:(

There was some guy sent to Devil's Island from France after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871

Did you check your spam inbox for the monthly anti-white Semitic gatherings?

Do they still get gassed?

Same OP, need to find the secret meetings and get our cut of goy coins

Nah, just go do your thing in Israel, that's what it was created for.

Well what if I don't want to go to Israel. My family has been living comfortably here since 1906.

We Sup Forums Jews need to unironically form a conspiracy or join the existing one

How about "traps aren't gay, but only if they're circumcised."? Seems like a good angle.

Is that thing a man?

We had a meeting the other night
20% off bagels and cream cheese
We all had a plan, but now you don't know what it is
Sign into our super secret website later when no goyim are aroundf

She used to be.

>is that thing a man?

Still is user

Because you're a loser. How can you not take advantage of being a Jew?

I thought they shut club penguin down?

Not even Ashkenazi, and asking why he's not in the inner circle. what a faggot. gys.

Trolling huh

This is it. Most low class Jews are basically goys to the elites. It's a convenient shorthand for the bilderberg/f100 set, who typically are Jewish anyway.

I think you have to at least be intelligent, or related to smart Jews.

>tfw you've been cut out of the deal

Most Jews are not low class. Goyim (except for maybe Mormons) suffer from social ills that don't affect Jews much. As a people we are more accomplished, although not elite (not statistically possible, pigeon hole principle)

>slide thread
You know what you're guilty of, and your people have a long road to travel back to humanity, paved with apologies to the rest of the world for what your Jewry has wrought.


OP do you think its okay for white people to advocate for their interests?

Sure, I mean you'd be stupid not to.

Then into the chambers you go. You'd probably like Israel though user.

>OP: If all jews are a part of this giant conspiracy, then explain this Sup Forums?

> they've cut me out of the deal
> living comfortably since 1906

Then you are, dare I say it, /our jew/, but a vast majority of your kind doesn't think its okay.

You're not cut out of the deal. You're part of the tribe. If things go south here, you can go back to Israel and be welcomed with open arms.

So you're saying if I'm not impovrished, it's because I'm part of some global conspiracy and not just an honest hardworking mensch.

>a brown person's
So she's just showing how ignorant she is by seeing all brown people as one when a Paki or a nigger don't have any kind of claim to North America
And whites have lived in NA longer than Kazars have lived in Palestine

No, you're saying that.

Your ancestors cucked the goyim through usury. Now they run all the major financial institutions and media companies, effectively controlling the world. In one sense or another.

>I am a Jew Explain to me what my people have done, what their endgame is, and why they've cut me out of the deal.
Absolutely nothing. I'm a proud supporter of the jewish one state solution. I believe jews are unfairly treated, since they are God's people.

BTW can you do me a favorite?

>when a jew makes sense for once

Are you a Zionist Jew?

Ypu have to go back to Russia you Kremlin pogrom sleeper cell


if you cannot see the mountains of evidence, the intentional destruction of the West, the major players and their Judeophilia, the number of times that you've been booted out of everywhere; you fucked Colin Kaepernick'd yourselves. no one is to blame but (YOU)

There is no endgame, only an eternity of kikery and subversion, and the laughter of semitic volcano gods.

I believe Israel has a right to exist as a state, but I consider myself an American before I consider myself a Jew.

Perfectly stated.


For me I don't hate Jews. I hate Israelis who wants to fuck up my country more than it already is. I've met an old Jewish Syrian man before. What reason would I have to hate him?

that's pretty good, cccccChaim

Don't let your Rabbi hear you say that. lol Maybe you can be /our jew/

If an American of French descent were to say that the nation of France had a right to exist, would you doubt his loyalty?

That is the question I would like to ask jews in America: What country do you consider your homeland? If they answer Israel, they should be deported and lose US citizenship.

In fact, I think everyone in the US should be asked that question.

Hypothetical's, huh?
>there are plenty of real examples. try using one.

Rich Jews, Jews that are in a high position and Jews that pretend to be white, Jews that are popular on social media.

Those are Jews to worry about.

>the jew is a jew is a jew no matter where he roams
>even the jews whom are not Zionist/Globalist/Internationalist/ashkeNAZI adhere to a doctrine that is the most us v. them. bigoted, racist, prejudicial dogma in existence.
>translation: no matter which end of the Jew spectrum he's on; he will lord over you. but who really needs a magic sky wizard when we have earthlings who wield godlike powers?

We asked you nicely. Why do you insist on coming back?



the holocaust toke the lives of the wrong jews
the everyday normie jews
they shouldve gone for the communists for most communist leaders were jewish

American LIberal Jews are a problem for the international Globalist Elite (Jews). They set you people on a path to subvert western society with Marxist ideals, and the plague got out of control, spread among you as well. Now you are just tools and a means to an end - more useful idiots.

New every Jew is "in on it, but dam"n near all are part of it in some degenerate or subversive way.

This time the 6 gorillions will be for real.

Hey fellow Jew.

There is no global conspiracy or network of manipulative Jews. It's a boogeyman myth white people tell their children at night so they don't grow up to become bankers.

There are a lot of rich and successful Jews in powerful positions, but it's because they're intelligent and hard-working. It's like how people say advanced enough technology would look like magic to us... Jews are so intelligent and successful that it looks like magic to Sup Forums whites.

there was a couple Jewish kids I knew from my public school years they were fine kids and I met a Jewish truck driver once he was a funny little guy my dad's best friend was a Jewish engineer who moonlighted as a professional wrestler I grew up reading Yiddish wisdom and humor books I absolutely despise anti-semites

Litetally every day you kikes post shit like this.You know well why we hate you, stop playing the victim.


What do you feel when you see pic related?

>uses nazi flag

The Jewish people are the human shields for the Jewish elite. They laughed when many common Jews were killed during WW2 because it advanced their interests. They don't care about you.

Look, I know this is hard to swallow, but you guys missed the boat when Jesus came along. Think about it. A guy comes, claiming to be your long awaited messiah, you reject him and have him murdered for no good reason, and his followers take over the world and build the greatest civilization in world history. How much more obvious can it be that you fucked up? Just admit it and become Catholic. We welcome you as a complete equal, no strings attached, JewAnon.

>What have my people done?
They cut half your dick off at birth
>What is their endgame?
To make all humans on earth as powerless to resist their will as you were as a newborn to resist them taking half your penis
>Why they've cut you out of the deal?
Because they know they've fucked you up so bad that they don't have to offer you anything to get you to do what they want. They cut off half your dick without your permission and you are loyal to them

they weren't just "Jews". they were Communists; the same ilk who want the US to be Bolshevik 2.0 and to be a non-nationalistic, global tool.
>when Trump says he is a "National Globalist", maybe he is signaling that he is NazBol. the problem with the Globalist-mindset, is that there can be no national identity; anywhere. a globalist utopia is one where the entire structure is Communist (Jew Heads/Shabbos-run) where Socialism is a tool used to maintain all-volunteer armies and constant war as a population-control/compliance mechanism

this scene is hot.

>why do they LARP as Whites until it's time for exposure
>nothing subversive about that at all; amirite?

You're blind to your own Jewish privilege obviously.
You are God's chosen people, obviously you're more privileged than any other people.

Fucking this, its the elite who have control of the media/banking/politics but there's also lower-level Jews who are also unpleasant.

you rejected Jesus Christ.

Have you noticed they hate just about every one except white males? Racists!

Join Discord Server - 6SXKv8

If you're actually interested here's some reading. Start with this one
Then this one.
For your advanced course, read Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman

These people blame their problems on Jews like niggers blame whites for all their problems. You won't get an honest answer out of them.

Niggers are in white countries, they can move to Africa whenever they want.
Jews are in white countries. Where the fuck do we go? They are the ones that are invading us,. We're not the niggers, they are.

>I am a Jew. Explain to me what my people have done, what their endgame is, and why they've cut me out of the deal.

Comitted treason against the gods and the Emperor.


Most Jews at the time were exposed to the Pauline version of Christianity that bent over backward to appeal to a Hellenic audience. The original Jewish sect that worshiped Christ, the Ebionites and they were overshadowed within a century of their formation and, curiously, I'm googling around now and the Encyclopedia Britannica is telling me they didn't even believe he was the God-Man. Gotta find a source on that one.

Also, fun fact: the modern concept of the Messiah really only crystalized around the Second Temple Period. References to the Messiah in the Bible mostly use the term to as a title of honor for royalty, and it only picked up it's current connotation because Judah the Maccabee stroked their fantasies of a savior-king. The big messianic ideas of Isaiah only appeared during the Babylonian Exile, and more explicit prophetic writings on the subject like Daniel and Enoch only appear around 200-100 BC. Holy shit why am I procrastinating on my history papers by rambling about history?

We've been in Europe as a unified people longer then your culture even existed, ffs we still speak a 3000 yr old language

we have been in europe longer than you.. kike, we can trace our antecestery back to

You only get fringe benefits and are used as a pawn by higher level jews with more extensive nepotism as proof that not all jews are extremely rich beneficiaries of nepotism

I'm Jewish and me and my family are broke as fuck. I hate the Jewish elite just as much as anyone here. Please don't gas me I mean no harm.

You are going to get swept up with the tide unless you make a name for yourself. Best of luck


tell us why you consider yourselves 'Semitic'; friendo


and very much afraid to ask what this is

The other day there was another jew guy explaining how you guys get scammed by rabbis. DESU you guys are cucked as fuck and I don't mean that as an insult but an actual assessment of reality as a jew man: you have to pay to even talk to a rabbi and attend holidays, and if you don't or are low in money so you can't pay you don't get to be in the community. Only jew woman can give birth to jews, they can marry/fuck any guy of any race and the kid will be a jew, but if a man does the same the kid will be a half-jew at best. This is where white jews come from btw, jewish women would get married to europeans sometimes as part of a deal or even sold to christians. Because of that stupid law you people have even a kid born out of wedlock with a goy father is a jew. But jew men are limited to only jew women completely skewing the marriage pool in their favor.

If I were you I would change religions

gets gassed too

this. let the goys know you are on their side before the masses awaken.

Based black juden.

The Jewish elite don't care about the common Jew and never have. Based Revisionist Zionists knew this, and were assassinate tf out of sellouts running the ghettos for their own benefit during WW2.

Jews in general are only a problem because most of them are brainwashed. Right wing Zionists who look up to Jabotinsky and Begin can ride with me any time.

Do they still have kike genes?

Thanks, I haven't seen firebaby in a long long time!