DMT made me receptive to Marxism, not even joking. Tripping makes you see that there is no bigger falsehood than individualism.

Other urls found in this thread:

you failed your evolution.

>reaching for something that isn't there
life is meaningless faggot. get a grip, get laid, and stop believing in retarded political philosophies.

Keep on taking it until your brain fries for good.


*momentarily breathes in*


>We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM . . . They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality . . . If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the GOYIM is undeveloped in comparison with our mind? This it is, mainly, which guarantees our success.

Why don't you fuck bitches in the ass like you're suppose to do when you smoke dimtri?

>one with universe
>human collectivism
Youre retarded OP
Theres still a reality, and in this reality we're all individuals who have personal interests

Have you ever tried it? You'll likely come to a similar conclusion.

That's what I use cocaine and meth for. DMT is strictly for spiritual insights and epiphanies.

but what about when you refuse the clock work elves and they become Grey Aliens and start yelling at you about how you are ruining their plans then you slay a few of them and board a hyperspace "jetstream" and travel to various realms leveling up?

get out of the tutorial faggot

>Tripping makes you see that there is no bigger falsehood than individualism.

Great, but ditching liberalism doesn't mean you have to adopt socialism. They're both utopian ideologies built on a false understanding of human nature. You're still thinking inside the box.

DMT teaches you that you're playing an //individual game//.

What alternative would you recommend? Also falling for the "human nature" meme is thinking inside the box. But at least you aren't a brainlet who worships at the altar of liberalism/individualism like 95% of morons here.

Don't take too much or you become addicted. Pic related.

What DMT seems to fail to show you though is how trash humans are right now. Any idealistic system like marxism will FAIL horribly.

>Human nature meme

We got a transcendental faggot over here


I wanna try

>He doesn't know how to release the natural DMT he has stored up without a third party.

Speaking of Transcendentalism I see alot of people on the lower levels stroking themselves.

If you cannot handle pure and real individualism become a christian.

yeah man we are all cool and a collective, be peaceful
>votes for a violent, authoritarian state that will arrest and shoot you for not handing over the fruits of your labour, your property and for saying offensive things

People like you are the worst, you mask yourself behind a loving, welcoming ideology, but it's all a sham

its called capitalism kiddo, it was the greatest system ever until it got slogged down by cronyism




You can break through past the machine elf world.

Past the machine elf world you come into the eye of the storm. Perfect unity. Oneness. BUT THE MACHINE ELVES ARE DEMONS.

This pretty much, but without the "right now." Humans are generally trash and will never improve in any idealistic sytem. Everyone has to be able to reason and lift themselves up to a better standard which is ultimately a process that is entirely individual. You're just being flooded with feel good chemicals. Chances are you would go into a gulag with your marxist system anyway. That or betray all your ideologies and gain and abuse your power in that system.

Capitalism, like feudalism and slave society, has outrun it's usefulness. It has an expiration date just like those systems had.

Do you seriously believe that we can preserve capitalism until the end of time?

Machine Elf world is not the final stage.

heres a video of one of them letting us see past their glamour

you are dumb as shit. kill yourself.

machine elf "world" is literally like the arrivals area.

What about mushrooms and lsd?

>if you take drugs then you'll see marxism is right
>marxists ITT agreeing

Its been the best we've got so far, taking human nature into account

Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. I'm not a utopian. Everything in this world requires balance. Bloodshed has ALWAYS been required to create a superior society.

Keep swallowing the liberal kool aid about how you as an individual matter in the scheme of anything. Protip: you don't.

You are of weak character. DMT exposes weak characters.

Ayahuasca made me libertarian

Given a long evolutionary period, I believe human nature changes are possible, remember we still have a fight or flight reptilian brain, and a social dominance hierarchy brain dominating us

Wasted trip, commie fag

When I take Drugs all I want to do is capture communists and give them a ludavico treatment.

Very true, capitalism has run its course. The future belongs to the social nationalist centrists.

>Capitalism, like feudalism and slave society, has outrun it's usefulness
So will all marxist ideas.
Also, the aesthetics DMT produces in a vision is far beyond anything a marxist society was able to produce - if anything the aesthetic features of those societies are boring and dull.

Just because you had a real trip doesn't mean your interpretation of what you saw/were is correct.

My shrooms trips have only hardened my beliefs in more traditional conservative ways.

Not to say I'm right and you're wrong, but the substances are apolitical. Don't go using them to justify your autistic convictions.

reminder that communism/marxism/bolshevism are zionism. the end goal of these ideas is to create a one world government.

Psychedelics woke me up.

I was into transcendentalism and transhumanism when I was in highschool. That was 6 years ago.

diarrhea made me dehydrated and i drank water

>communist drug addict

What do the greys want?
They keep on fucking with me in my dreams and it's pissing me off.

>doing anything other than smoking weed

Taking dmt and turning into a deep guru is like losing your virginity and becoming a feminist. Don't be controlled by emotion, it is your wishful thinking interpreting the experience as something meaningful. There are no machine elves waiting for you after death, there is no force outside of the human heart that gives a shit about life.


Individualism is cancer, but so is Marxism.

Come home son, we will show you the way.


I don't disagree with this at all. I just happen to think that Marxism is the natural step after capitalism. Who knows what kind of system we will have when Marxism expires too.

>Taking dmt and turning into a deep guru is like losing your virginity and becoming a feminist.

>I'm a bitch that's why

>Who knows what kind of system we will have when Marxism expires too.
literally fascism
that's what fascism was meant to be, in Mussolini's writings he called it the successor to communism.


I quit smoking after taking mushrooms

So... China?

>muh breakfast food meme
>bloodshed is necessary for superior society
(((Marxism))) is cancer and all of its adherents should be shot to death

The Difference is I am going through the Nuclear Family progression Tech Tree and I don't FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE I fucking HATE science because I am a practical scientist not a theoretical one meaning I have to repeat the same experiment over and over and over again Right now I am working on a Flying Vehicle so that those welcome to join me will not be sitting ducks on an island.

Those are demons pretending to be aliens, Real Zeta-Reticulans have no reason at all to bother you unless you initiate the contact.


too bad it doesn't help you understand basic economics


Drugs are for losers.

I'm a little ignorant of fascist theory but it seems to be more forward thinking and revolution minded than I previously thought so I should look more into it. That's pretty interesting that Mussolini considered fascism the successor to communism.

Stay in your liberal individualist comfort bubble for eternity then lad.

The economy is NOT a sentient spiritual being. The economy is nothing more than the result of human actions. The economy is our BITCH and we can change it to anything we want with our actions.

What is this? This video is hard to follow.

Why do people who trip suddenly think that they're geniuses? Like congratulations on your thought processes being irrational and fucked up for 8 hours. You're not "enlightened", you're just different with the added bonus of being an arrogant dickhead on top of it. Marxism doesn't work, never has, never will. Maybe you should stop being a lazy pile of shit and take a few economics classes to help form your opinions rather than taking something that makes you blissfully unaware of how stupid it makes you

Having corrective surgery is for losers.

Most people don't think Cryptids exist but I know they do and they are my family and I love them.

An Inhuman creature possessing the ability to appear human inhabits this world with us.

Demons or Aliens whatever it is its here.

Would individuality come out as an important feature since the ALL is apparently playing a game with itself, it's hiding at million different places and watching itself from different perspectives. Maybe through individuality we're headed towards a higher - conscious unity.

>degerate drug user

You can't make this shit up

Do you really think that capitalism will last forever? That no system will end up replacing it?

>take hallcinogens
>receptive towards totalitarianism

reflect on this when u sober up

Maybe you're just retarded bro

>Mussolini considered fascism the successor to communism.

Where did you hear that? I think you're confused.

Fascism was a direct reaction to communism. WW2 was a war to defend Europe against globalism/communism/zionism.

You're a faggot. I've smoked plenty of DMT and I'm a full blown Nazi.

Nothing we do here matters, including going Full Paddock on your entire neighborhood for allowing you to become a socialist retard.

>thinly veiled drug thread is thinly veiled.

You're doing shit drugs, user.
NOTHING is more important than the individual.


No but it's the best we've currently's not easy to just switch systems for millions of

How do I get rid of the fake space niggers?
Do I have to fight them? They won't speak to me.

Complete individualism is what kills nations, but at the same time no individualisim also kills nations. There needs to be a mix, with people being what they want to, but the contry as a whole strives for the same goals. The US right now is pushing itself to complete individualisim, wich is killing us as a nation. No individualisim is what led to the collapse of the USSR. No individualism ultimately leads to Low morale, thus less work output, and the nation dies from the inside out. Humans need to feel spechul, wich is fine in most cases. The hive mind aproach that communisim uses just doesn't work.

no it just makes you stupid.

Not particularly, but the one that's led to around 250,000,000 deaths via brutal dictatorships isn't going to be the one that takes its place. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but your DMT induced socialist utopia delusion is just a delusion and nothing more

>Liberals get the bullet too.
Yeah, take drugs and advocate a genocidal ideology unironically.
Nothing insane about that at all.
Absolutely no reason for me to be going through safety drills with my firearms knowing that murderous druggies want to kill me.
Go fuck yourself while you're tripping to whatever the fuck you trip to.

How so?

>takes DMT for the first time

If you want collectivism, be NatSoc.

That's funny. Vaping dmt made me more libertarian and anarchist.

I have done it several times in college. It basically tricks your brain into seeing very vibrant always shifting shapes for about 10 minuets and since the brain is designed to recognize human faces in everything (ie: the face on mars) you end up seeing human-esque
faces within the shifting patterns. If your retarded you end up thinking you just met inter dimensional aliens.

NatSoc is much closer to the Truth than individualism. But further than Marxism due to its petty obsessions with borders, race, nations etc. These things should be deconstructed because they cause much unnecessary suffering. That's just my opinion at least, feel free to correct me.

>it's what we currently got so we should never change it because that's a difficult thing to do
Submissive af lad

You're either lying or you wasted a perfectly good psychedelic experience.

Oh yeah, I am fascist by the way.

vape confirmed for delivery methox

>the Truth
The truth is that the only reasons humans exist is becuase of brutality and competition culling the weak. Sorry if that makes you trannies insecure, but it is the reality. Humans have to work with the forces of nature, and that means a system where the strong are rewarded and the weak culled. Anything else is anti-reality.
>inb4 define weak and strong

That's how our earliest, most primitive stages were and we have progressed from that IMMENSELY. Thinking we have reached the peak of this progress is really naive.

What system do you want it replaced to though...??

>Tripping makes you see that there is no bigger falsehood than individualism.

Marxism promotes individualism you dolt.

>progressed from that IMMENSELY
In what way?

What are the clockwork elves? Alex Jones talked about them too