SS-made shrunken heads

Did you guys know that the Nazi's made shrunken heads out of their POW's and concentration camp victims?

wait until you hear about the roller coaster

Yes, they used them as primitive fleshlights. Dem fat jew lips are just like a meaty 1930s fraulein's pussy.

did you know that the nazis used atom bombs on the jews?

the 'masturbated to death' one is truly remarkable

What roller coaster




I was gassed five times. The sixth time I twisted my ankle leaving the movie theater and had to go to the camp hospital.

is Geocities still around on Latvia Webnet?


sounds like an automated minerail system that's been in use at least since 1900

What's the roller coaster reference supposed to be

Did you know about the soap and lmapshades make out of human fat and skin, too? How about the masturbation machines and the rollercoaster that dumped people directly into an oven?

shut up poindexter

you know..
i for one don't need sexbots, but i can't wait untill they are in the store.
I'll buy me an army of sexbots and reprogram them to hunt down jews and masturbate them to death

M.S. masturbation staffel


>the joke


I bet my Ford Edge lease that they won't dna test that thing.

i like this one.

It was created in the mind of an inbred race of uncreative and unproductive rats I reckon