Do you guys acutally hate Jews?

Please be honest. I'm not sure if people on Sup Forums are actually serious or if they are LARPing because it's edgy and funny.

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Sup Forums isn't one person. And just as the Jews hate all goyim, I despise the Jew's existence.

Why do the Jews hate us?

I dont hate them at all im just curious as to why they hate me

I want to force feed black masculinity to every jew.

I don't know if they do. Maybe some do but most don't

only those outside of israel

Their priests tell them to because it keeps the group together and keeps the shekels flowing in

Literally Jews 101

What part of "Gas the Kikes, Race War Now!" did you not understand?

I just want them to get the fuck out of my country

I am amenable to this if that's what it takes



I mean, I only hate leftist jews. I'm personally a supporter of jews like Ben Shapiro because they're right wing and they don't hate me but I don't like Soros and guys like him.

I hate everyone, especially myself.

The jews are a nice thing to blame though.

>Forgetting USS Liberty

Yes, I hate jews.

It's just a LARP. I would never actually promote the idea that suicidal anons should take out a synagogue before killing themselves

most kikes aren't unbearable
but when one is, it's unbearable beyond imagination

I hate Zionists.

Well, yeah. You're a muslim. I know what's in the koran.


I don't hate jews. I find the joooooo h8trs here to be pretty weird people though, and there are a lot of them

I unironically hate jews. Secular, orthodox, reform, gas them all

top kek

Coming from a fucking faggot.

No I ironically want to gas them all.


I see a lot of aspects of human life, greed, theft, general immorality, bring refered to as Jewish when it has nothing to do with the Jewish people or the Jewish religion. I don't particularly hate immorality, just keep it away from my family and I. And I have no problem with Jews other than they vote Democrat in America but Israel seems nice. Not the evil meme people make it out to be.

I don't. I love Adam sandler. I also like beck

Harun's right you know.

In my one experience with an actual Jew this was accurate

I don't tho, just the elite

Depends on how you define "hate." If wanting them, and their influence, all gone from other people's countries (especially white countries) and not caring if they didn't exist anymore is "hate," then absolutely.

All Rabbinical Jews are evil. They have Commandments that tell them to be moral, not steal, don't lie, and they cast them all aside because of their Rabbinical traditions.

No one has a problem with the Jews that stick to the 10 Commandements. But Jews in real life are covetous liars.

So, I hate them by their own standards.

And they have deeper ties in the government by the year.

I don't 'hate' like want them killed or any laws passed.

But I hate them like how I hate obnoxious hypocrites

There are two types of Jews:

Leftist kikes and right wing nationalists.

Everyone here hates Jews because outside of Israel we have to deal with the former, even thought the latter isn't much of a problem. Hell Netanyahu called out Soros as the threat he is.

I've always assumed the jew hate was 95% satire on Sup Forums with a handful of true anti-semites. I have never really dealt with Jewish people, living in the PNW. No reason to hate them.

See, thank you for having some common sense. All I hear from here is "JOOOOOS" and I can't tell if they are serious.
Yeah, most jews vote for dems because they aren't religious and have adopted left wing values instead. Of course, not all jews are like this. Ben shapiro and other pro israel jews vote for republicans


This photo is a meme. Always posted with zero evidence any of these people are actually jewish. Some of them undoubtedly are but you fags need to stop believing every .jpeg with words on it

I actually do hate the Jewish conspiracies/cabal/bankers who view the rest of us as cattle, but my favorite people in real life are usually Jewish, especially women. If I ever end up with someone for good, chances are high she'll be a goddamn fat-titted kike. The reason that Jews suck is all culture, no DNA. Find the ones that aren't in the whole Jewish superiority thing and they're usually pretty excellent people.

Good for you. Complete non-sequitur.

I'm Jewish and I hate Jews

See, thank you for having some common sense. All I hear from here is "JOOOOOS" and I can't tell if they are serious.
Yeah, most jews vote for dems because they aren't religious and have adopted left wing values instead. Of course, not all jews are like this. Ben shapiro and other pro israel jews vote for republicansNo, I'm not surprised that a muslim hates zionism

>literally the source of all evil since 3000 BCE
>why do you guys hate them?

This. Jews got Jewed worst then anyone else.

It's why the average Jewish family in the US will have just around 1 child on average. Give it a few generations and only the ones who aren't Jewed will be left.

Not at all. Christianity is the evil thing. It's fundamentally incompatible with Judaism. A lot of Jew hate can be explained from Christianity, which is fundamentally globalist and evangelical. All the things they accuse Jews of is explicitly in the Christian doctrine.


Do you hate zionism?
Me being Muslim has nothing to do with it. Many non-Muslims hate zionism.

The issue is Zionism.

Truth truth I've noticed pro Israel Jews tend to be more patriotic and people who are against Israel, Jewish or not, tend to be Anti-American. And of course it's nearly impossible to not see the "joooos" people around but I try to distinguish weather they are referring to the Jewish people or just curroption. I saw one poster say "I don't want the Jews curropting my children through TV or video games and I want my children to go outside and enjoy life" I don't believe the Jews all conspire together to bring down society, but I do think the TV and Vidiya industry promotes immorality. Honestly never would have thought I'd agree with a Canadian other than Lauren Southern or Armourd Keptic before haha this is a first for me :p

The Jew is a parasite, a parasite who believes he is better than his host.


Of course not.

Zionism is the only thing keeping Judaism alive. The diaspora won't survive forever. It's like saying I got no problems with Turks but the country of Turkey shouldn't exist. Without Turkey the Turkish will die in time.

>what the Torah forbids, the Talmud prescribes
I am a raging anti-Semite but this is a weak Cucktian meme.

Judaism has always been about evolutionary imperatives.
>keep the genes within the group
>keep resources flowing in from outside the group
Even in the OT they are constantly slaughtering outsiders on God's commands and being punished for having mixed marriages and mixed-blood children. It's always been the same shit.

After getting rich in Babylon the Jewish elites settled on the sojourning strategy as the best way to make money while incurring minimal risk. So they crafted the mythology they needed.

In order to live among other peoples and rip them off to no end, you have to hate them. Thus the mythology of a morally pure people perennially besieged by the evil goy.

The STRATEGY necessitates the PSYCHOLOGY necessitates the PSEUDOHISTORY.

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who don't know this stuff

Jidf alert


That's a good description. Bravo.

Good goy. Civic nationalism is the way to go!

This is a jidf meme. Jews are evil GENETICALLY.

Jerry Seinfeld is pretty funny.

Wrong. They are a rat-race that needs to be wholly exterminated.

The driving force of my life is my hatred for the Jews.

Same here, brother.

No we love them but unfortunately they need to be GASSED. There's really nothing we can do about it.



Jews hate Evangelical Christians more than Muslims. They believe Jesus is boiling in his excrement for eternity and that Mary was a whore.

Jews over Muslims and blacks period.. they don't go around killing people and blowing shit up... they keep to themselves and do there thing they don't go destroying other cultures and scare communities

Literally gets me off my ass and into the gym in the morning. I am not going to be anything less than my best possible self. Not when there's a ZOG to fight

>they don't go around killing people
Solzhenitsyn on line 2

I've known a few ok ones but overall, yeah, I pretty much loathe the fuckers.

The jews bring in the muslims and blacks and impose them on people, LIAR. CHEATER!! JEW!!!!

He's jewish? I always saw him as white

Jewish communists exterminated tens of millions of Christian Europeans in the 20th century. Hate won't bring about justice for this and their other crimes against humanity. True eternal justice will require a much more intensive and thoughtful solution than hate.


All Jews must be gassed






“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Nobel-Prize-winning novelist & historian.

I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionists. Nobody gets to declare themselves "God's chosen people" and the arrogance of such a deeply ingrained value is already a wrong way to define oneself. I have had Jewish coworkers, Jewish classmates and I even have some Jewish friends, all are fine by me. its the Zionism and shekel-siphoning that people get mad about that they conflate with Judaism as a whole.

You can be against racemixing and being honest about it.

Look at Jacob, the man who gave the Jews their name. He basically lied to and stole from everyone he met. He is a Jewish role model. And he is a shit human and the reason that Jews act like such cunts.

Most of the Jewish patriarchs are evil by any standards. Which is why the Jews killed Jesus when he tried to get them to follow the law, because their traditions are to be evil.

I literally had a Jew lecture me on why white people were racist for moving to the suburbs. So basically, Sup Forums was right.

There's links at the bottom to prove EVERY fucking one from the NBC and New York Times charts are Jews. Try again next time.


Yeah christiany is totally full of anti-family pro pornography usurer rat peeple.


Jews were less than 2% the Russian population at the time too. So maybe just a little over-represented...

Who said anything about Christianity?

Jews are utter shit, toxic to civilization. Kill them all including OP.

All Middle Eastern superstitions are anti-white, anti-European culture schemes of the Jew.


A lot of that is over the Jesus schism. Christians are Jews that believed Jesus was the real mccoy eg the Son of God whereas Jews became the ones that doubted Mr. Christ was the real deal and that the Messiah is still TBD

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

First kekistani flag i've seen that didn't go on about how great the chosen race is.

The thoughtful solution is genocide motivated by righteous hatred, not plebian hatred but that will do.

Only Muslims have the will to kill the Jew. That's why I support Assad against Yidsrael. The Jew cannot be reasoned with.


I'd make them all cum with my uncut non-kosher penis
