Why do niggers talk like this? Wouldn’t it just be easier to learn some basic form of English, good English or not...

Why do niggers talk like this? Wouldn’t it just be easier to learn some basic form of English, good English or not, than to make up an entirely new nigger language?

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Dumb. Some talk like human beings though, but they are still loyal to their race.

Lack of literacy leads to basic words and grammar rules being continually lost, which necessitates the creation of new words and manners of speech

It's the best they can do, dude. If you point out how shitty their english is, they get really self conscious and defensive. If you make a habit of using words they don't understand they'll begin to dislike you and distrust you. You know, it's not really complicated, man. They are not smart. They're simple, beasts of the field, unfit for a role in civilization.

It's strange though. I look at the OP pic and I have no idea what the fuck was just said. However, a nigger can probably read that and know exactly what it means.

UCLA Professor called racist & protested for correcting black students grammar and punctuation


threads about
are useless now, because the melanated fellows are onto you crackers, so the bait doesn't work, and all you get is a bunch of whitebois' rustled jimmies
>the absolute state of white cucks

niggers and the new generation of kids. White girls are now talking like this.

Because they sincerely think speaking in actual English or applying themselves in school at all is "too white" and actively bully each other for it. They're like crabs in a bucket: they'll pull down any that try to escape and insure they all go down.

Umm its called culture, sweetie. Something you wouldn't know about privileged white boi

Put on the google somali translator

Let me take a stab at it females brag about their sexual deviance in messages until you give them attention then they lose interest in you and go back to a monogamous relationship. Fuck I don't know this seems right

"women can be quite salacious in private, but if one were to break relations with one they will sit in reverie, yearning of their lost romance"

No he said women are sluts texting you until you try to get some/hook and then they send you pics of them and their boyfriend saying how happy they are together.

This is nigger-speak for “I’m a loser.”

Because English is white supremacy. Everyone has white bones, so we eternally win, they can never recover.

>actual english
who the fuck to say what actual english is in 2k16+1
wherefore art thee a faggot, faggot?
you're an insecure white cuck, projecting your anger at melanin, i won't say it's jealousy, i'd say it's self hate, can't be easy being a cuck am i right?

>Why do niggers talk like this?
Blacks in America, beginning with slavery, never had a strict code regarding manners.
Manners is what gets kids to "speak properly"
And then you consider the poor education, and living in enclaves, ya see where this goes.
Also, choice and identity.
Most blacks know how to "talk white" if they need too but don't choose too.

>but if one were to break relations

This is what "dub'em" means? Like "dump 'em", but if said by someone who was hit in the head by a truck?

pic saved, thanks kek

It means... if a girl hits your DMs and you curve her. She tries to get back at you by posting pics with more nigs.
Tell me I'm wrong.
>protip: you can't.

That's actually really true.

What’s even worse is 80% of white youths try to emulate this nigger speak when they talk and text

ooga booga bix nood mufugga

Thanks anons. Learning this brave new language will help me in the streets of California.

What is "bihhh" code for?