How does one become successful as a young person today?

How does one become successful as a young person today?

twitch streaming and meme currencies

Stop watching porn, do NoFap, take cold showers, JELQing and kegels.

You don't, you are too late

What does being successful mean?

I saved up 5 years from low paying jobs (all there is here for high school grads) and I've recently started college. What are your plans Sup Forums?

You take this to Sup Forums or /bant/ you fatherless little shit

2d waifu says i love you back

Suck Jewish dick in a Hollywood backroom.

work hard, continuously learn, add value, don't expect to get rich immediately, understand that you are not inherently special and aren't entitled to anything but being left the fuck alone

What a fuckin time to be alive

fuck off with the steve-o pics

Cut your dick off and get a government job

Do meth and sell some on the side and use all your time awake to work 3 jobs and sell cryptocurrency.

you are born into the ruling caste

>tfw you've been jelquing

Depends on how you define success. If you see it as Mcmansions and Ferraris then your probably up shit creek. If you see it as having your bills paid and living in a decent neighborhood to raise kids in then I suggest learning a trade and working your ass off.

I've been a loser working 90 hours a week for scratch and having businessmen and whores looking at me like a piece of trash, whatever the opposite of that is, that's success.

That's what i'm in college for, yes you need to pay 20k for a menial gov job nowadays

Been making about $45k a year at a job that's only 30 hours a week. 4 days a week. I got so much free time, been considering starting a million meme businesses and see if one hits it rich... or just drive Uber and meet babes.

get winesteined

you spread your buttcrack wide enough for all to see

* Have a job
* Continuously apply for better job positions
* Save more than you spend

That's really the formula for success

>90 hours
You need to pursue jobs that can be used as stepping stones into better paying jobs instead of working insane hours. Unless you own a business, you shouldn't work more than 60-70 hours a week ever even between multiple jobs.

Choosing the right parents will always the best way, of course.

being a hot woman willing to suck kilometers of dick

Thank you, Horatio Alger

>soulless and brain dead consumerist with money

the last option is the most successful

I wanted to be a chef ever since i was young, the rats in fine dining will just take kids and grind them til they hate life, i was doing sometimes 110 hour weeks (no breaks) for three month stretches and on top of that they'd skim your pay and were abusive


you have to cash someone outside

im scared to google this.. w-what is it?

become fit and trained in hand to hand combat. learn skills like cultivating food, repairing small machinery, hunting,producing basic medicine, construction from recycled materials, etc.

be ready for intense social strife and general scarcities of basic goods. learn to be happy with little material goods and enjoy the moment while you still have life.

a mans sport

Rise early & go to bed early, keep your word and let yes mean yes and no mean no, truth before loyalty with your friends, process your emotions so you don't use alcohol and other drugs as a crutch, have boundaries in all your relationships.

Work as much as possible. Get into community college. Plenty of jobs for a two year degree. Begin with the end in mind

Be born into the right family.

Suicide m8


What job?

I would say hard work and dedication, but that's only about 20% of it. The rest is who you know. Start meeting people of importance. Social clubs, charitable organizations, and volunteering will put you in the places where that can happen.

You have to be born in the city.

be chosen.

>get into trade
>save money and learn
>start your own business
>penny pinch, live modestly, invest
>cash out in your 40's

restaurant industry is dead end.

Suck Jew cock. Preferably Hollywood Jews. Though New York Jews are another route. Sometimes you can even become successful with D.C. Jew cock. But you have to also allow black penis up your ass...

Being born into wealth sure helps.


Be a mechanic or electrician like a normal fucking human being

First off you gotta be born with a decent template
>make your bed every morning
>stay in shape
>dont masturbate (at least not to porn)
>be polite
>stand up for yourself
>find a goal
>don't be afraid to fail
>be yourself (the best version of yourself)
>work hard
>have hobbies

Its not really that hard. You just gotta be focused, keep busy and develop good habits.

Get any job.

Show up for work on time every day.


Think about how to do things better.

Same as always.

the same thing people did in the 60's

- don't be a lazy piece of shit
- go to highschool
- go to college and get a non meme degree
- get a couple of scholarships, tap, financial aid or if your rich and can't get any of the above, ask daddy
- get a job by simply networking with that said degree
- or try trade

the problem is most of you retards can't even get past step 1, let alone step 2

you can be redpilled, hate niggers, hate muslims, post on Sup Forums and still succeed

i grew up in the bronx hood all around niggers and i'm doing perfectly fine with a 6 figure salary and a basic mechanical engineering degree

1. Be willing to take more rejection than everyone else. Grow the thickest skin you possibly can.
2. Get good at ecommerce sales and web programming, enough that you can live off of freelance gigs + your own stuff.
3. Fight tooth and nail to get your first consulting gig.
4. Rapidly ramp up your fees each new gig until you're charging several clients a $50-75k per month retainer.
5. Quit charging a fixed $ retainer and only work for a percentage of the revenue you bring.

Worked for a buddy of mine who grew up under a single mother and often had no dinner as a kid.

First you must define success for yourself. Don't fall into the trap of trying to achieve what you believe others view as success. If you achieve what truly makes you happy in life, then you have been successful.

How do you think people managed to live happy and fulfilling lives before the iphone and maui jims ? Realize that so much that is pounded into you today is bullshit designed for you to make someone else happy.

Its called programming for a reason.