Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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Bernie can still win

Goddamn I hate reddit, holy shit.

It's nugget sauce.

The trump Reddit use to be fun before Super Tuesday. Now it's full of a bunch of beta fags like the Bernie sub Reddit had.


>be trump supporter
>also be a reddit and morty fan

but why

>eating fast food
no wonder you pigs are so fat

I saw some video of some faggot selling people dipped nuggets.

It just reeked of intense autism.

I must have fucking missed something. What is the deal with this sauce all of a sudden?


So the faggot tank has sprung a leak

There was a joke about the sauce in the first episode of the last season of some cartoon that dumb people think is smart.
That was literally all there was to it.

So naturally, everyone has to become complete and utter cancer and obsess over the sauce.

It's rick's motivation for living.

also this.

So cartoons nowadays have product placement?

forced meme on rebbit.

Hasn't McDangs always had that sauce?

Nice try Justin.

>The trump Reddit use to be fun before Super Tuesday. Now it's full of a bunch of beta fags like the Bernie sub Reddit had.

It was because the Sup Forumsack who founded it got doxed with the help of the reddit admins and ousted, then taken over by literal zionist PR kikes. Yes, you read that right.

I wish I could have some mcNuggets with some good old ketchup right now and some fries

It was about a promotion that happened nearly 20 years ago. Can't even call it that.
It was literally a "lol I'm so randumb" thing.

damn that sounds good

>my entire life has led up to eating this sauce that i just found out existed recently

why is reddit such cancer?

Get out and stay out.

>2402 upboats for posting your meme sauce pic
Words cannot describe just how cancerous the reddit and memey fan base is.
We need to fuck with them big time.

and it spiralled in to...this? People getting stabbed over it and thinking their entire life has lead up to consuming some product? And people seem to think "misanthrope" is an insult.

why wont you ledditors just fuck right off with this garbage? how the FUCK is this Sup Forums related?

fuck off nigger t_d elected trump.

>We need to fuck with them big time.

Not worth it. You fuck with reddit and all you get out of it is a muddy dick and aids.


How do we know this isn't you?

There is no group of people more unhinged than those that think consuming a specific form of media makes them smart.
These are the same kind of faggots who thought they had religion all figured out after reading the Da Vinci Code.

I wouldn't eat that even if you paid me $1000. And I really mean it.

>post in Sup Forums
>post in reddit too

many such cases

Calm down Ahmed, the sauce doesn't have pokr in it

> eating $1000 worth of food

> not getting it comped

What are you, some peasant who works at Taco Bell?

you would eat halal dick sauce if Merkel told you it would make your nazi past go away

maybe in your timeline, anon3233

mad, because i have integrity? i wont put this shit in my body.


it's seasoned with sage

and yet you'd let other men push your shit if you catch my drift

they should just make more sauce wtf mcdonalds

>you'd let other men push your shit if you catch my drift
>if you catch my drift
i have no idea what you're trying to communicate

This is the absolute state of Reddit.

Its designed in such a way that the most autistic fandoms can circle jerk in their little subreddits and, due to the lack of criticism from non mentally ill people, they do the most stupid shit imaginable. Its a terrible place or a comedy gold mine, as you want to see it.

>claim to be nihilist
>find meaning in meme sauce

I'll see you my sauce for $20k.

What the literal fuck, I hate tendies now.

Mistaking intense autism for intense capitalism?
That's a paddling

What's wrong with liking Trump and Rick & Morty

>and it spiralled in to...this? People getting stabbed over it and thinking their entire life has lead up to consuming some product

Nah, this case just outed it in the most bizzare and surreal form.

I at least thought the fucking sauce was in a little bottle or something. It’s a foil tub like any other sauce. Is this what we’ve been reduced to?





They have their heads so up their ass they don't even realize how cancerous they are

>they're the same fucking guy
Jesus Christ, how can they be such pieces of shit so unaware of themselves?

at least we aren't blown up yet, ahmed

Yep. One of the craleators, jew one I think, even asked McDonald's to plug their products on the show. Now look at what's happening. Are the jews right about the goyim?

dude what the fuck

I wanna try it but I’ll wait until winter like a good goi.

All in favor of adding Rick & Morty fans to the list of untermensch for later gassing?
