Sen. Corker: Trump's behavior setting the nation 'on the path to World War III'

When a republican senator says Trump is about to start WWIII you know shit is getting real.

Sup Forums if we work our meme magic we might be able to impeach him before he causes a nuclear holocuast! Let's acknowledge that we made a mistake by supporting him and use our memes to do some good in the world.

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Trump supporters aren't republican or democrat.

It's a whole new paradigm.

>how can I be relevant in the news?

cool meme bro.

Good, the world needs a purge.

>1945: 2.5 billion people, 50% white.
>2015: 7.5 billion people, 16% white.

Let's get it on before we don't have the tech to neutralize the numbers gap.

Idiot. There won't be anyone left alive once the nukes start flying. White, black, asian it doesn't matter we're all going to be dead.


I'll take my chances.

>Trump supporters aren't republican or democrat.

Infowars crazy fucks.

Corker is based as fuck and trying to save the Iran deal and stop nuclear war.

I really don't think there will be a nuclear war. All this hype will end up being for jack just like when Reagan was president, and that was against an actual, legitimate threat.

Corker is a faggot


You sound like such a faggot OP. You're either a kike shill or a fedora wearing faggot who thinks he's witty coming to Sup Forums trying to shitpost but you sound like a Reddit faggot.

>you faggot

>Corker is a faggot

Fuck off kike

Corker is based and trying to stop neocon Trump from blowing up the Iran deal.

Wow OP you need to try harder. If youre a shill then it must be your first day. If youre baiting then this is a pathetic attempt

Trump isnt getting rid of it.

>t. taco bell faggot who still pays for his sushi

>When a republican senator says Trump is about to start WWIII you know shit is getting real.
Is there anyone who hasn't yet said Trump is literally Hitler? Here I'm just waiting for the Jews to start cooking, but shit is definitely not getting real. I'm not going to hold my breath on the WW3 etiher.

>Trump isnt getting rid of it.


>stop nuclear war.
Pick one.

>but shit is definitely not getting real. I'm not going to hold my breath on the WW3 etiher.
You sure? I really hope not, the thought of dying from a nuke scares me a lot.

>stop nuclear war.

Yeah maybe you should fuck right off kike.

fuck off cunt

He sounds like the type who loves a good cheese pizza. How about you, OP? You a fellow cheese pizza lover, worried about your supply?

>t. triggered abo

I wonder if a nuke hitting SF would help the nationalistic side of the US.

I want a nuclear holocaust. Nothing else will dislodge the elite in time to save the West. It will be their fault. It shouldn't take an independently wealthy clown to get a little fucking economic nationalism, let alone the Adolf Hitler we need.

Why would we want to stop a nuclear holocaust?


>sources say

just stop.

I knew you were going to say that before I even posted it faggot

October 12 he's giving a speech were he's going to end the Iran deal and declare the Iranian revolutionary guard a terrorist organization. Screencap this faggot.

You voted for a kike. EAT SHIT FAGGOT

I really, genuinely promise you as well as every disoriented person on this board: it's. not. happening.

>I really, genuinely promise you as well as every disoriented person on this board: it's. not. happening.



>plz think of thuh dealz

nobody gives a fuck about your plans for greater israel except you anymore.

>nobody gives a fuck about your plans for greater israel except you anymore.

Fuck off you fucking kike

I want the Iran deal and I will never support another war for Israel

Nice subversive tactics kike. Alt-right kikes are at it again.

>before he causes a nuclear holocuast!


He's not showing too much concern for the base he created via economic nationalism, he seems to have shifted to the traditional Republican boomer patriot-retard base. This would be right up their alley. But he's not stupid enough for Iraq War 3.0 in Iran either. He'll do as much posturing and stupid shit against Iran as he can, short of war.

Conventional war might be possible, when the media says "for war" that's what I envision. Not fucking nukes. Nukes are an extreme last resort and neither Trump nor Kim are actually suicidal.

Fuck off fag

>Fuck off fag

Hi rabbi