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Federal disability law requires movie theaters to provide specialized interpreters to patrons who are deaf and blind, an appeals court said Friday.

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If I was deaf I would just chill at home with subtitles, if I was blind why the hell would I want to watch a movie?

Movie theatres are disgusting and degenerate. Haven't been to one in years

I like radio plays. Probably the same for them I imagine.

No, desu.
>Hellen Keller tier

Then they should be required bylaw to go see every single movie.

Movie theaters now required to provide EEG neurofeedback machines to accommodate customers in a vegetative state

No. It would be someone signing into a deaf+blind person's hand.

I don't mind. Sucks to be deaf or blind. Helping them out isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned. Nor is making sure they've got roofs over their head and whatnot if they can't work (though from what I know most deaf people do work, it's harder for blind people obviously.)

It's the healthy, totally able-bodied people demanding welfare and reparations and gibs for popping out more kids, shit like that that pisses me off. Not helping genuinely disabled people.

A radio play is designed to be listened to, I think most movies wouldn't make much sense if they were soley dependent on audio.I figured it applied to all three conditions. Not just if it was deaf and blind combo

Just schedule separate showings. There is usually plenty of room toward the front of the average theatre, where a wheelchair can be positioned. Not really sure how a blind people would enjoy a movie - having interpreters explain what the characters are doing? I was under the impression that the blind enjoyed audiobooks and the like for this reason.

Good. Movie theaters are the gateway to hollywood. Put as much regulation and hard ship on them as possible.

It's like radio, I guess. Especially old movies with nice crackling dialogue would be more fun though. Of course I guess modern soundtracks with all the effects and shit could also be pretty fun.

whoops, I'm tired.
Well, I still don't care. It's a non-issue really considering all the huge, super-rotten shit going on right now.

how the fuck would you even articulate what is going on in a movie to someone who cant hear or read. im calling bullshit. NICE SOURCE OP YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

How the actual fuck do deafblind people even interact with the world

they are basically animals

How the fuck do you translate an audio-visual medium to those who cannot perceive audio or visuals? It's like a fag trying to get a job a strip club. That's the opposite of what the business does.

fags can get jobs wherever they want you fucking bigot

So special seats with screens for subtitles and headphones with recordings describing the movie?

If that's the case they'll need someone to stand in front of the movie-goer and sign into their hands.
It would take twice as long as the length of the movie to sign everything.
Why would you even go to the movies if you were deaf and blind?

I wonder how much this will raise ticket prices.

oh god its fucking real, its going back to court. what the fuck is wrong with the judges of america.
too lazy to

>So special seats with screens for subtitles and headphones with recordings describing the movie?
No this is for deaf AND blind not just one or the other I guess

Ridiculous. So every single movie theater in the US needs to have both a deaf and a blind interpreter? For each screen and every showing? It would be nearly impossible to pull that off. Fucking sucks to be you, Helen Keller.

Kinda, but at least animals can see and hear. They're kinda more like shallow puppets of human beings just waiting in hopes a cure comes in their lifetime so even a mere fraction of their lives don't need to feel wasted.

That really is a stupid interpretation of that law.
A deaf-blind person is going to already have their own interpretator with them. They are totally incapable of going anyway without their own would they get there.
If court is implying that evey movie theater has to have a sign language interpreter capable of communicating with a deaf-blind person by signing into their hand, they're going way beyond any sane expectation of any business.
There can't be that much demand...what less than .05% of the population?
I could see, maybe, allowing the interpretator getting in at a reduced rate (not free, that's bullshit) but having the theatre hiring an employee fill that role just in case a blind-mute stumbles into a cinema without their own interpretator is ridiculous. Never going to happen.

This just puzzles me. How can they be required? I understand that disability law means wheelchair ramps and bar handles instead of knobs, but how can this be?

I know a lot of movie theaters will have special showings with extra accommodations, but it really can't be every show, all the time. Where's the link, faggot?

no it would have to be a blind-deaf interpreter, someone who specializes in people who are both blind and deaf.

I don't think it would be unreasonable to ask the person to make a reservation so they can bring in a signer, so they don't have to pay someone (who I assume doesn't work for $8/hr) to do nothing for 38hrs a week.

>Can't see or hear
>Boy I sure do wish I could go to a place that caters almost entirely to those two senses alone
>Make loud annoyed grunts until I feel my hand being touched
>fiddle with them until they move me to what I believe to be the movie theater
>Clap after every scene

Male strippers can be gay and women watch them. Strip clubs are for both genders you fucking dialator

Interpretator for the right hand does visuals and sound, interpretator for the left hand does dialogue.

how do you interpret for a blind person?

sounds like a hit to jewlywood

I'd like to be a interprete for deaf people in a Transformers movie:
> Now Optimus Prime pretends to be evil
> Now the nerds are saying something dumb
> Bumblebee acts like a nigger
> Some 19yo actress is saying something slutty
> Explosions
> Explosions
> More explosions
> The end

How do you describe sound to someone that can neither see nor hear? Do you just like, slap them with varying intensity to simulate loudness?

>try to watch movie
>5-6 blind and deaf idiots feeling all over the projector screen going "HURHURHUR DA WUZ FOINNAE" from a joke 5 minutes ago that they are just feeling over to

so does that mean they're going to ruin every movie with subtitles? also theres going to be a guy explaining to a deaf guy "so right now theyre doing this and about to head to this place"

>Clap after every scene
>When you describe the average American movie-goer

Yeah, every theater.

Disabled people are worse than niggers

blind AND deaf

>Go see a movie
>Two blind people show up
>Sit right near me
>Theater is packed at this point
>Have to deal with two interpreters narrating the movie to Stevie fucking Wonder for two hours
>I'm the asshole for being upset that my movie experience was ruined

>Ruining the movie
Honestly senpai, I watch even English stuff with subtitles now because unless it's a Brit or drill sergeant, everyone speaks in a retarded garble.

the person "feels" the interperters sign language

This is actually a good idea, sell the blind discounted tickets but they have to sit in the front row.

>appeals court setting the precedent for what they interperet federal law to be
This will have a precedent of common sense run over it quickly by the owners of theatre companies like regal cinemas and whatnot

>Helping them out isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned.

This is helping them out at the expense of everyone else.

It's annoying enough when people in a theater are whispering to each other or using their phones, yet now some people are wanting to have interpreters in theaters for hand signals or whatever the fuck else?

There's also still plenty theaters with only a handful of screens, so if you have a theater with three screens yet at least one has to have subtitles then you can find yourself shit out of luck pretty easily if you were wanting to just enjoy some fine kino without the distractions.

A theater near me started doing some subtitled showing and it honestly turned me off of even going there, since I found myself multiple times showing up to see a movie only to find out they were doing those subs without and showing without the bullshit.

This whole story is honestly a fair example of why we have this rule:
>The complaint is filed as a violation of Title III of the ADA, which requires public places, including movie theaters, to provide auxiliary aids and services “unless the public accommodation can demonstrate that taking those steps would fundamentally alter the nature of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations being offered, or would result in an undue burden, i.e., significant difficulty or expense.”

>isn't a problem
Until you have to listen to some interpreter jabbering to a blind person what the movie was about, which ruins the experience you paid $10+ for

Just make custom little monitor things for them to hold.

thing is they are requiring all movie theaters to provide a tactile sign language interpreter for deaf-blinds. How common would these cases be, how common would those interpreters be, how much money would it take for a place to have such rare expert on payroll or at least retainer?
If the legislators would be conserned in helping disabled people they could give additional disability payments maybe bookmarked for the use of interpreter that the disabled person could use as they fit.
Of course that would mean money out of their budget so they would better put the burden to provide such services to random businesses everywhere.

This is why I wait till the movies come out on DVD

I watch it at home in my underwear in my comfy couch with no niggers yelling to ruin my entertainment.

You couldn't bother to change the fucking dates?

Let me guess, 9th circuit right?

Any more detailed information about the decision? I would imagine that it requires deaf/blind patrons to give notice ahead of time, since providing one for each and every showing regardless of whether or not they have been notified of a deaf/blind patron could constitute an unreasonable burden upon the theater, right?

Actually they don't. Male strippers are generally for fags. But that's neither here nor there, because you don't have strip clubs that are mixed with male and female performers.

Hellen keller cunts fucking up movie theaters now. Good thing nothing is worth watching in thateres for the 20 years. Gas jew hollywood

wait what the fuck
Like, why would you even go to the cinema then
you can get the exact same result sitting in a room alone with the "interpreter" who knows the movie

Literally this?

I understand how you can communicate with someone who is blind and deaf, but when it comes to describing sound to the deaf, I could at least give them a reference with intensity and distance and a few other factors, but with someone like that, they'd only understand what they feel, which seems like it'd be uncomfortable to try and measure intensity of volume or tone or all that stuff.

Being blind and deaf is hell. Jesus, I hope to never lose a sense, but if I'm stricken with one, God save me from losing another.

Holy shit. This asshole in Pittsburgh was actually asking for TWO interpretators...I thought I was making it up saying one signing into one hand for visuals and another signing into the other hand for dialogue.
It would be easier to do what they did in the old days with deaf-mutes and just throw them in the river.
Absolutely ridiculous that some asshole expects the theatre to provide him with two employees to sign into his hand.
That shit would annoy me if some deaf-blind asshole is having two people scratching and fiddling into his hands for the whole movie.

And that is why the movie industry is dying. Nobody goes to the theater any longer.

probably end up being cheaper to eat the fine for not providing one

so when Trump was talking about how dumbass government regulations were killing American businesses, this kind of bullshit is exactly what he meant.

They should make it so these interpreters are only in movies that are in 3-D
Only mouth frothing retards and parents with kids go see shit in 3-D so you know it's already going to be a bad time in there

Standard master race

Not one...fucking two.
Can you believe that shit?
Two fucking people have to dialogue and the othe the visuals.

It's a dark theater and they're not rustling, most likely. At least it's not some millenial on their phone updating all their social media sites with selfies with the flash on the entire time.

Thanks, OP.

Weird. I feel like they could win on appeal, but that it also isn't really worth it, since it's such a rare request. How many deaf AND blind people are there trying to go to the movies?

And what an asshole of a guy. If I were deaf and blind and really, really wanted to go to a movie, I'd bring my own interpreters. Wife used to do it, and now she's dead? Hire somebody to do what she did.

Why even go to the movie? He's just feeling their hands; it's not like he even has a clue it's playing. He could "see Gone Girl" literally anywhere he's got two people to play patty cake with him.

Shills posting mean comments and screencapping this thread to make it seem like Nazis dont have hearts.

Anyways you would just use a Braile streaming device the deaf and blind person can hold, don't even need a special seat.

I'd show them "Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told."

Sometimes if there's something I wanna see I got after 10pm. It's usually dead in the theater.
I can practically fap there

The Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

The federal appeals court concluded Friday that tactile interpreters are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that public accommodations furnish “auxiliary aids and services” to patrons with vision, hearing and speech disabilities.

Except you do. Plenty of clubs have times for women to view male strippers
Educate yourself

Thats pretty cool its like they absorb all that information and use their imagination

>furnish “auxiliary aids and services” to patrons with vision, hearing and speech disabilities.
so what, a suicide booth?

seriously hoping that you're deaf and still concerned about niggers being too loud.

I have no idea, but the linked article stated that some deaf-mute jerk sued a theatre in Pittsburgh because they didn't accommodate him with TWO fucking interpretators.

deaf AND blind?
what are the interpreters supposed to do, tickle them for 2 hours?

Disabled people are just as normal as you and me

Actually they aren't. I'm not a male stripper, but I used to work with them, and they generally won't have anything to do with gay guys. Strictly women only, with men not even allowed inside.

Heres the lawsuit that started this:

The plaintiff, Paul McGann, is a movie enthusiast who reads American Sign Language through touch. He uses a method of tactile interpretation that involves placing his hands over the hands of an interpreter who uses sign language to describe the movie’s action, dialogue and even the audience response.

aaaaaaaand everyone's movie ticket just went up thanks blind people that just have to see some shit in the theater for some reason and inconvenience everyone else. you're almost as bad as the nigger who brought an infant who is screaming

>Working for a tickle me, cripple

As you, maybe.

I wish we lived in a world where these people would steal get eaten by the local saber-tooth tiger

>deaf and blind
>movie theater
I don't even...

>when you believe its your constitutional right to see a movie on release day instead of waiting a few months for the DVD
imagine being this entitled

>"Why are you complaining? It's only a few hundred dollars per interpreter per hour and he just needs two".

>Deaf AND blind

Jesus christ, these people shouldn't be even in a Theater, they're a real waste of time.

Canada truly is the most backward country.

WHY did we let it get out to deaf/blind people that movies are a thing that even exist? Find whoever leaked it and throw them in jail

>8 hours of Hitler
>Can't understand most of life
>Do understand the Jews and know of their lies

This is why the NatSocs traditionally cull these people on the DOTR. These people are not innocent. They spend their gimp lives scheming new and interesting ways to reduce us to their level.

>ITT: massive butthurt instead of praying to the autistic frog god for another Batman shooter

Educate yourself, nigger

Right. Deaf-mutes drive. Play sports. Listen to music.
Do all the normal stuff.

It would make a lot more sense for the blind person if it was ~70 years ago, those old movies have great dialogue and I imagine you could fill in what happens in purely visual scenes just from context most of the time, especially if there's not much else available to you. I don't see the point now that movies are so awful and there's an abundance of non visual media like podcasts and audio books.

no they are not, you just said yourself they are disabled
A blind or deaf person will never have a normal life, let alone a blind deaf person
But thats not the point. You literally get nothing out of going to the cinema instead of going privately to some guy to explain all that was going in the movie to you

>Be deafblind
>Be told the Jews caused this
>Force your interpreter to become co-nazis with you to shit up pol more

It's called being social, kiddo. Disabled people can be social too

no one asked them to

No one asked for you to exist but here you are, a bigoted leaf
