So tonight I had the cops come over because a friend reported me for trying to commit suicide and it got me thinking...

So tonight I had the cops come over because a friend reported me for trying to commit suicide and it got me thinking... Why the fuck can't I just blow my brains out or rope myself if I fucking feel like it? Why do the police have to get involved? I feel like people who truly want to die who do not have any previous mental health issues should be able to freely kill themselves. It's more harmful to keep someone alive who no longer wants to live
Pic not related

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Are you a tranny? If so pls do it

If you wanted to die, you wouldn't be here posting this bullshit.

I said the pic isn't me, faggot

attention whore

Suicide isn't illegal, you retard
Failing your attempt is illegal
Making threats and being dramatic is illegal
Kill yourself if you want, but don't fuck up or they'll stick your failure ass in a loony bin

I'm waiting to go for the high score

Why does it make me crazy if I just don't want to be alive anymore? I don't understand it. It's not a big deal

maybe don't call your friend to attention whore to him before doing it?
seriously though, don't do it

because it's illegal you dope
it's illegal in heaven and on earth.

I was just calling to say bye. Didn't think he'd call the cops. Assumed nobody would care if I told them

if you're a danger to yourself you're likely to be a danger to others

Your rotting corpse is a potential hazard to your fellow humans. Depending on how you did it, your method of suicide could also be a hazard to other people.

You were born to pay taxes, user. You will only be free from your service and allowed to suicide once you can no longer do so.

Because the state needs you to produce shekels.

what did you expect? that a friend will respect your wish and let you die for no fucking reason?
you were just attention whoring

tfw no gun to shoot self with

>you again

You should seriously stop posting your pic here. Stop attentionwhoring, look for a nice Christian man, go to university(youre still young) and stop coming to this place. It's not good for your mental health. Stop trying to get validation from the internet.

If you really wanted to kill yourself nobody would ever know about it faggot

Because you are human livestock owned by the goverment. Farmer protects his crops from birds not because he loves them, but because he wants to reap them for profit.

just leave a note next time

You can

why don't you go Join the army or marines instead?
wouldn't you rather shoot mudslimes before/until you die?

You belong to someone else. You exist to pay taxes, consume material goods, reproduce so the cycle can continue and then die.
You don't have their permission to die before that.

Yeah, but I guess I was wrong
I mean I wasn't planning on going for the high score until the cops showed up

So you keep paying your taxes goy.

people killing wanting to kill themselves is the definition of insane professor genius

I got tazed for something similar 2 weeks ago
inlaw called the cops- said I was suicidal
cops came and said they would bust down the door without a warrant
I tried to chase them off with a bat

kek based aussie

In the UK the attempt is illegal.
You can be taken into custody if you are known to be trying to off yourself and sacrifice your rights.

Take a break from the internet for a month and you'd probably stop feeling suicidal.

because it's an affront against God, user.

you can't kill yourself cause it's murder, ok?

That isn't me, you faggot. Said that twice now. Just using it to grab attention to the topic
Not qualified because I have a criminal record

Because they have this misguided belief that all life is valuable. And that they could “save” you in some way. Well trust me when I say that nothing can save you, so just do it. How could they stop you anyways? It only takes a fraction of a second for a bullet to reach your brain. So go, user. Go right now and blow your brains out. Or are you too much of a pussy?

Not wanting to be alive is one thing, having a plan to kill yourself is another.
Do you have a plan? Be advised, it probably won't work.

>chase them off with a bat
wtf did u think that would accomplish?
use a knife or point a fake gun at them next time

bro you are retarded, you could have gotten your inlaw taken in for false reports if you weren't a stupid motherfucker

You don't own your life, Christ does. Your life, as all Christian lives, exists to serve God, so killing yourself is like killing any servant of God, and is thus murder.

Unless you're a muslim/kike, then go ahead and kill yourself you fucking waste of space!

uhh the marines will totally take felons, what did you do user

There are people who have to clean that shit up and you might cause trauma to the people who find your dead body. You are ruining their lives, too.

Just remember, most people on this planet are miserable, life is a struggle, happiness is a meme. You ill die anyway some day. So there really is no reason to kill yourself and involve innocent people with it.

you sure?
what kind of crimes did u commit?
crimes can be waived if it's minor


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because if you die the system makes less money

People who blow their brains out, especially with a shotgun, are pure scum.

First of all. This belongs on Sup Forums... Second of all, don't be a silly twat. Every fuckin last time there's a suicide, all that's left behind is grieving family members, friends, etc... Every person who kills themselves goes into it with this "nobody likes me, nobody loves me, everyone hates me, nobody will care if I'm gone" attitude. It's never true. But they convince themselves of that, for some reason. A good friend of mine had a daughter commit suicide a while back. It was absolutely devastating for them. For her brothers, for everyone. The funeral sucked ass. Seeing someone that young in a casket feels really fuckin wrong. Probably because it is. She had a blog post talking about how nobody liked her. Blah blah blah as her suicide note. Couldn't be further from the truth. It's literally just about never true. It's called depression. It happens to the best of us. You want to die that bad? Go to Syria and fight alongside the kurds or something. Look up gniew eufratu on YouTube Shoot at isis, take a lot of risks, you'll get killed eventually and have fun doing it. But don't be a retard about it, people have been killing themselves in this country for ages, it's overused, boring and It's fuckin ridiculous.
>A felony conviction does not automatically disqualify a person from military eligibility; however, military waivers are not handed out willy-nilly although there has been a significant increase in the number of convicted felons who have been admitted into the military in recent years
you sure you're not just lazy?

Let's just say I'm not allowed to own a gun for three years

this post is way too long for a thread of this frivolity-ness

Because if you off yourself someone else has to clean up the mess, ain't nobody got time fo dat

Because wanting to kill yourself means your not right mentally and the state has the duty to take the rights of mentally ill people away and attempt to fix them or remove them from where they may hurt themselves or others.

Batshit insane schizophrenics to deserve to be removed from society

Haven't lost this hard in a while

motherfucker we're all anonymous here what the fuck are you embarrassed about, did you rape an 8 year old with a ak-47 what the fuck

Got a picture of her open casket so I can fap?

I am going to kill myself. Will do it in open field with a gun so the maintenance guy James does not have to clean my apartment up with my brains everywhere. Even before death I am a bro.

Waiting for my mom and dad to pass before I do it though, I live alone but it would hurt them too much. So is this interval of time I have quit work and currently living NEET mode x 40 off money left to me by my grandma in the ballpark off a few hundred thousand.

There is nothing wrong with suicide if you have no one to hurt. One my parents are gone I will have no one who cares. Ending it will be a nice release. God speed OP just be careful, do not kill yourself if you have people who care. If you truly have no one, then you may do it with no regrets. Everything is temporary friend.

I'm perfectly normal. I'm just no longer satisfied with life and see no reason to continue

I tried to kill myself 3 times but I got found the last time I really had myself about to die. Goddamn family scooped me up and rushed me to the hospital. Now I'm stuck on this shit planet for another 30 years. Now I'm a convicted felon for slapping my girlfriend once. It's harder than you think user. These people want their little slaves working for them. It's how they keep their fucked up game going. All honesty suicide by cop isn't a bad idea. They'll shoot prett quickly these days since their training sucks and most of them are fucked in the head anyway.

Just take out a big loan or borrow some money somehow or steal and go fly to some country you've always wanted to go to first at least
then kys
I've never understood why ppl would kill themselves without doing as much exciting crap they normally would never do first

Stop watching Rick and Morty.

Post more Kayla

You're not allowed to kill yourself because the government wants your tax dollars to keep itself afloat.

If your life was that worthless nobody would need to know because you knew they didn't care to begin with.

If you really want to die you won't even leave a corpse (that's easily found). Buy a boat, set sail...

Why die alone, user? Make the world a better place after your passing. Or maybe, just maybe, stick around and change the world into what you want it to be.
Don't you know the most dangerous man is the man backed into a corner with nothing left to lose? Change the world and fuck the consequences.
>A man chooses; a slave obeys.

I have family. I am forced to live with them due to my record. They don't actually care. They just want brownie points. I could see them milking my funeral: "omg we had no idea such a tragedy". Stepmom made me sleep outside for using the air conditioner once

at least you're waiting until your parents die
I would never kms because i know my parents would be heartbroken forever and they might commit suicide too though hopefully not cuz they're Christian
but you should at least go try tofind a girl first
if you're gonna kill yourself then you won't be alive to endure the shame of rejection
if you find a girl then maybe you won't kys

If you're a white male then you're the only person in the country to pay for nigger's, female and spic welfare. The government doesn't care to help you like they'll help minorities or women which leaves you with the option of suicide. Can't do that though because they need your tax dollars.

By definition, suicide intent is mental illness.
Mentally ill people need to be protected by the state, even from themselves.

I don't care for humanity. I want to watch them be erased from the planet.
I don't watch that show. It's not a bad show, bit it's nothing special. Watched a couple episodes. Fanbase is fucking awful

so what
you're not killing yourself because you hate your family so much you don't want to give them an opportunity to look good?

It is ok friend. I highly recommend you readjust your perception if possible. Being truly alone, and I mean truly ... is something most people will never experience. I am slowly approaching truly being alone, but honestly it is not even scary anymore. It is just numbing. Find a way to break out of this depression if you are able to bro.

For me , I am done.

Ayy I am 34 and my parents worked too hard for me to kill myself and leave them shattered in their twilight years. Once they are gone I suspect I will do it within the week of the last passing one, be it my mom or dad.

I am ready, not eager but ready. If you fail suicide or tell people about it you most likely are severely depressed and need help. For me I am not requestimg help or soliciting anything. I just want to see what is next. I do not care for mankind , I love this planet but we are a cancer in my honest opinion. Anyway, god speed famo.

I feel sad for you thinking of all the places in the world you'll never see and the foods you'll never try
the world's a beautiful place if you just stop being so hateful all the time

Because you can't clean up the mess yourself

I have money but zero desire to do any of that shit. I am not a social outcast, I ve had many women. Just do not give a shit anymore man. Some of us want this ride over with.

>I do not care for mankind , I love this planet but we are a cancer in my honest opinion.
I'm starting to think this board makes a lot of people suicidal...
the world is not that bad
there are billions of good people out there you just have to get to know them...

I went from making 2k a month with a girlfriend to sleeping on a couch with no pillow and using a jacket as a blanket with no girlfriend. Now I have a criminal record, I can't find a job, and I have an ankle monitor strapped to me for literally no reason.

if you have money at least get on a plane and die somewhere beautiful
is it gonna be that horrible to wait a few extra days out of all the b years you waited already just to go out in style?

What part of "you are a prisoner" isn't getting through to you user? Suicide doesn't get you out, btw; it is, for lack of a better term, just more paperwork than is necessary.

>assumed nobody would care
if that were true you wouldn't have bothered you antisocial histrionic fuck

You say these things like they're bad things

I would go kill ISIS but I'm afraid of getting blown up by the US military

correct answer.

>you were just attention whoring
This I've had people saying they are going to kill themselves. They never do.
Knew a guy, he seemed normal and everything that day. Got a call later and found out he offed himself. What a waste.

Reminder hot sexy women are waiting for you call Ausbros if you're feeling down. Pic related.

it is fundamentally unconstitutional and against basic human rights to force someone to live or to prevent them from taking their life.

but, we live in a society, so there has to be a process, we cant just start setting up suicide booths on every corner. i mean if it caught on it would probably benefit the planet because a majority of our problems are a result of overpopulation but whatever.

so there has to be a process. you cant make it easy for people to just fuck out of their debts and fuck over their families or for stupid mental cases to do it. there would have to be a process where you declare bankruptcy, assess the aftermath that would be caused, and assess your mental state.

The world is beautiful. Millions of great people. But great people do not lead. Evil fuckers do. And to be honest the next evolutionary step is probably us making AI that will realize how dangerous we all are. It is a miracle we have not nuked eachother off the face of the earth.

My reasons for wanting to suicide are more personal. I have no hope for the future , without hope there is not much left. I love my parents unconditionally, but honestly I can feel my father even questioning things lately. Questioning societal collapse, why we are here, why evil permiates everything, why the good are so fruitless in their attempts to change things for the better. We live in a severely corrupt society, and without a nuclear family you start to ask what is my purpose. I am not military, and god knows I wish I was, I have no family and all women I seem to meet are not the type I want a family with. Without purpose a man has nothing. So unless I find purlose like joining the fucking kurds killing ISIS shit heads for example, I really do not see me going too much further.

hey bro can I have $5,000?

Same thing happened to me. It wasn't my friend though, it was the fucking doctor who ratted me out to the cops. I was pissed and won't go back to them, supposed to have confidentiality. I told them I had TRIED to kill myself not that I was currently going to. There was absolutely no reason to breach confidentiality. Fucking assholes, if I was suicidal at the time the police showed up I would have just suicide by cop anyway.

Sucks bro. My ex is a fucking opiate addict piece of shit. I fell in love though. I feel you man. Hope things get better but if they don't , at least know you got people like me who suffer with you. As lame as that sounds.

Definitely ser your point. Maybe an hero in Spain? Maybe I can meet little lupe.

Nope. Ending your own life is the only act of free will a person has.
Educate yourself more before calling others out as a dumbass

well I think the world is shit too but I'm gonna wait around until VR is convincing enough to be real and I can buy a sexbot for when I'm not in VR

Sounds like someone needs to be placed on a 5150 hold.

There's no such thing as free will. Everything is causality.

I am not killing myself tomorrow fucker. If I was I would give you 50k. Just be patient.


deez nuts

This is a great idea. I plan to kill myself when my mom dies. I refuse to be homeless, but I will shower my inheritance across the internet to random anons before I do it. Didn't even think of that. It would be like my last good deed. thanks

Action without personal repercussions. The very definition of free will

yo hol up while i set up a bitcoin wallet

spain is pretty beautiful... me I'd personally go to Japan
they have a whole forest were hundreds kill them selves every year
you can see old corpses hanging on trees if you're lucky
and the forest is hauntingly beautiful

that or somewhere in a desert or the ocean