Standardization of socity

everybody in germany goes to aldi, lidl etc. to buy products for daily consumption. eg. food, toiletpaper etc.
in these stores you will find the same products everywhere.
everyone knows the same things, watches the same tv shows, movies, listens to the same music etc. etc. i've seen a few universitys the last few years and they all teach the same things. (at least in my subject witch is computer science.)

what i'm trying to say is that we becoming less and less diverse.

is anybody else sick of this shit?
over the years every small shop disappeared and big chains with standard products pop up like mushrooms. i feel like a dog eating the same pellets from birth do death.

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I hate the modern world. I want to burn it all down.

I believe the word you are looking for is Monopolies

welcome to America buddy


I feel precisely the same, gerbro. You're not alone.

If it makes you feel better, the wealthy and super wealthy don't experience this. They eat at fine restaurants, wear bespoke clothes, live in custom houses, etc.

It's just a pain of being middle class/ poor. For all of history people in this position have been relatively worse off.

I guess this might motivate you to work harder. Get out of the pellet-cage.

See also the loss of regional accents. Everything is getting homogenises and I hate it

I get what you mean about the monoculture but just 28ish years ago you had 1 choice for everything pretty much and now you bitch because you only have a few choices with a wide variety of products from around the globe.

you might want to consult your doctor about mental illness

Most people find this reassuring. They don't like change. They've been conditioned to love their current situation so much, and to be afraid of change because there are so many scary things out there. That's why people are so passive these days. They have a shitty life, but it's stable, so they stick to it, because they believe any other life would be worse.

I'm myself sick of this, I buy my food from local producers, I cook everything I eat from raw ingredients, I replaced most things in my home with stuff made by local craftsmen instead of having the same shit as everyone else, like everyone has the same drinking glasses, the same steak knives, the same ikea shelves, the same corkscrews, the same chairs and tables, the same towels... cost me a small fortune, but I feel much better, and people coming in my home DO feel like it's "different" in a way they can't put.

But you can't really fight that unless you're in a highly comfortable situation. And then, food is the only stable thing, as producers make a bigger margin with m than with retailers, and I get it cheaper too, the major difference being taxes. But craftsmen slowly disappear. Soon, I'll have to turn to Ikea for about everything, considering it's eating up everything else in France too.

I'm not sure what can be done desu, aside from boycotting everything, but most people find it convenient and comfortable, so that won't change.

Who's that supposed to be?

I don't know what you expect from us I have gotten arrested for thinking different already.

It's been that way in America for about 60 -70 years.


instead of speaking about standardization in many cases you also could speak about americanization. popular music, tv and movie especially fast food.
americanization in general comes with low quality.
and is only a part of this standardization.

can confirm this.


Yes. In the USA there are about two or three dozen stores that everyone goes to. All interchangeable. Every strip mall has some combination of a chipotle, Starbucks, some bank, a nail salon, and some other random businesses that all suck.

Welcome to the end goals of globalism and materialism. It's not just about the third world, it's about making it clear everyone that every last human being on Earth is an identical cog in the machine. None of us have a place in the world beyond contributing to the bottom line of some corporation.

But that is why something like Sup Forums is so special. It's something that can't be controlled. And indeed, there are a number of other things that aren't controlled by the globalist elite, like your church (although they're trying their hardest to infiltrate), local activity clubs, farmer's markets, etc. Small businesses still exist here and there. Support them with everything you have

i went into aldi's for the first time last week. Wow, what a shithole. You have to put a quarter in to get your cart. They don't have grocery bags. The store is a square with two aisles.

This is literally the end-game of center left politics. Companies and stores still exist, but just barely. They have to cut every single possible corner to be able to pull a profit. I'm not surprised this shit was popular in Europe before here.

Aldi makes Walmart look like Target

>Sup Forums can’t be controlled

>this site gets used as a propaganda machine every day for the left and right

Ok sure thing superuser

We started this

>german grocery stores are in english
we really fucked you up didnt we?

>mfw born in the early 80s in Canada
In my mind I call it the last days of the pre-globalist era.
>Little mom and pop stores at the end of the street.
>People actually repairing things instead of throwing them in the trash.
>Public access television.
>Help Wanted signs fucking everywhere.
>Everything was closed on long weekends. There was very little traffic outside. Just kids out on their bikes.
>Hanging out with my dad in the garage playing tool fetcher while he rebuilt his transmission, the smell of kerosene heaters, the old apple tree outside.
>Going out to the family cabin in the summer, no telephone, no tv out there.
People were content to make a living. Not everything was all about reducing the human experience down to numbers and then refining said numbers.
Because that's all life is now. Reducing human existence down to an objective numerical figure and refining it to maximum efficiency. So that a bunch of soulless shit for brains art school retards can bark about how life is better now than it ever has been and you have nothing to live for other than just being another cog in the machine. While the last generation that had it good enjoys the last bit of goodness in the world at your expense and when they get bored of that they shoot at you from the 32nd floor.

Just fuck this world.

>Small businesses still exist here and there. Support them with everything you have

I think people voted with their feet when small business ripped them off for so many years.

I'm not talking about those paying rent, I'm talking about boomer owned small businesses where they paid the mortgage off years ago and due to a captive market and little competition (especially early internet days before AMZN made ecommerce big) nobody had a choice but to pay huge prices.

Then big companies started discounting heavily and everyone said a collective fuck you to most of these small businesses. I have no sympathy for most (not all) of them.

It's preparing you for communism when everyone will get the same t-shirt and the same sized loaf of bread. This is the slow conditioning phase.

You can influence the average user here. But you can't directly control him

>more variety
>higher quality
>safer products due to standardisation
>websites telling you what is in the store
>know what you're gonna get
>most likely stalked with what you want
>service is good because the person serving you doesn't own the place and therefore has an incentive not to be a complete asshole to you in fear of being fired

>hipsters on Sup Forums that call themselves "capitalists" want things done as they were in the old days while still wanting all of the things mentioned above under "Pros"

Yeah, sorry kid, but I don't give a shit about your need to want to feel special. It's a fucking store, not a "cultural experience". Even if what you want is genuine, not enough people agree with you or they would support non-chain stores.

Grow up.

sathoshis speak english better than most niggers

See, this is what I'm talking about.
People who are content to be mindless cogs and will even aggressively defend the state of being a mindless cog. The nukes can't fall soon enough.

What bothers me the most it's that they claim to hate genetic diversity but still racemix.

Ta gueule, anglo scum.

I am in an apartment across the street from a non-chain depaneur. Guess what? It's owned by a chink.

Stop this stupid hipster horseshit. If you are so touchy, start your own fucking business.

Yeah, except I am not against race-mixing. I am a proud Indo-Francophone-Canadian.

Get fucked.

You're a spoiled piece of shit.
Get lost in the mountains eating bugs to survive, when you get back your society will look like a paradise.

That's not even the entire point of this conversation you stupid retard. Jesus Christ.
I don't know how anybody can be as fucking obtuse as you are being right now.
You are literally so fucking retarded that this entire world is contaminated by your existence and needs to end now.

>Hates everything being the same.
>Hates people of different skin colors and origins

/Pol? in a nutsack.


Is this a thing, how do you have sex with it?

don't worry, injection of diversity coming through

yeah, Albert Heijn used to be for the rich but it's on the same level as Jumbo nowadays together with aldi and lidl

I don't understand why that's a problem. Does it prevent you from doing what you want? Studying what you want, doing the sports you want, travelling...?

Oh god, another one.
This world is so fucking pathetic.

Wow it's almost like you live in some sort of socialist country or something...

Aldi and lidi are considered as disgusting shops.

Metis people are all french-native mix

It's a thing

It's incredible how the same Hipsters who push for globalization will crowdfund some regional Indie soda company like the kind that would have existed in the early 1900's.

Degenerate mud-blood metis here, can confirm.

>Is this a thing, how do you have sex with it?

Ask your mom.

>being this much of a brainlet
They do that to cut costs, lool at their prices compared to walmart prices. Alidi beats them in almost every category. It has nothing to do with politics, you subhuman scum go back to walmart and plebbit.

I'm ok with this.

I buy all my food at a local farm,
They have vending machines with frech veggies and eggs, home made soup ,
Its awsome and at a good price
All top quality

Standardization is a wonderful economic growth engine. Every highway exit needs identical apartment complexes and no town is complete without taco Bell, Wendy's, Arby's, kfc, etc.
Absolutely no reason to travel and harm the climate with fossil fuels. There's nothing in Dallas that isn't in Cleveland. Just stay home. There's a Family Dollar every 2square miles. Everything you need is in your home town, and any town you move to.


Interesting point of view... But the world id not only made of buying chinese junk and eating junk food.

You can travel to experience other things, even if you end some days having dinner in a Burger King because its the only place you can find.

Don't worry - someone will come along soon enough and discover how inefficient your little food distribution system is and how much untapped potential profit there is if you were to just switch to one of the more supported channels...

Why is walgreen upside down?

Cause fuck them.

>Fascism with a benevolent dictator
Willing to roll the dice, user?

frederick the II.
also known as "fredericus rex";"old fritz";"frederick the great"
king of prussia

Multiculturalism kills diversity, I'm not surprised.

Culturized check.

The transnational class is killing us all.
Yep. Walmart, Target, normie TV, Apple, and the concentration of power among a few is going kill all variety.

ya but do they have........

niggerized check.

It's not really a jewish conspiracy. Standardization and mass production lowers costs and maximizes profit. And it's not like you aren't benefiting from the lower prices either.

Sure they all produce the same shit, that's called balancing a market you fag.

Education isn't the same at all, we have Hochschulen where education is more practical and we have Universities where education is more theoretical.
Sure you are going to learn the same shit as somewhere else when you're in STEM, that's self explaining.

But the thing about people having the same interests and the same subnegro like common knowledge about basic things is totally true.

Everywhere you look, you see the same fags, the same whores, hell even the old people look all the fucking same and I am not even going to mention the arabs and niggers.

well historians still argue if he was also a fag but he still remains the greatest of all to me

>For greater enjoyment and efficiency, consumption is being standardised.

Hard to have diversity in an oligarchy.

>not visiting hipster stores
plebbit sucks ass

>Supporting your neighbors it's hipsterism now.

No wonder they destroy small stores on a daily basis.