How do we remove magapedes/kekistan faggots from Sup Forums?

how do we remove magapedes/kekistan faggots from Sup Forums?

track them down, rape them and rape the people they know


First by getting rid of their flag from the choices to pic from on Sup Forums.

Fuck off nigger shill.

What's wrong with kekistan and /r/donald you pussy bitch?

>What's wrong with kekistan and /r/donald you pussy bitch?

Well they never jump in to defend themselves in any of these threads except fakes doing it ironically. Are they even here in the first place?

Keep dropping redpills about the democrat they elected

Fuck that. We need their autism. These kids are vicious and too young to go to jail. We need cannon fodder.

don;t play roblox anymore

>you're a communist/liberal/hillary supporter if you don't support jewish neocons and cucked civic nationalism
just kys you little autistic faggot


Rape their sex robots, too. In fact, rape all of their devices. We have to deal with these NEETfags using means they'll truly understand.

Almost never see anyone post with the flag

NEET holocaust

What is this kekistani shit again? Is it the alt-right without the racism?

This. Then stop using pepe memes. Then once they wake up from their echo chamber and realize Trump is actually a retard and not a Chess Grandmaster they’ll understand how little they actually know about US government.


Those magapedes are like our retarded little brothers.we may bully them, but at the end of the day, we fight the same enemy

yeah, fuck off bitch, they are our USEFUL IDIOTS. I don't want them here, shitting up the board

I was recently reading an archive thread from around march this year and the whole thread was dominated by unironic Kekistan memes. It was honestly ridiculous. I don't remember Sup Forums ever being that bad, but clearly it was.

It seems the Kekistan era on Sup Forums was short-lived. How did it die? How did we manage to get Sup Forums back?

KEK = Kill Every Kike

Rape rooms. We raped it out of existence.

>we fight the same enemy
i made daily kekistan cringe threads around the beginning of june and that seemed to kill it off for the most part

We don't. They're our normie outreach. They take our red pills and cut them into easily absorbed propaganda. I used to request that they lurk more before posting lame t_d memes, but the I realized that it isnt even an issue. I'm on here all day every day and the only magapede cringery I see is in threads like this where division shills are making fun of them.

they do fight the same enemy... they just dont know it. /r/the_donald was originally created by Sup Forums anyway. the original mods were from Sup Forums. it was purposely made to be a normie branch of the Trump General.

how do you expect to redpill the world? the more time that passes, the more of them will open their eyes. unless faggots like you push them away.

so again, fuck off divide and conquer shill

can we adopt this as the ANTIKEK aka Sup Forums vs kekistan racewar flag?

E-rape their lolis.

sorry kek i didn't mean it don't rape my family


Close the board for a few months. Let all the newfags who are only here for this board leave.

kekistan doesn't redpill anyone, it just makes you look like a dork. most proponents of this crappy meme claim to be anti identity politics which makes them inherently anti white
t_d is pro race mixing, pro kike, pro tranny, pro neocon. if anything they are useful idiots of the republican establishment now

anyway, my thread is about removing them from Sup Forums, not sabotaging their shitty little "movement"
kys cancer

just end your life now it will be less painful than what kek has planned for you

Both of you are fags.

Why take this picture? I can't understand autism and losers.

>when the poms get home from school

they think they look cool

Instead of driving them off push NatSoc literature unto them. Try to win them over and get them to run for office instead of chronically posting on a Thai salmon farming image board.


OP doesnt understand that they're stuck on Sup Forums forever.

you can't drive them out. they'll eventually all become redpilled the longer they stay on here. it happens to everyone.

Sup Forums has been growing stronger each day

They are just having fun..and are a good bunch. They actually make this place look less creepy/rapey/child porn loving. You guys have terrible fucks optics and they make you look like nice neet boys, and are helping you redpill. This is obviously a shill thread so I'm out. You've all been comped, good day, kek bless

Stop participating in the "lol go back to le reddit you double spacing fag!" psyop to redpill more people faster.
>t_d praises Sup Forums daily
>naturally kids on reddit want to play with the "big boys"
>get here and get shit on
>you're not COOL enough reddit so get out!
>this makes redditors want to stay even more
>the longer they stay the more redpills they take
>the more redpills they take the more they have to hand out

They stay here, because that I need to happen. Had you not gone against me, this wouldn't be happening

Why remove them? Redpill them.

Go back to reddt?

lol leave Jim alone

honestly you neo nazi retards are just as bad, good job sabotaging the pro white movement, fag
how will i ever recover
i'll let you in on a little secret, i don't actually expect them to leave, i made this thread to let them know that their behaviour is unacceptable
>implying they have good optics
that's the idea dumbass

kekistanis are cancer but neetsocs are even worse




funny, all the images i've seen are of tighty-righties getting their cocksuckers busted.

Bring back the stormfront weenies
I actually miss the unironical nazis, they were actually pretty based


That pic related pretty much sums up every poltard.

>t. Picrelated
This has to be bait

many ppl out there want your blood

better stay on Sup Forums

Maybe /new/ would speed up


kill shills like OP

Where exactly are you seeing kekistanis on Sup Forums?

>the goyim know

>pol is only one ideology
Please, tell me more.

I fucking hate the whole idea that trump always knows what he's doing and he's fucking infallible. I even voted for Trump, but the fuckwits cant seem to understand that the election is over and now it is time to hold him accountable to make sure he actually does the things he promised. Where the fuck is that amendment to set term limits for congress?

You don't.

Fuck you and your identity politics.

They're assets of war.


You must realize how fucking cringy that is, right?
... Right?

But I have read your literature. It will not work, with out conquest and genocide. And basically your end game is a benevolent dictatorship, but that can turn into a nightmare police state with the technology we have today.

Your ideology sucks and the closest thing to Natsoc today is china, but I am sure you hate them anyway.

hes a veteran, show some respect asshole

we don't. they will evolve as did we. we use magapede/kekistan as a giant vacuum to syphon them in and they slowly turn into our drones. this is a good recruiting tool.

"Kekistan" is basically Sup Forums but for kids (or people with mental age of kids).

It's also when you're too socially dysfunctional to not realize memes belong on the internet.

Basically the same type of people who think "lol" is word that is used in actual conversations.

I've met a few people like that, it's always a sad sight.

CivNat shit started by a literal Jew to herd together all the beta whitebois too scared to go all the way right

Respect is earned, not given.
Something you can't comprehend, I understand.

who fucking cares if someone is """right wing"""?

can you even think outside the boundaries of left and right? fucking
they don't post cringey shit as much these days but they're still lurking among us, defending trump to the death, pushing cucked civic nationalism and israeli foreign policy

had one goober yesterday going on about why american must invade iran and calling anyone who disagreed "mohammed"
you realise nobody will vote for a nationalist candidate once america is majority non white, retard

>kekistan and Trump actually makes this place great
>want to kick them out
fuck off globalists shill faggot and head back to your safe space

>implying NatSoc is right winged.

Inb4 "Muh Liberal PolySci Teacher Taughtme NatSoc was right winged'

Kill your self you massive collective faggot.

Wasn't the Kek flag designed here though. Did pol make Kekistan?

go back to /ptg/, cancer
>duhh it's not "right wing" so it's bad
i'd kill myself if i was as simple minded as you
sargon found the flag and the term "kekistan" on Sup Forums and made it a gay meme

The US invaded Iraq under the "suspicion of WMDs", doesn't mean we're proud of it.

oh look a triggered libcuck is mad Trump is popular here. what a surprise

At some people you need to just pause, take a look at yourself and think maybe its time you stopped using the internet for a while.

I often feel that way about pol when I realize I'm becoming more racist all the time. It's the same for tumblr feminazis who exist in echo chambers so long they lose the ability to even speak normally. These kekistani faggots are just another example of this effect, if you are at a stage where youre wearing meme clothing then you need to just stop and get out more.

>Kekistanis insist on being taken seriously while reserving the right to claim, at any time, that they are just kidding.

Sup Forums in a nutshell.

You shouldn't take life or the internet so seriously.

Their optics, while often cringey and underdeveloped, come off as harmless and good natured. Nazis can't compete with those nerds. Honestly they'd be better off just using harmless kekboys as a cover. That swastika flag is the worse thing that has ever happened to the far right movement. Luckily people love truth and are waking up to degeneracy, so it didn't steer us too far off course. But those guys will be the death of the movement. Not Trump/kek fanboys.


Relax man, its all just a meme

That is some cuck shit rite there.

Kys for saving that pic

remove the christian threads you'll remove the kekistani shit.

No, its because the ideology funamentally lacks principles of a free market and individualism.

Hence why it is not right winged.

The only reason why it is remotely considered right winged is because leftists wanted to get natsoc labeled as a right winged ideology so that way there special type of socialism is seen in a better light, and to get more people to be in between Nazism and communism.

And frankly I don't go on reddit, the Kekistani flag is a means to protest any kind of identity politics.

No thanks ahmed..

That ones actually funny, but probably for other reasons than intended.


ban the


Edit: How do I upvote!

Edit 2: wow, thx for the gold kind stranger :D

>Thinks individualism is inherently right wing
>Cares about right-left dichotomy over more currently relevant nationalist-globalist dichotomy
I bet you think the Republican party is "based" too

Bring back /mlpol/ for a week or two.

Fuck off lefty cuck, we dont support genocidal ideologies that cause death of millions of innocent people, we fight against the left not other rightwingers

once magapedes/kekistan lurk moar they will realize all meme's fade away just keep dropping redpills

>what if they are paid/trained psychological plants, to stir up ridicule
kinda like Richard Spencer (who gets air time in the mainstream media more than other Alt Right online personae) flipflopping in his behavior or sayings, so now 50% of Sup Forums seem to think of him as being cointelpro actor