What is Sup Forumss vision of a perfect government?

What is Sup Forumss vision of a perfect government?

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post-apocalyptic National Socialist communes

One where everyone leaves me the fuck alone.

Capitalist Theocratic Monarchy

A true republic with a Constitution that can't be shit on on a daily basis.



I know cause its a pretty sweet gig we got here

The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

State enforced anarchy

Every whiteboi becomes a sissy tranny.
White women have to convert to islam and serve BBC.
Jews get the right to own slaves (goys) on the open.
Trudeau is elected as the god emperor of mankind earth is renamed as Swedistan.

A nonexistent one.

benevolent dictatorship in a militaristic society.

The Roman Republic is the correct answer.

Sup Forumss opinion on niggers

>roman recucklic
>oligarchy that lasted 500 years


>far more powerful and prosperous empire that lasted 1500 years

Govt should have only 1 function: the manufacture and delivery of the latest-generation full-auto rifle to each newborn child.

Then everybody politely and carefully returns to their Argumentmantopia commune to mind their own damn business and do whatever they want.

If some company makes a better gun that gets bigger market share, that company becomes the government. It is a duty and an honor.

Anybody is legally allowed to destroy the government, because legality is a shitty ethical framework. You just have to worry about who would try to stop you (the best, richest, most well-armed and manned weapons megacorp).

Realistically we are Libertarian.
However, Ideally we would like an all white society with no pot heads, nor communists or any left wing ideas for that matter in our country, and with a strong army.


Similar to what used to be most of the world

I like the American constitutional republic system, I'd just make some small tweaks.

>Multiple Parties, I'd want a far left, center-left, center, center-right, far right group of parties. That way you could push the crazy fuckers out to the fringes. I think there's great ideas in both the left and right platforms but unfortunately you have crazy and paid for shills drowning it all out. I'd want government funding, equal time and protection of any party that could verify over a million members.

>Online Voting using your social security number

>Only federal tax payers can vote, if you're not paying into this system then you can fuck off. It's like homeless people having a voice at WalMart stockholder meetings. It's stupid as fuck that people who don't have any skin in the game have a voice.

>1 year terms for Senators and House of Representatives. Make these faggots actually do something. Six years for congressmen and two years for Reps is insulting. We have to put a shot clock on these faggots. Also you can only serve a maximum of eight years.


Ibe where there isnt racial tension

Socialism or communism
Both can not work because humans are flawed and are either greedy or helpful.


I would prefer much more of a society from the book and show "The Man in the High Castle". Watch that film and see if the world would be better under a National Socialist German Reich.

Voting is dependant on being a state citizen. State Citizenship is earned by first serving in a branch of service (not necessarily the military, but serving your country at the very least) for several years. Once you have served, you are given access to a relatively difficult test which determines if you are intellectually capable of AND educated enough on issues of economics, etc. to understand the issues of government and social structure. If you pass the test, you can then vote in elections, run for elections or gain employment in the public sector. Political parties are banned.

The military becomes an integral part of the government-social structure, with the military acting not only as soldiers against foreign aggressors, but being integrated with intelligence services, disaster relief, voting security, etc.

Fat people are thrown in forced water-fasting camps until they reach a good weight (using BMI, whatever number, I haven't been interested in the specific numerical details of these issues). If you get fat again you are thrown in again. No exceptions.

Ability to gain full welfare benefits, government funded education and government funded healthcare is entirely dependant on whether or not you have served (but not necessarily passed citizenship tests).

Foreigners who aren't intelligent enough are banned from entering the country.

People with born disabilities are sterilized.

White people must have sustainable levels of population replacement before any non-whites (even if they are intelligent enough) can enter the country and seek permanent or semi-permanent residency.

The rest can be discerned from that, more or less.

Society run by jews who are satanic child murderers that gain power from blood libel

Rugged individualism with every conflict solved by violence. Also cannibalism and suicide. It's fucking bleak and beautiful.

AGGHHHH do not be mistaken. National Socialism is not Socialist or Marxist. It is more of a social democracy. Communism is a jewish shit show

You're an idiot

There is no such thing as an absolute perfect gonvernment, it depends on the kind of people and the currente technology. So, i'd say the current government is the best since it's "the strongest".

The book was a lot better.

Absolute Monarchy


The book is always better, regardless of the movie. But this is an image board


All policy decided by weekly general threads where the dankest memes and fewest shillposters decide all

Fuck it just let Hirohito be God emperor

If he can rule over 4channies and earn our praise unlike cuckmoot who got hated out of the building then he deserves a chance to rule the world

Ruling Sup Forums is literally one of the most difficult jobs in the world if not the most difficult internet job in the world

Theocratic distributionism.

Mad Max

depends on what you mean by "better" books have the benefit of being able to spend entire chapters exploring a characters thought process or feelings, but movies have the benefit of being able to explain those things quicker with visuals

they are just different mediums and hard to compare desu

Your time is coming you dog torturing government sanctioned satanists

That would never happen . also you threw up so many rules that voting makes no sense anymore

govern ment (mind)
mind control


We don't believe in government round here.

Welcome to Sup Forums, bitches


one where there's no political parties or career politicians, where people see elected office as a short term public service, responsive and accountable to the citizenry,

term limits,
right of recall,
corruption/breach of trust is severely punished

>having served your country
>aren't an uneducated retard on issues relevant to governance.

If that is "makes no sense", then chances are you're one of those retards.

>That would never happen

It would be virtually impossible to transition from where we are now to that, true. But I wasn't asked how we get there, but what my vision of it is. It would be only be possible after a massive social upheaval and collapse/civil war, but that doesn't make the end result any less desirable.

>Absolute Monarchy (Heriditary)
>No welfare what-so-ever
>Things like healthcare and education government-controlled and payed for by taxes, everything else private.
>Whites only
>Small amount of immigration, but only for Whites that speak English seeking work or asylum.
>Mandatory 1 year military service
>Forced labour instead of prison
>Treason, miscegenation, murder, rape and dissent punishable by death

ITT anarchy brainlets

Wtf is this image?

Also called "underaged"

Constitutional confederated monarchy.

Would you like to know more?

A meritocratic technocratic minarcy.

>the political ideology equivelant of fuck you mom and dad

>1 year terms for Senators and House of Representatives. Make these faggots actually do something. Six years for congressmen and two years for Reps is insulting. We have to put a shot clock on these faggots. Also you can only serve a maximum of eight years.

Current term limits are probably fine just eliminate the filibustering in the Senate and you have your shot clock. Every bill must be voted on after set time and cannot be talked out.

post apocalypse constitutional hyper-enlightened monarchy, built up from the ashes of the old world

National Socialist government with Libertarianism in regards to the market, free speech, firearms, and the internet,and militarism. Find something imperfect about this.


no such thing

Libertarian fascism
During peacetime, bordsrs remain secure, but within youre standard tiny government. Then during war, trnsfer over to militaristic, nationalistic fascism. Aesthetically should be a trinity of Roman Empire, Medieval Europe, and Nazi. Something like E.Y.E. Divine cybermancy would be pleasnt to look at as well if you want the cyberpunk shit too.

I second this statement

Constitutional elective monarchy with prince electors.


You're either an individualist or you aren't.


Pick one.


There's just one small butt here.

That's brainlet tier thinking. You can have individual liberty and view yourself as an individual whilst also being part of a collective and serving a collective.

That's just a hereditary socialist dictatorship.

> Socialism or communism
> Social
> Com
> Kids
> Comet

Hello, I'm the communism

No, it should just be National Socialism, where it binds the two, but aesthetically it should only be Classical architecture, Roman style architecture, and Nazi Architecture. Large beautiful buildings merged into the country side, And we should make a return to traditional pagan values.

Induviduals hold no power against a collective, power is what determines who is free and who dies. Stop being a utopian, thats for communists.

Underrated post.

>And we should make a return to traditional pagan values.
Why? They obviously lost to hard to Christianity, and they didn't even self destruct like we're doing.

I do agree that Sup Forums utopia should look beautiful. Modern art is so incredibly degenerate in its ugliness and vulgarity. Anything would be better than that.

Yeah, I guess, it's just a lot of our Christian imagery in Europe is based off paganism, in away paganism is what separates us from the rest of the Christian world.

See pic.

One that runs the army, emergency services and road maintenance etc via a tax rate that is 'fair', keeps a close eye on the legal system, makes sure there is a gold-backed currency in circulation. A government needs accountability to the people (in the form of a parliament or congress elected without the aid of lobbyists and campaigns funded by outside interests), the legal system, the military and possibly a monarchy who has limited abilities such as the ability to dissolve a government if it becomes too authoritarian. Apart from all that, they should stay the fuck out of our lives.


- Multiple parties, across the political spectrum.
- Upper house elected via proportional representation voting system
- Lower house elected via single-transferable vote, to ensure that a sitting MP/Representative has an actual majority.
- Eight year term-limit in the Upper house, to prevent a politician dominating their party list to ensure they have a seat.
- No term limit in the lower house. If an MP/Representative get continue to have majority support, they can stay.
- All elections are to be centrally funded; if a politcal party or movement can demonstrate having a membership of suitable size (some % of the voting population), they will receive funds.
- Any media provider supplies inaccurate or misleading information, and are found to have breached relevant professional standards, any retraction / correction must be printed/broadcast with equal prominence as was given to the original article (not directly a government point, but would help solve the ridiculous situation we see where a paper runs a several page attack on a politician or organisation, gets challenged due to factual inaccuracies/downright lies, and then prints a tiny retraction on page 13).

Christianity has evolved, though. It is a European religion now. It hasn't been a middle-eastern one for a long time. Jesus, Adam and Abraham are white men. Eve and Mary are white women. Many of our pagan traditions still exist alongside Christian holy days. I think the best way to go would be to evolve our version of Christianity further. Let's get rid of destructive ideas like "turn the other cheek". The problem with, though, would be that it might feel artificial. The one thing I'm sure we can all agree about is that the current state of things can't go on much longer.

It doesn't matter. All governments fail bc humans are flawed creatures. Biologically and evolutionary, we are greedy and self-serving. Civilization requires cooperation and self-sacrifice.

monarchy maybe a fascist nation or a republic that restricts the vote sort of star ship troopers i can work with anyrhing really

>still not NATTROT
Well niggers lemme intorduct best ideologism in ouniverse:


heil hitner, hitner trortsy and stain were broth, 14/88 wsa the mtoto of nationa.lsit reivliton start in rusia in 1912 by btorkyso end nhis daughtr STAKIUN READ THE NATROT BIOGRAPHYU OF JEW lenon. we explain and DEBUNK claims of ane fronk. lenon was a jewush cartographer HE devbelop anti-HIOTNER theiory, buyt trotsko killd him, then he mevod to gremny to help HITNER make his OWN c omunism revlution. we are not marxists, fuck marx, he was a nigger. but no carolus marx was not marxist marxist is creation of donaldo trumpe (not TUrmb he natrot) HE wqsa the murderer of trotkso, he ASSIST his killingment, marx was a national trotksi as we proiobev in video "we are coming" marxism is jew and barack husein musolini CREATION! to defamation national trotk marx. later we delveop the theory of permanent national revoltuon BUILT UPON napOLEON theory and practicre. we despise niggers, the logical conclusion of socialism is the eradication of inferior beings, niggers are the prime xample of htis as quoted by bo mao in his obok, red socialism. sterber was a nigger too, hE with HIS theory of anti-hitnerism hATED hitnerism and hitrel that is why post-right gang is OXYMRO!nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

WE fucked their moms and wil fuck YOUR Mom too if u ARE:


thanks forw atqhcing , also we must leglaise heroin and marijauna but not cocain, agudally no, we must legalise all drugs. thanks for wathcing spread positivity and JOIN the natrot empire, man

Death to anyone who doesn't produce. No abortions, no drugs, no alcohol, strict law, improve education requirements year by year, fail to achieve production and/or education? Gas.

Communism: stateless, classless, moneyless society where somehow a state takes your shit?????????????????????
Socialism: workers own the means of production, somehow equal to bureaucrats taking your shit???????????????
Democratic Socialism: workers own the means of production and participate in a democracy, somehow equal to taking your shit?????????????????????

Sup Forums- Politically Illiterate

I second this

>he fell for proportional representation AGAIN

jesus fucking christ you and every other moron in this country need to take a good hard look at those selfsame systems in Europe and see what a socialist shithole government it brings in. How can you be so retarded to still spout this shit with all the evidence in front of you?

You are truly degenerate

American National Socialism after we exterminate the kikes and deport the niggers back to africa. THE AMERICAN ETHNOSTATE

Isnt that being an outcast? If you're living in society you gotta contribute and on a ideal world it would be considered "second family"

Trotsky is a faggot and communism is for retarded niggers with a victim complex.

1. Guns for all, guns for free.
2. The news must be a)typed and b)fact checked thrice, and bias/opinion checked twice
3. Everyone is the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch.
4. No police; just responsible citizens with handcuffs, guns, and some spare time.
5. Every man and woman is equal, regardless of all prior judgments.
6. There is an entrance test to be allowed in to the country. On must pass to cross the border.
7. The border has a minefield, automated machineguns, and a patrol that shoots on sight.

But dont you want to give your hard earned money to the less fortunate? aka fat mudsharks birth control so they dont have little evil nigger babies?

A great empire whose only job is to secure the border and prevent war between the highly local active governing micro-states it contains.

Says the guy who left a stable trade union because 'muh shitskins'
I am sorry to tell you that you are a libertarian socialist

you say that like it's a bad thing

best thing Stalin ever did is kill the old commies and ice pick this kike

It's a good thing, personally I prefer a bit more authority because of protecting the nation and shit, but I think that gov't should not interfere with who fucks who and what drugs people do


Honestly, any form of government can work as long as it's backed up by a deep state filled with jews

>more authority
no thank you

best thing this country ever did is kill comies also i find it beautiful a commie dies like he lives by the hands of others

Slide thread.
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