What did the advanced Nordic Master Race write on the runes?

Vortex based mathematics?
Quantum physics?
The first thousand digits of Pi?
Runic magic?

What did the ancient Nordic Master Race try to tell us?

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Pee pee pee,
poo poo poo

Stories of their gods and shit,

probably about some great party they had at the meadhouse DESU Famalam


probably a record of some event or person or treaty

Sonic fanfiction

>"Ragnar died, he was a big guy xd we miss him"
Pretty much it desu.

All of the above

unfortunately that particular piece is just meaningless shitstoning.
T. trained runic reader

Nordics (Germanic Norse) were not advanced, even if they were clever and intelligent.

True advanced civ is the hyperborean north siberian Aryans.

Daily reminder nords are semites


>Þorsteinn Geirson was here with 50 men and headed east.
This is a magical spell bound to that location for all time instructing friends and reinforcements where to go.

They wrote about how Odin disguised himself into a woman and drank semen

Found this particular stone, it's "runestone DR 108" and it says:
>Tosti, Ásviðr's smith, raised this stone in memory of Tófi, his brother, who died in the east.

Usually laws are inscribed on such tablets. The DNA of the civilization is law.

"Lars said that the Byzantines are cool. Sven even served in the Varangian Guard! Too bad there's so many niggers there.''

SWEDEN YES - first recorded runic inscription in Scandinavia 5th century AD

they were also discussing their plans to go on great journeys of discovery to find the blackest niggers possible so that they can start the great project of mass immigration to Scandinavia. They were also looting to amass capital for welfare so that the niggers never had to work while in Nordic lands. Unfortunately they gave that up at one point, before they found the mythical land of "Zommalja" where the prophecy said the people that will one day impregnate all their women dwell.

Recently they returned to that project. Was the break caused by Christianity? It was alien to the Nordic cuck nature, is that the reason?

Looks like a memorial stone made for remembering dead. Similar to gravestones but no grave.

So propably just says shit like "in memory to Sven, he was a great hunter" or some shit

Oral histories that usually consisted of origin stories for important aspects of life. I read a lot of Greek tablets that were about Gods inventing corn and shit. Ancient people were terrified about gaps in their knowledge, so made up stories to tell each other instead. These stories got written down to preserve consistency over the years. No hidden knowledge desu.


>Some of the most well known oral tales.
>Religious rituals including what they saw in visions.
>"Thorvald was here"
>Some politics.

Most of their dialogue was oral, and bards were very respected in the society. You could make a lot of money going to kings and present a special type of poem.

Rape locals, pillage villages.

>Reply to these runes or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

The poems were the real way to store information not runes. These poems can't change over the years because of their structure, they are remembered as a whole or forgotten. The try to teach us about this at school but it's a surface understanding of something they took for granted, these poets weren't exactly scholars, they somehow had an intuitive grasp of structures and rules that people today still don't fully understand.

>Egill was also a scholar of runes. His apparent mastery of their magic powers assisted him several times during his journeys. During a feast at Atla-isle, Bard's attempt to poison Egill failed when a rune carved by Egill shattered his poisoned cup.
>At a companion's request, he examined a sick woman. A local land owner, after being denied her hand in marriage, had attempted to carve love-runes. Instead, he had mistakenly carved runes causing illness. Egill burned the offending runes and carved runes for health, and the woman recovered. He then sang a poem declaring that "Runes none should grave ever/Who knows not to read them."
>Both these incidents are quite believable.

Really basic shit. Like "Haldur was here". That's it

Yes now i remember, the poems were called "Dråpar". The runes also had magical powers, and each rune had a body position. Skyrim is a "simplification", they sto in a certain position and said "Ffffff" for instance to make warmt/fire. Most is lost because it was wicked witchcraft

"Traps are not gay the dick only makes it better"

Early version of Sup Forums confirmed by digits

Shit like this mostly
