ITT we discuss what makes us unfit for the army if there was a draft was put into place...

ITT we discuss what makes us unfit for the army if there was a draft was put into place.I have been on ADHD medication since I was 8 along with the fact that even though I have been 6'4 since Junior year of High School Ihave always been a fat fuck and now I weight around 300lbs.

Flat feet. That's still a thing, right?

It might not be anymore unfortunately


Scoliosis or back injury?

I'm legally blind without my glasses. That will probably invalidate me from any combat duties, but they would probably put me in some support role.

The fuck is going on with your back.I have a type of scoliosis but this confuses me a bit.

You just reminded me that I didn't put that I have some really terrible vision without my glasses

26, debilitating anxiety, major depression, and ptsd from school. I tried joining when I was 18 but was denied. I would serve too, oh well.

I'm Vietnamese, and I'm 90% sure that some asshole will mistake me for a Nork and shoot me

deaf in 1 ear
carpal tunnel / ganglion cyst in wrist from injury & excessive computer use (can't bend it enough to do push ups or crawl)

i believe my experimentation with LSD automatically disqualifies me for service.

good thing. i'm not fighting for anything bigger than my yard anyway.

I'm a fat weak fuck
Brazil gives 0 fucks though I'm currently conscripted

I'll likely be lost in an unfortunate boating accident two weeks before conscription.

32, flat feet, deaf in one ear, very out of shape.

I already work in healthcare though and would gladly take some kind of support role like nursing or therapy for returning soldiers.

26, 6'2" but skinnyfat actually kind of just regular fat now.

Also I have a pilonidal cyst which requires expensive surgery to remove.

Have PTSD.

i can barely see clearly at an arm's length away without my Light-bending Looksey-loos

Out of shape, asthma, ADHD meds after 13, eczema, and anxiety

I'm fit and healthy, I'll make sure all you fags survive.

hehe I see what you did there

Thank you based Estonian

I've been sitting on my couch for too long.

Not really fat but still slightly overweight and lack stamina.

Me during a shitty play at some theater program during the summer after Sophomore year of High School

The army accepted me and Im infantry now. Did I fuck up bros?


I'd love a draft, perfectly fit and stuff, but I'm really sad that I'd end up probably in a utility role. Got bad eyesight. What blows is that I'm an amazing hunter (not that experienced, but I've managed some amazing hunts people are always very impressed) and have incredible patience when hunting, as well as quick on my feet. I'd make an excellent sniper if not for my eyesight. Actually, up until I realized it was a gamechanger, I wanted to sign up for the army.

Poor eyesight and colorblindness prevented me from joining any branch of the military or police.
Now I'm too old and becoming deaf too, not to mention my back is ruined.


just go to war you fucking pussies. how would you feel if all of your friends went to war and you couldnt because your a fat shit who sweats sitting down. fucking kill yourself. your what makes america weak. this is why we need a draft. to weed out people like you and remove them from the gene pool.


I can't be drafted because I already commissioned into the Air Force. Have fun down there on the ground, boys.

>I have been a tweaker since I was 8
poor bastard never had a chance

I'm too old for the draft.

Nope. Checked.
Thank you for serving

It doesn't permanently fix your eyesight to perfect, it just ups you to a decent number. I've talked to military dudes and they've told me that although in theory they tell you you can take any role even with really bad eyesight, in practice you're highly unlikely to ever become a sniper no matter your skills if you don't have near perfect senses.

Shame, imagining myself slowly walking around somewhere for days and then spending hours crouched in some mud sitting still before someone maybe shows up in my sights...fucking bliss. Maybe if somebody invades I can pull off a white death sorta thing.

I wear contacts. If they pay for my laser eye surgery id be down though

Denied entry on medical because old rugby injury was too much of a risk

Nothing I run 10k everyday dreamin' of the 'sades. You fat brain retard better be able to teach opsex and drone the dune coons. Otherwise your the lame dog in the pack.

already did 4, committed to 4 more in inactive reserves which is literally nothing.
fucked up while in but still got honorable
bad anxiety / depression
Sure they can have me if it pops off but i dont see them needing me no one does

kek, just like trump with his bonespurs, his merry band of cucks shows why his voters are weak little girlyboys. SAD.

>chronic back pain
>chronic knee pain, and swelling. Both a result of an accident
>history of opiate abuse
>diagnosed insomnia
>couple months from being 29 years old
I think I'm in pretty good standing to not get drafted. I'll be 30+ by that point anyway.

i need you bro

Poor accuracy
t. tried it out at a gun range.

I’m medically retired after 3 tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. I made it to the rank of SSG. I think I could do more for the cause by being private security or militia though.

>just go to war you fucking pussies
Anybody not fit for duty mentally or physically is a fucking liability for his platoon. Watch Full Metal Jacket.

I was denied for a heart murmur and a tumor as a child (couldn't find the documents because I was born abroad). I was told I could get medical waivers from my doctor and come back. It took 2 months to meet my doctor and then another 3 to set up a checkup to do EKG's and what not. Doctor forgot to put me in for the medical eval. After that I said fuck it. I can still technically join. Can score a 250 on a PT as of now and got a 93 on the ASVAB. 228 GT score. But whatever man.

>ptsd from school
fucking kys
>Have PTSD

PTSD is a fucking meme and fuck everyone that uses it as an excuse for anything. That includes service members active, prior, and retired.

t. a fucking Marine

lol somehow i always knew that the majority of Sup Forumsacks is a bunch of oxygen thieves

if you fucking pussy americans stop getting ptss after seeing a single bomb explode, you would've actually won in afghanistan

PTSD doesn't come from a single traumatic moment. It comes from a constant heightened sense of danger.
If our military was aloud to go balls to the wall, snuff out all combatants and wipe out anyone who you think supports them, those boys would have come back parading around talking about how badass the war was. But it's not like that. Instead they do foot patrols through dirty mountain roads all day where every 2-3 days someone gets blown up randomly in the line or some 12 year old walking a goat turns around and shoots you in the butthole.

If Glasses fix your vision, then you’re not legally blind fuckhead. If you Vision uncorrectable then it’s legally blind.

Rake when.

Does the air force even do anything noteworthy anymore?

All the major tech stuff. All the space stuff. Calling in airstrikes. Deploying airstrikes. All the logistics and transport. All the security. Plenty.