Americucks Are subhuman

Americucks Are subhuman


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White Americans are not subhuman but they sure as hell are good goys

What are you? Norwegian? You're practically a Slav or a Canadian. Fuck off.


american education at its finest

can confirm.. may I please be allowed to return back to Europe ?! I was born there but my parents brought me here.


>Islamic flag poster thinks he has any room to talk

I don't even know what fucking flag that is. Literally obsessed.

pick one

Yet we are the most powerful on the planet. What would that make you?

Once we have our daily morning 100oz soda (3L), our minds start to work really really FAST.

sucking jew dick powerfully is not something to be proud of (((Amerifat)))
we're so powerful we've lost the last 4 wars against 70 iq inbreds

glad you think of us in your spare time, whoreway


holy kek ameritards don't even have any other shitty comebacks do they?

americucks talking about other country's women.
wow just wow


nice one dude

Is someone feeling a little insecure about the relevance of their country?

>threads start up showing some european country continuing to ethnically destroy itself
>Europosters have to insult Americans to compensate

What are you accomplishing here?

Oh look, Standinavia is feeling irrelevant again.
Have you cucks accomplished anything since the days of longships?

Just move to the Midwestern states, they're still white.


Holy shit - Who is this?

>threads start up showing some european country continuing to ethnically destroy itself
topkek, do you not see the irony here mr 56%?
just listen to this shit

>Irrelevant to the world
instead of becoming relevant they just complain about the greatest country in world history.

>population of norway
5.2 million
>Population of united states
320 million

not only do we have more ugly people, we also have more pretty people. actually, we just have more people.

>pick related
average norwegian