I've just realised what this guy's game is

He's another "fellow white people" Jew, but unlike most of them, he uses for a good cause and to fight on our behalf.

>Go to college campus full of SJWs
>Debate under the pretense of being white
>BTFO all the cucks
>Show that they are out of their depth trying to argue against intelligent white men

Thank you Ben, you will always be /ourjew/

Other urls found in this thread:


He want to Harvard. He's literally compromised.

>schindler's list playing lampshade
he's a rat

he is an israel firster, he would sell goymerica in heartbeat to save israel

he admits he is a civic nationalist too who thinks burkas, islam and multiculturism is fine and race isn't real

>thinks burkas, islam and multiculturism is fine

Does he? He seems very redpilled about Islam.

There is nothing wrong with multiculturalism as long as the citizens of a country integrate and abide the law.

"whispers to make money"

He's never done anything under the pretense of being white. When someone calls him white he points out that he's a jew and he wears a yarmulke all the time.

>Thank you Ben, you will always be /ourjew/
... I don't think you guys understand the fucking problem

funny how the captchas get harder the more antisemetic you are on this board.

I just did like 100 of em, god dam you kike faggots I will not be silenced. Kill me and get me out of this fucking hell or I will escape through your bitch asses.

Ben is alright in my book.

He doesn't have Jewish features at all. Slanty eyes, round face, fat, snubby wide nose. What gives?

That with his surname and it'd be easy to assume that he's Italian American.

future president

is there some kind of e-celeb shill thing happening? I know its a constant but fuck all morning with these cunts

>Calling for more wars for Israel is a good cause

He's a gatekeeper.

>Look whitey, you don't have to go into ethnonationalism, look at all my dank arguments that work without being extreme
>You wouldn't want to hurt feelings of this based Jew that BTFOs dumb SJWs, huh whitey?

He's the kind of guy that would be perfectly happy to play the conservative version of SJW in 2030.

Only for law school. He knew he was surrounded by the enemy while he was there. He's not compromised.

No, he sees multiculturalism as a threat.

Multiculturalism is NOT fine.

>>Debate under the pretense of being white
What? he makes it extremely clear how he's a Jew and how he gets victimized by ebil white nationalists

there are a group of jews here dedicated to getting Sup Forums to suck ben's circumcised manlet cock


>I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America."

Melting pot is not multiculturalism you moron.

maybe not for kikes, but it is for whites

Jewishness has many faces, but only one core.

there are good jews

>literally compromised

No, that's a different issue. They are both bad in my opinion.

Agreed. I, for one, don't give a damn about the so-called browning of America

I want to jump to the timeline where these 2 got married and had babies

Say what you will about his civic nationalism, but he has yet to be defeated in a debate. Stefan Molyneux has turned down a chance to chat with Ben and so to has Jared Taylor, with Jared coming up with the most bizarre excuses over the last 2 years. The day I see him beaten in a debate is the day I'll stop listening to him. He's good for entry level redpills on conservatism for normies and bluepilled people.

lol its fukin pathetic

>pretense of being white
He wears the fucking jewcap literally all the time

This was also weird to me in that interview with Morgan Freeman and black history month. The guy asked him why don't you want a black history month, and Morgan said "Would you like a white history month?" And the guy was like "...I'm Jewish"
Like what the hell kike your skin is white and you are American.
I don't know man, it's like perfect - they have white skin but they are not white basically cause they say so. I know they're not blonde and blue eyed but still though, something about this seems off. Especially cause Jewish is a mongrel race, basically anyone can be Jewish race by converting to Jewish religion.
Inb4 converts are nor jews, they are judaists. No they're fucking not, never in my life have I encountered a "judaist"

You're all acting like the average person counts Jews and whites as entirely separate. They don't. If he points out "I'm Jewish", the only effect that will have is the person thinks "Oh, so you're a slightly different brand of white man."

That might be the case normally, maybe with a guy like Mark Levin, even, but we're talking about a guy whose whole gimmick is the Orthodox Judaism thing.