If Black people are inferior, why is Barack Obama smarter than 99,99% of Sup Forumstards?

If Black people are inferior, why is Barack Obama smarter than 99,99% of Sup Forumstards?

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Keep shilling. The more you do the more likely it will be you get locked up too. Can't wait.

Cause he's 50% white, whiter than most people here.

he's biracial though

Micheal Obama's semen is the highest protein concoction known to man. The CIA selected 'her' for the job for exactly this reason.

Rly mage u dhink.

What are statistics and averages??

have you ever heard him talk without a teleprompter? What were his grades in high school and college?
Please describe how you get to 99.99%

One day you Yuropoors will learn how to count.

How do you know he's smart? He sealed all his records, never published anything of note, Bill Ayers wrote his two autobiographies. All we know is that he can read 6th grade level English from a teleprompter.

t. low IQ americfat

there not inferior, its all about education, educate yourself.
if you hang around dumbass's and talk like a dumbass, you will grow up to be a dumbass.

This board has gone to shit. In all fields.

The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments

Human intelligence is highly heritable. Source:

I agree

He developed speaking voice by bath house activity in his early years in chicongo. The method was being airtight on many occasions which he enjoyed very much as well as his drug activity.
Smart, No. Dumb as bag of bricks
Wiz at teleprompter, when it breaks, not so much.

Bunch of okeydoke!

What should we do with sub 115 IQ people?

Is he? Ever read one of his books?

He can speak well, that's literally it. When people claim Trump is the first reality star to win the presidency, no, he was the 2nd.

this is the correct answer.

Kill them all
t. 115 IQ spic

Is racemixing a nice thing, then?


Also he only got in the office cuz hes a nigger. If he were pure nigger he'd probably be some gangbanger somewhere

1. He's 50% white
2. He's actually 60% white, since African Americans have on average 16-24% European genetics
3. He's not that smart anyway.

He's a whole lot smarter than Trump!

why can't Trump speak well like Obama then?

he always sounds like a child that has no idea what he is talking about

if blacks aren't inferior why did you guys kill ten million in the congo?

only compared to your average american
sleepy ben is smarter

Because Sup Forums is retarded, obviously.

Because intelligence is mostly passed down through the mother, hence Obama and Neil Degrasse Tyson



smarter? hes a glorified house goy, keeping all the rest of the goyim in check.

>Thinking someone's eloquence or lack thereof reflects their competence
People like you are why politicians are so shit

>half white
>raised in a prep school in fucking hawaii