Sup Forums, you've fucking ruined me

Sup Forums, you've fucking ruined me.

I'm an educator and I had to help a fucking Hispanic immigrant girl do better in her class. She had that filthy mongrel accent like nails on chalkboard and it was all I could do not to punch her.

But I did my job and now she's going to do better in her class.

I hate myself. I should have let her fail. I know for a fact she's going to breed like a cockroach and expel her younglings out of her chitinous uterus to replace me and my kind.

But I never had this kind of hate in my heart until I started goddam browsing Sup Forums

I hate myself for helping someone AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.

Sup Forums is simply reconnecting you with your natural instincts that have been suppressed by decades of post-Christian slave programming.

>didn't let her fail
Why are you trying to help these people she's going to get pregnant and drop out of high school at 16.

>chitinous uterus

kek nice image

the truth would have reached you at some point user, its better that we ripped the band aid off now

if she has a career she'll probably have fewer kids. so at least you have that silver lining.


>an educator
Should have just raped her t b h

Wow a burger who might understand Nietzsche.

>Comes across spics every now and then
>never had this kind of hate in my heart until

Fake and gay. Spic hate easily comes from exposure to spics, Sup Forums has nothing to do with it.

Just go teach in a white district

even if you did help her to understand whatever you were tasked to help her with, how enduring do you anticipate that will be? in all likelihood, she'll forget 80% before the final exam... you still have plenty of time to give her explanations at three levels higher than she's capable of comprehending and telling the administrators she is hopeless and recommend she get sent to the intermediate unit where she'll have to hang out with wet diaper mongs where it won't even be possible for her to do any learning.

Fuck social workers lel


Be thankful for the redpill

>I hate myself. I should have let her fail. I know for a fact she's going to breed like a cockroach
No that's not nice.

Take a break from Sup Forums imho.

He ins't wrong they are cockroaches.


Why are images like these so repulsive on a deep primal level?

Holy fuck. Crocs and sandals with socks.

Welcome to reality, you've crossed the point of no return to the Matrix. Congrats.

Your welcome faggot you can never go back to your normie life !!
Remember hate hate spics and niggers


FWIW I'm a math teacher in a big Florida city.

Pic fucking related.

Fucking apes man. What the fuck.

One of the worst jobs out there. I feel you man.

That picture is fake as fuck. The odds that 3 women would be all be in a sexual encounter together and happen to be all within the same ovulation window are astronomical. This dumb beaner just found a picture of 3 knocked up wetbacks and thought he'd claim it for yolo swag points. Bitches love taking pregnancy pictures with other knocked up whores so the picture would be easy to find.

The State of 'Merica
Cuckest Nation in the World


I met this gorgeous Mexican girl at university and thought she would be dumb because of Sup Forums but she turned out to be really smart.

What gives?

>Everyday Heroes.

God help us all

My math teacher was awesome and I'm now an accountant.

Don't lose hope, user.

Well one you don't know her IQ she could just have an IQ of 100 which is not smart.
And 2 you need to understand what avg means it doesn't mean all there are outliers.

Aren't they all like 12? I guess that's legal in mexico though.

>Mexican girl at a British University

Not your typical Mexican, bro. You should see the kind of stuff that comes over our borders here.


You have issues. Sup Forums is satire.


>Confederate Flag
>blaming others


cannot bring myself to click on this again

Go back to your maple syrup you fuckin' faggot ass leaf.

Its like how the muzzies in the US are normally doctors and shit.

If someone is smart enough to travel 6k miles they are exceptional. Where as your muzzies are libyans who just traveled on shitty boats

Out spics are the retards who just hop over

If this was old Sup Forums you would green texted a fap story and bell aired.
But, good job? Should have taught her about hard work and not getting knocked up as well as how to get an abortion without her madre y padre finding out. That way you could have prevented more roaches and encouraged her to get a fuckjng job.

Who the fuck am I kidding... that ho is probs 5 months into a Nino.


Also I'm guessing this is now a nigger hate thread

Did I ask, retard? There are three spics there pregnant with children.

If you're not repulsed you're one of those fuckin' filthy animals, bitch.









Why they write like that?

it's important to teach your kids what gonorrhea looks like.



Also, quit being a pussy OP



Because they're literally mentally retarded.


I...I legitimately can't tell if those goblins are 14 or 40.

Because user, they are niggers. One hundred percent inbred ghetto niggers to be exact. I guarantee you that there are more shared chromosomes in the average inner city ghetto than the average Kentucky trailer park.



That poor fucking dogo.

elaborate on nietzsche in this context, please thanks please



They're worse. Cockroaches at least have the decency to fuck off when you turn the lights on.


They would be more productive as slaves tbph

Hispanics / latinos are not blacks.

Apart from having darker skin and dark hair they are not much different than whites.

Put it this way; helping a latino girl to succeed would make the world a better place. Who knows, maybe she'll get red pilled and have OP to thank.


>have jewish accountant teacher
>do OK in class
>look kind of jewy due to Italian DNA from mother, have kind of jewy last name due to Russian father
>he assumes I am jewish
>approaches me after class offering to get me into top tier accounting programs and shit
>mfw jewish privilege for being a goy





Nobody said the red pills would be easy





The fact you were able to help her means that she was willing to learn. Her father doesn't want her to be preggers any more than you do.



That guy in blue. Effay AF!

she'll likely have less children with a better education. don't feel too bad.

You'll see eventually that this behavior applies to all women. They're (literally) filthy cunts.




Your welcome. Now go pump your wife and have some of your own.

>Hispanic immigrant
>nigger hate thread

Excuse me, I am hardly the biggest fan of blacks but can you please explain why you're dumping these images in a thread about OP helping a hispanic? Literally none of these pictures are related to Mexicans / hispanics, etc.

No, it's your fault, you make your own decisions, and also stop larping faggot

