In a debate with a leftists over economics

>in a debate with a leftists over economics
>they use the terms "neoliberalism" and "trickle down", both things that do not and have never existed

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to the Left, neoliberalism is worse than Neonazism simply because the (((state))) lose power and thus the leftists lose their jobs


that's basically just communism in 2017

not an argument

These same leftists support central banking which creates trillions of dollars and gives it to bankers and corporations.

It's hilarious how hypocritical they are.

Communists need to be gassed.

>workers self management
I fail to see how this will raise your living standards or allow you to consume more resources than you currently do.
Please explain.

noun: neoliberalism
a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.
"social and political issues surrounding neo-liberalism"

trickle down
phrasal verb of trickle
(of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.
adjective: trickle-down; adjective: trickledown
(of an economic system) in which the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.

nice fake homework assignment and ((teacher's note))... you almost had me fooled

>a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.
Wow really lol.
These leftists are actually dumb enough to think the current system of government controlled central banking massively distorting the economy for the benefit of bankers and corporations has anything to do with the free market.
Holy motherfucking shit they are stupid as fuck.

>trickle down
phrasal verb of trickle
(of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.
adjective: trickle-down; adjective: trickledown
(of an economic system) in which the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.
Trickle down is just a leftist strawman argument, no real economist uses it.
Reagan was not free market whatsoever.

nice false dichotomy......

>trickle down
>a term that is not acknowledged in any known school of economics

>getting triggered by a meme
You seem really assdamged you utter waste of life.

so they both existed? checkmate
wow this was just too easy

What false dichotomy.
Explain how workers control over the means of production will benefit you personally whatsoever.
This will be hilarious, I'll wait.

>so they both existed?
So does scientology, does that mean scientology is real?
wow this was just too easy

Why haven't we killed all socialists yet?

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person

because you would need to leave your parents basement?

Why are you wastes of life so easy to debunk?

>literal commie claiming others are basement dwelling losers
Statistically, it is very unlikely that you even have a job right now lel

Lefty faggot STILL can't explain how workers taking over the means of production will benefit him.

It's like he knows he's wrong.

say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

>labor as secular virtue
>socialist commodity production

>so they both existed? checkmate
unlike communism which in fact has never been tried before

So this is the power of leftist """""""""""""memes"""""""""""".

You have no argument, and also you are legit retarded. lel

Trickle down isn't a real economic system, it's just a leftist strawman argument.
Neoliberalism is a another leftist strawman argument.
We're currently the furthest thing from free markets right now. Central banking and fiat currency dominate the markets and governments control this.

Why do leftists desire their own poverty and enslavement?

It's pretty pathetic.

They don't want to get the full product of their labour.

Socialism is a fucking religion.

This faggot couldn't even explain how socialism would benefit him lol and got mad when I even questioned it.

And they wouldn't under state ownership but tankies typically adopt the ideology as a sort of reaction to what they refer to as 'reactionaries'. That's why most of their funny internet jokes are just recolored peppies or templates they lifted from twitter.

"government is corrupt, we should give it as much power as it wants though..." -liberal logic

The US is a factional one-party state.


Why are commies so triggered by the helicopter meme?

So when are you going to name and blame the jews who disproportionately control it?

Reminder that lolbertarians are socially progressive in their core. The lolbertarian with political influence has yet to dismember government or bureaucracy for the free market, they instead use their influence to further progressive-style state back equalities.
Their entire system can not be enforced under the threat of external influence, and cna not be placed upon existing systems of government and enforced without walking the same path as a communist does.

>if you work it you should control it
if this is your biggest argument just stop being lazy and become self-employed. fag.

Because they don't want to learn to fly memeflag fag.