What's Sup Forums's honest opinion about Native Americans?

What's Sup Forums's honest opinion about Native Americans?

Good people that unjustly got Anglo'd.

A savage, primitive yet proud people. At least they have some integrity amongst their people.

Not niggers.

Even Colonials who thought it was totally cool to enslave niggers said it was immoral to enslave Natives.

I agree with them.

Some were cool, some were lame. Some tribes are decent for the most part, the others are whiny whipped faggots.

Historically they should've allied or gone the pacifistic resistance type thing Wovoka was going for. If the Oka Crisis boiled over, Canada would've been a much different place than it is today culturally and maybe those tribes would have their shit together. That's about it though.

Same with anything really.

The noble savage is a meme. They're interesting I guess though. Still manifest destiny.

for the most part they were primitive but pretty redpilled as far as their society and their roles in their tribes

they fucked up by fighting eachother and not allying to drive out the white man

Bunch of no good chinks who wiped out indigenous blonde inhabitants, much like what happened in New Zealand. Along with the embattled settlements of Mesa Verde region, but that's a story for another time. Then went on to make one of the best pro-masculine cultures recent history has seen, with lots of communing with Sky God, visions quests, rape of squaws, subjugation of squaws, etc, etc. Very robust and objectively beautiful people (bone law) due to their superior hygiene practices like bathing in urine every morning. I saw the largest man in my life who was a grey haired indian farmer in Montana, ripped. That's pretty much it. Now they are lame.

Stone age bullies.


The people here were as wild and savage as the land that Columbus found.

at least they're not niggers or sandmonkeys

can you please explain about the extermination of native blondes?

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

They tried, but failed, because their culture sucked ass. Their way of war still lives on though, it's how Americans got their first exposure to the ambush and the impression stuck. If it wasn't for the white man introducing horses the plains tribes wouldn't have been worth two shits.

Respect, but I understand they were doomed to fail.

The natives in Canada used to support national socialism and were killing foreign workers. Honorary aryans.

Sounds like niggers to me

Smarter and better trolls than we give them credit for. Behold the story of Half King:

>get kidnapped by dirty frenchmen as a kid
>they boil and eat my dad
>no I'm not making that up, fuck you
>get away and become king of the mingos
>chilling out with my mingbros in ohio
>englishmen are annoying but at least they're not fucking french
>french show up one day and kick out all the brits
>brits send George Washington to tell the french to fuck off
>he's a fucking teenager and totally in over his head so he asks for my help
>mingbros I have an idea
>convince Washington to attack the french, because fuck the french
>they surrender like true frenchmen, but my french bloodlust is not sated
>kill a diplomat and eat his brains, cause I'm hardcore
>kill all the other prisoners too, cause fuck the french
>french reinforcements coming and they're pissed for some reason
>Washington builds, like, a shitty fucking shed like it's actually going to help him
>fuck this, I'm outta here
>hear later that he got captured and signed something he couldn't even read
>it was a confession to killing that frog I brained
>my sides are soaring like the eagle
>the crown has to come bail the colonies out
>they duke it out for seven whole years
>the crown taxes the shit out of the colonies to pay for this fucking mess
>my sides are now in the happy hunting ground
>butthurt colonists freak out when tea gets taxed
>they invent America
>America kills most of us injuns, steals our land, and makes us live in the desert
>still worth it, fuck the french

>implying they even could have driven out the white man after diseases killed >90% of them and their population was reduced to

Natives here are worse than American blacks

They don't pay taxes, get free school and other benefits, and every 6 months they get another 100m payout for something like the mean government trying to educate their fucking caveman children because they met their parents and said holy fuck there's no way

Oh ya and they make up 70% of people in prison across the prairies and this is Canada so we go out of our way to go easy on them and they still manage to be 70% of all criminals in jail

We should have just ended them, we would be so much better off

As free a people as any may have ever been

clever irony.

>Faggot: Beavers are natures engineers.
>Currently more fucking Beavers than Native Americans

They literally out evolved these motherfuckers.

They are cool in my eyes. No problem with them at all unless they start protesting with dreamers. Fact is, most whites would give Indians far more in reparations then they have gotten. They are a noble people who largely stay to themselves and drown their troubles in booze. They also tend to live with nature instead of pollute it.

Id rather pay reparations any day of the week to Indians then some disgusting nigger. Indians have my respect. They dont beg for gibs, they just take their losses and move on.

They will make good allies in the end. We can give them a state, in exchange for their help scalping niggs, mudslimes, fags, and dreamers.

2 words: forbidden archaeology

New Zealand was populated by a tribe of "wall builders" who built, you guessed it, walls. Then the Maori's, being the brutes they are, wiped them all out. Similarly, there are a network of stone walls throughout Eastern USA that predate the Amerindians, who hold no claim to. Then there are other found remains of Caucasoids like the Kennewick man. And the Ainu for a far Eastern example. Tocharians even further East... OK, bye.

Stone age savages who should've tried getting technology more advanced than chimps if they wanted to keep their land.

worse incarceration statistics than nigs

Look up Colonel William Crawford's torture at hands of indians and squaws. OK BYE BYE


I've only ever met 3...

1. Dude in basic training. Didn't talk until the very end. Only told polack jokes but replaced polacks with white guys (e.g. how many white guys does it take to screw in a light bulb?)

2. Married to a friend. She didn't do shit and never cleaned the house or the kid. She said this was part of her culture.

3. Friend of a friend. Beat his girlfriend over trivial shit. Would always fuck up any party he was at.

I'm just an average shitposter and I'm Native American.

he's retarded don't listen to him
there were no humans in the americas before native americans

So you can pretty much get into any college you want.

Old Hickory did nothing wrong.

They where just as evil/good as we all are

Its a mormon thing.

navajo bro here.
its sad to see most of my people fall for the jewish lies. I swear if only we could work together we could fix alot of problems on the reservation.

This is literally "WE WUZ BLOND KANGS N SHIET" mentally


stone age savages who were conquered by a more advanced people. They didn't even have the wheel and there was nothing noble about them. They had murderous raiding parties for fun, maimed and tortured each other and almost all of them had an STD because they thought sharing women meant sharing warrior powers

A cautionary tale for us all.

A step above niggers and below Yids.

Meh, the few I have met were uppity pieces of shit despite being super fucking trashy drunks.

Historically, if they would have stopped murdering the piss out of each other and united as one people, there is no way they would have lost so much land even after being fucked over by illness as hard as they were.

Wheels are a lot less useful when you don't have draft animals.

But if you had killed them, they would've won.

That's pretty bizarre.
The natives here are generally cool and keep to themselves.

Faggots should have fought harder. They just gave their continent away
>almost like whites toda...

tfw every time someone mentions native americans i miss my childhood best friend

They were sitting on trillions of dollars worth of natural resources and never reached the iron age. Fuck corn niggers.

There is a very small amount of Archaeological evidence that shows technology and structural remains of a society other than the Indians existing at around the same time as the Indians were just settling in the Western half of the country in the Eastern part of the nation.

It is considered wildly inappropriate to even mention the possibility of these people existing though because it would mean they were most likely completely destroyed by the Indians, which goes against the whole noble ideal that history tries to paint of them despite them being full of just as many assholes as any other nation that has ever existed.

As a Native American I find a lot of what you say offensive.

They were the very last group of humans to settle and begin development, they had way, way less time than other peoples.

Still beat out the niggers by a long shot though.

An excellent example of what happens when you trade your liberty for security.

Very generous people, a lot of fun and a little wild but I like wild.

I remember touring the US and after the bars closed I ended up wandering by a an open garage full of Navajos playing dominoes and drinking.

They invited me in and we became brothers for life and I lived with them for a long time. They brought me up to the Res all the time. I really liked it up there. The scenery makes you think you are in the old wild west of the movies.

One of them joined the army and I was invited in to the tribal ritual to send him off to war. They bring them over to his mound of their enemies bones. It's location was top-secret to Navajos though so I had to stay in the house for that bit.

I like the way they eat. They always cook a ton of food and just leave it on the counter and you tell you to take what you want. Navajo tacos are seriously tasty. Don't know why there isn't a chain in America selling them. I made them at a fair in Dallas with them one year. We had the biggest lines of any food stall.

Shout out to the Hopi and Yaqui too. Met one Tohono O'Odham and she was cool and of course the Irish have big place in our hearts for the Choctaw Nation but I didn't meet any.

>my sides are soaring like the eagle

I'm kinda curious about this, as well. I'm half indian, mother was full blooded from the rez and she got the fuck out and came down to the US.

See , I'm glad I'm not a leaf injun. I can't stand that shit.

It is nice to see some other red anons here. To be honest, nearly every native I have met (that wasn't family) either saddened me or were damn near nigger-tier.

>tfw you know you'll never be good enough for Sup Forums.

>Native American

Indian. Use the term Indian.

The few treaties and shit left that are being honored refers to indigenous population as Indians and all you need is some weasley ass attorney to argue that since Indians don't exist anymore because of the designation Native American being the norm and nobody identify as Indians then they treaties and contracts and shit are invalid.


We are simply better than you. Self deport you rabbit-shit drinking scum!

>Falling for the noble savage meme
You have clearly never met a chug

Anyone who says anything good about Native Amerifucks hasn't spent any time around them. They're nigger-tier lazy drunken fucks who spend all day collecting welfare checks and whining about the white man.

wow what a smart analysis of contract law, are you a lawyer? what firm do you work for?

>Implying that smart people actually go to college these days

Cherokee/Navajo here

What are the actual benefits to living on a reservation, Navanon? I don't live on one, and the whole idea just seems like a giant ghetto or safespace to me. What would we actually lose from integrating with society as a whole?

I still find it offensive.

in all fairness "white" by Spanish standards is somewhat broad.

Nice trips

We should have finished the job while we had the chance.

Drunk, theives and low IQ.

>What's Sup Forums's honest opinion about Native Americans?
look into their history before white men come to North America.
They were bunch of violent savages not different than todays ISIS.
They were killing burning and raping neighboring tribes taking trophy scalps from living prisoners.

No need to feel sorry for them now.
They were dealt hand of Justice when White Men were send by God to stop Native Americans from spreading like ISIS is spreading today.



Call the rez police cause i dont give a shit prairie nigger

Where do you think you are?

Nobody gives a shit if you're offended injun

>People who have been constantly screwed over by legal loophole bullshit for centuries
>Implying someone wouldn't try this shit and get away with it if Squanto's kids were sitting on a new powersource

You are underestimating the Jew again, user.
Never underestimate the Jew.

I have Cherokee and karuk blood in me from maternal and paternal sides, respectively.

At least we aren't niggers.
At least my ancestors aren't looking upon me with shame because I don't look for gimeedats and handouts.

>We should have just ended them, we would be so much better off

I think they had interesting and varied societies especially the ones in South America.

I wish we knew more about them.

I am happy their savage culture got wiped out.
- They did Human sacrifices
- Kidnapped people
- Attacked settlements
- Sacrificed babies
- Attacked explorers

Indians are people from India.

I think the term " Ancient Americans" would be a better compromise to Native or Indigenous since the later two sound patronizing.


"interesting" is just s virtue signalling word for "uncivilized savages".

You've hurt me. Excuse me, I'm going to go stare off into the distance while a single tear runs down my face

Modern day natives are alcoholic redskinned niggers. Shoot on sight.

read this you shit head proud red faced fucker

If you don't know a native tribe name, just call him whatever you want, but if you know the tribe stop being dumb.

You just categorize other people by the city where they live.

We need to gas the entire tribal government.

I am not into the entire morale relativist thing, comparatively you could say they were savages when compared to European nations or some Asian ones but at some point the same shit was practiced by European or Asian cultures.

I dont really care.

Go back to hitting the listerine bottle, little bear.

Native Americans had pride for their people, the blacks just sell themselves to whites cuz they have no pride. End of story. I respect cultures who don't give in and sell their own.

Kek, those baboons are fucking mad.

so many ugly female subhuman faces

- muh if your grandfather was a murderer you should comply with murder

Lel stay mad fag.

they collectively owe Poland 6 Billion dollars due to what they did to Polish settlers

Sometimes I look back to my cousins in Europe and think that they'll never truly understand our ways...

this is cpish.

Based, but sadly fell for the communist minority bullshit instead of integrating into real diversity of the superion culture, so now they live seperate and fucked up. Sad.

My grandfather was a murderer. How did you know?

MUH non comprehensive sentence for MUH irony.


not bad for non whites

They’re a bunch of sore losers


>attacked explorers
Someone unknown comes into your property, whatcha gun du desu