Isn't Hitler's National Socialism just communism but replacing class conflict/struggle with racial and ethnic...

Isn't Hitler's National Socialism just communism but replacing class conflict/struggle with racial and ethnic conflict/struggle?

what is private property.

No. Socialism is Hitler's context is the adopted word used because it was popular at the time. Hitler's Socialism is not Bernie Sanders socialism or Marxism. Hitler's Socialism was rooted in the proto-Socialism found in the ancient Zoroastrian tradition. These ancient Aryans developed a way of governing society which resulted in both Nationalism and Internationalism (Internationalism/Globalism originally was an idea where all Peoples/tribes/nations would work to make their own societies great while uniting with all other peoples in principles, morals, and greater goals. We can see this reflected in Hitler's own concept of the New German Order, which the Jews have co-opted and perverted like they do all good things. Further, Hitler's brand of Socialism was about maintaining the health and wealth of the society. Capitalism is a rewarding economic system...unless its manipulated because our financial system lack adequate laws to prevent the (((1%))) from owning 99% of the wealth.

We can have National Socialism without flying the Swastika.

Communist is cuckeeist, but Germany has always allowed Christianity (since the Reformation).

Communism is Globalism. Why are you so stupid? NatSoc is more a military base to defend against what was going to happen and what is happening today. They want to fuck your kids user

Why don't you just call it National Capitalism then?

Seriously, you basically just said 'Hitler's socialism was just capitalism without Jews'.

So why not call it National Capitalism?

jihad means struggle

>Seriously, you basically just said 'Hitler's socialism was just capitalism without Jews'.
It was. 100%.
>So why not call it National Capitalism?
You can. But you don't even need to change it that much. Get rid of the Jews and keep the name.

They rejected the marxist approach of class struggle, and replaced it with class compromise, making the state the ultimate authority which works for the proletariat.

It gets confusing when you start looking at "state capitalism," but that was the aim. It pretty much destroyed the (((banks))) and made it next to next to impossible to get personal credit. To make up for that, it offered huge social welfare programs that improved the lives of germans.

National Socialism was an extremely left wing ideology. It drew its power from worker's unions and destroyed or shackled big business. I could never understand American democrats spouting "fascist" at republicans who wanted to give tax breaks and economic incentives to banks and giant corporations. Thats the opposite from what Hiltler did.

>Private property
>Race realism


>American education

The simplest way to differentiate Nazism and communism are where they applied authoritarianism.

Nazis were authoritarian in regards to societal composition and structure.
Communists were (and still are) authoritarian in regards to economics

NatCap... has a nice ring to it, I must admit.

And the ability to own a business. Russia never started a VW, Hugo Boss, BMW, Adidas, etc...let alone the same level of advancements that would be paperclipped to burgerland.

Long term National Socialist plans were to remove the free masons.

Sounds good to me, man.
Names and symbols express higher ideas.
As long as the ideas remain everything else can change.

>1 post by this ID
>over 45 minutes
Isn't this just a slide thread but replacing the usual "well Sup Forums?" with a question that seems simple & direct but is actually open ended/contentious?

>Isn't Hitler's National Socialism just communism but replacing class conflict/struggle with racial and ethnic conflict/struggle?
no. it is a true performance-based meritocracy, which encourages all to rise to their level best. the only thing holding them back is their own limitations
>Communism is a Globalist ideology
>Nationalism is Nationalism; read NOT a globalist ideology
>the largest fault in politics today is never clarifying whether what is being spoken is spoken from a Nationalistic perspective or a globalist perspective
>do yourself a favor, and stop trying to fit round-pegs into square holes

Autarky for one. Most capitalist don’t have this goal in mind.


no you idiot. National socialism is government control of the means of production.

communism is populist control over the means of production.

Yes they had private property but that doesn't go against what I'm saying, by rejecting the idea of class struggle you don't then have to subject yourself to a communist economic platform.
However, Hitler's views of racial civilizational struggle are similar to Marx's ideas of Dialectical Materialism, only instead of history being a series of conflicts between social forces, like classes, and the origin of these conflicts being based on the material needs of each social conflict, everything broke down by race/ethnicity and conflicts between them instead.

I've never heard of Hitler having a view on the source of historical conflicts. The man just liked countries that stood up for themselves nationalistically. That's why he was able to ally with several other countries despite none of these countries being anywhere near as explicit in terms of the supremacy of their race. In fact, I've heard that the early Mussolini regime actually looked down on race-based views of conflict and tried to distance itself from that until Mussolini became familiar with Evola

No. Two different economic and social policies.

Also, racial struggle is natural order. Its why we protect our children, its an innate inward altruism with people who have similar genetic identities. There is no greater bond than those built into us by billions of years of evolution.

The welfare of society was important to them. The interests of the nation went before the interests of companies and the capitalist system.

Marxist doctrine made socialism the means to an end of governments, and having the workers control everything.

You have to remember that Mussolini was a card carrying member of the communist party until the first world war.

They are remarkably similar ideologies.

No the Nazis still had private property. The Communists are globalists fairy tale peddlers for the Jews.