Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.

Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.

The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.

Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.

Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.

It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.

Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.

Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.

Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.

Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.

Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.

Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill that hated white people?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you keep making this shill post?


Why do you keep making this shill post?


Why are national socialists so cucked bros?

you literally are a retard if you don't understand the massive generation of wealth caused by a centralized banking system. the first company to give up their centralized bank will lag behind all other comparable economies profoundly within 5 years. it goes back to 1300 when the english sovereign sold out for 1MMGBP cash so a bunch of jews could create the bank of england. it was so successful every other country had to copy, if it wasn't the most successful system other countries wouldn't have copied. even lincoln's greenback was just a way to skip a couple notches on the centralized bank hierarchy

Because of the second half of their name.

>inb4 natsoc whining about how muh German socialism isn't Marxist socialism

Oh god, you again.

How do I prepare for this?

>generation of wealth
Lol, no. If massive monetary inflation results in wealth, there should be no reason to prohibit people from counterfeiting their own dollars.

> free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years
Did you thank your free banking lord and savior today Sup Forums?

To denationalize the money is to unleash the creative potential of humanity so to speak


>you literally are a retard if you don't understand the massive generation of wealth caused by a centralized banking system
you literally are a retard if you don't understand the massive generation of wealth caused by a decentralized banking system.
During the free market banking period in USA from 1870s to 1890s USA had an industrial revolution wages constantly rose as prices constantly fell.
Massive levels of economic production occurred, the likes of which have never been seen today.

We've had central banking for a while and massive money printing with low interest rates for the past 15 years, it's resulted in economic stagnation and poverty.

You are an idiot.


>if it wasn't the most successful system other countries wouldn't have copied
Governments love central banks because they can cuck their populations better.

USA is 20 trillion in debt.
This is a cancer on the economy.

>How do I prepare for this?
You don't. You lose

Well then. That's a shitty idea and I totally disagree that the Fed should be ended.

Then you're wrong desu.

As a man who is in the process of buying his first house with a baby on the way, I now look at things through a different lens than I used to. One thing jumped out at me: by the end of the month, I will be a homeowner. You said houses will be inexpensive. Does that mean this will result in my new home losing a significant amount of its value? Wouldn't that basically financially ruin me and all other homeowners? Homeowners want homes to remain expensive. It's renters that want homes to become cheap. I haven't even given much thought to the other claims but that one jumped out at me.

So what do I do?
What's the point of telling people its so great?

Hollywood and government are no different after all.

Cohn was a Jew who killed other Jews.

your ideology is the most cucked shit their is and last time fascists considered you insignificant reactionaries for a reason

You dont have a mass movement to counter the left and the state + big business have no interest in practicing your brand of economic liberalism

You have no prescriptions for the family or the nation. You don't even have a racial component. You're just an anti-social brand of materialist

The only reason we're even talking is lolbertarians are scared the influx of shit skins will mean the death of liberal values and no respect for private property. And they're right

Now you have to become fascists and realize you need to throw a bone to the white working family

Then you can politically get the west back to a point where your ideas are acceptable again

It's ok mein freunde, even mises considered us an emergency makeshift that saves civilization

>result in my new home losing a significant amount of its value?

>Wouldn't that basically financially ruin me and all other homeowners?
No. Those who own homes for the purpose of reselling may be fucked, but those who actually live in their homes will hardly be ruined.

Fixing this garbage system is not without cost. And we've had it too long for the transition to be painless.

Fuck I hope I don't meet any Canadians on my holiday.

Being in the closet doesn't change that he was a Jew any more than it changes that he was a fag.

With usura hath no man a house of good stone
each block cut smooth and well fitting
that design might cover their face,
with usura
hath no man a painted paradise on his church wall
harpes et luz
or where virgin receiveth message
and halo projects from incision,
with usura
seeth no man Gonzaga his heirs and his concubines
no picture is made to endure nor to live with
but it is made to sell and sell quickly
with usura, sin against nature,
is thy bread ever more of stale rags
is thy bread dry as paper,
with no mountain wheat, no strong flour
with usura the line grows thick
with usura is no clear demarcation
and no man can find site for his dwelling.
Stonecutter is kept from his tone
weaver is kept from his loom
wool comes not to market
sheep bringeth no gain with usura
Usura is a murrain, usura
blunteth the needle in the maid’s hand
and stoppeth the spinner’s cunning. Pietro Lombardo
came not by usura
Duccio came not by usura
nor Pier della Francesca; Zuan Bellin’ not by usura
nor was ‘La Calunnia’ painted.
Came not by usura Angelico; came not Ambrogio Praedis,
Came no church of cut stone signed: Adamo me fecit.
Not by usura St. Trophime
Not by usura Saint Hilaire,
Usura rusteth the chisel
It rusteth the craft and the craftsman
It gnaweth the thread in the loom
None learneth to weave gold in her pattern;
Azure hath a canker by usura; cramoisi is unbroidered
Emerald findeth no Memling
Usura slayeth the child in the womb
It stayeth the young man’s courting
It hath brought palsey to bed, lyeth
between the young bride and her bridegroom
They have brought whores for Eleusis
Corpses are set to banquet
at behest of usura.

Fantasic quality, is there any where else online I can find this quality?

What do you mean?

Why don't you just become free market white nationalists like us?

You get all of the benefits of high economic freedom PLUS an all white country.

All without the inefficiencies and corruption of fascism and socialism.

Your houses 'value' is determined by the value of the dollar and is inflated/diluted and therefor not based in actuality
With $600+ trillion in circulation your $300,000 home is a drop in the bucket, relative to the market
Before you freak out, the true value in owning a home is the home itself
Purchase power would increase due to wealth being redistributed from crony capitalists to the markets

Leaf, you mistake "wealth" for mere available liquidity of an inflationary means of exchange that is the property of a private corporation lent to countries in exchange for real wealth like human labor/natural resources.

>Does that mean this will result in my new home losing a significant amount of its value?
Why the fuck would you buy a house in this federal reserve created bubble?
It's going to collapse whether or not we end the fed.

Also if the fed is ended, we also support canceling a lot of the phony debt that was created, that means your debt as well.

We want houses to be cheap like they used to be, pic related.

People in my generation cannot even afford a house.

Not really assuming OP is right.
If your home loses value the taxes on it also drop so you'd be saving a nice chunk of change every year and you'd get your money back by scratching your ass. You'd only be worried if you're trying to flip it for a profit instead of raising your family, and no one's that much of a piece of shit, right?


I am 100% open to being something transitional for you

I think you're an end game and perhaps the best way to restore a path to the middle class, who have the most stake in society

But I don't think the libertarian movement as of right now cares about race and identitarianism, or is capable of appealing to the nativist working class which is today's basis for nationalism

So I am very third position in the meantime

But we do have a free market...
changing the fed rate to the natural rate would just lower the impact of busts but also create more.

>But we do have a free market

Isn't the Fed a private institution?
Doesn't that make it a free market entity?
>paultard self destructs

>But I don't think the libertarian movement as of right now cares about race and identitarianism, or is capable of appealing to the nativist working class which is today's basis for nationalism
I agree with this as well.
It sucks that most libertarians are so cucked on white nationalism.

>But we do have a free market...
stop posting

Go print some dollars and see what happens.

it was created by the government and has a government monopoly
it's not a free market entity.

Are you guys talking about SEC regulations or the feds duel mandate? Or do you think the usa is socialist? if so why?

What do you think of a serious alliance between fascists, neoreactionaries, and libertarians?

We might disagree on exact economy but we agree in principle about creating a free and prosperous middle class and protecting western values

The Fed is a private corporation and the government allows it a monopoly over the production of a means of exchange lent to the US Treasury to "pay" for shit,

>he thinks we're talking about those minor things

USA has a strong central bank and an income tax for one.
How the fuck is this a free market?

>What do you think of a serious alliance between fascists, neoreactionaries, and libertarians?
That's what I want Sup Forums to be, but a lot of natsocs/fascists don't understand economics and it's really frustrating, they sound like commies a lot of the time.

>We might disagree on exact economy but we agree in principle about creating a free and prosperous middle class and protecting western values
Works for me.


>with money

Oh. so you're an ancap...

There's already a solution to The Fed... just needs to gain adoption.
The cryptoshoah is coming.

No I'm not.
Why do you think this?
Do you have downs syndrome?

We're talking about the fact that a central bank exists in the first place. The fact that legal tender laws exist. And yes, as a consequence, the SEC. None of those things fall under any sane definition of "free market", unless you consider the Fed's monopoly, backed by government force, to be the pinnacle of freedom.


Already have my moon missions set after this fucking fork.

>being transitional

Don't you figure y'all NatSoc folk stand a better chance with globalism being defeated first and foremost? Not suggesting y'all take a back seat to your own interests but that there's a plight among all sovereign nations to withstand and destroy corporate open border globalism.

you don't think the new bank will end up the same as the old bank?

need fed
trump = garbage

a central bank is needed for a fiat currency. But i guess that's irrelevant since you're probably pro "gold standard" or at least a commodity backed currency. None of this matters. Bretton Woods happened and we're all fucked until a new world order currency (not conspiracy) happens. This is one of the main reasons i voted for Trump

there will be no central bank period

it will be a bunch of competing decentralized banks

>But i guess that's irrelevant since you're probably pro "gold standard" or at least a commodity backed currency.

why not bitcoin?

I'm just going to assume you mean gold standard. Go back to 1971 when Nixon closed the window. You're saying we should of given these countries our gold instead of useless paper? Why? seriously why? I want my country to keep our gold. Doesn't that make me more pro "gold standard" than you?

Not him, but we shouldn't have borrowed anything to begin with.

We should have simply told them we were not paying, and reset our debt, then abolished the central bank and slash the fuck out of government spending so the economy could grow.

If we did that, we would have be much richer today.

it's not that we borrowed anything. Bretton Woods established a new order that only the Dollar was redeemable in gold. Nixon closed that window. So we we still had obligations on the balance of payments only that we didn't have to exchange gold for other fiat money. Nixon did the right thing.

>Nixon did the right thing.
Nixon should have completely abolished the federal reserve and brought back free backing

Nixon royally cucked up for decades

pic related

Just another fiat currency derr


I'm actually in favor of keeping the US dollar but abolishing the federal reserve and then putting in a constitutional amendment that inflating the money supply is punishable by 5 years in prison.

Bitcoin has some advantages, particularly with the crypto and anonymity aspect. But gold doesn't need electricity to be a money, it's a tangible commodity, and it's already been used as such for millenia.

>gold standard
No, I mean competing, gold-backed private currencies redeemable in specie.

>I want my country to keep our gold

If we had deflation and a free banking system, capital goods would be cheap, meaning it would be really cheap to build things like cars, planes, rocketships and space elevators.

Capital needs to come DOWN in price.
Fuck Keynes.

Your amendment will quickly get jewdicially reviewed away into oblivion. Those in power are not in the business of relinquishing it. The history of the US is a stunning testament to the massively expansionary nature of government, even from intentionally and explicitly modest foundations.

(((Core))) are rubbish. They need to go.
There's no TECHINCAL reason to oppose 2X and the primary reason this fork is "contentious" is because they're fucking pushing the propaganda to make it contentious.
I hope Greg Maxwell is blacklisted from any kind of employment after this.

If the population is aware of what's going on and understands economics then nobody would support this shit

>Nixon didn't close gold window
>countries demand their dollar reserves to be paid in gold and not fiat
>usa has no gold left
wow am I actually talking to someone from china? Or do you just hate the usa? Why not show your true flag.
If you don't understand what happened at Bretton Woods (in detail) then i would advise you to quit talking about monetary policy. I'm pro laissez faire policy it's just I don't think you know what our current climate is.

>Why not show your true flag.

>Nixon didn't close gold window
He did.
What he should have done is cancelled the debt, abolished the fed and brought back free banking
Even if he paid the rest of the world the gold we owned them, we would have restructured our economy and build up enough economic production to the point where we would get all of the gold back and then some.
Now we have no gold and a shithole economy.
Nixon fucked up for decades.

>Taxation is theft

>Debt is slavery.

The sole reason we have taxes is so the goverment can pay for shit we'd never pay for ourselves.

Debt in which the jews enslave the masses have you ever asked who do we owe the all this debt to and why. Why can't we just print $20 Trillion dollars and pay off the natioanl debt right now.

>Why can't we just print $20 Trillion dollars and pay off the natioanl debt right now.
because it would cause massive inflation and destroy the economy

best thing to do is abolish the federal reserve, slash the fuck out of spending and CANCEL THE DEBT

>Believing in the gold jew

This is why you are poor gold is the primary way in which jews manipulate the markets.

>>Believing in the gold jew
I believe in whatever currency is sound.

>This is why you are poor gold is the primary way in which jews manipulate the markets.
Jews took the gold away from american citizens and that's how they manipulated the markets.
We need gold to be in the hands of whites, not jews.

>We got a good goy that doesn't understand derivatives.

Saty stupid Amerifat.

I do understand them.
They are the result of central banking, massive amounts of money is created and given to (((bankers))) and (((investors))) resulting in what amounts to basically gambling

this wouldn't happen in a free market, even if it magically did the (((people))) that did this would go bankrupt

Okay. So you want us to float our currency backed by gold to countries who back their currency by paper? We can send our gold for their paper and they can send their paper for our gold? Is that right? Or are you saying Nixon should of demanded every country we trade with to go back to the gold standard? Because that was totally reasonable in the 70s durr

>We can send our gold for their paper and they can send their paper for our gold? Is that right?
sure why not?

The value of our currency would increase dramatically and allow us to buy up most of the world unless they smartened up and went on gold standard's themselves.

>inflationary means of exchange that is the property of a private corporation lent to countries in exchange for real wealth like human labor/natural resources.

Yea, that is called wealth.

Waait you're saying you're pro free market and against derivatives?
>They are the result of central banking
kek. why dafuq wouldn't derivatives happen in a free market? How much money have you actually put in the market?

Enjoy your stack and pack micro apartments. I got a beach side mansion on both coasts. Feels good bro.

>resulting in what amounts to basically gambling

Derivatives are not the same as gambling, in fact, in many cases derivatives are safer than normal investments

>Waait you're saying you're pro free market and against derivatives?
the free market would have easily prevented derivatives and I just explained why

>why dafuq wouldn't derivatives happen in a free market?
They might be, but people would be stupid to invest in them because they would easily fail because there is no central bank money being pumped into it

>Enjoy your stack and pack micro apartments.
lel what?
BIG ASS houses would be everywhere because they would be so cheap

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Revelation 7:9

try reading Romans 1-2 aloud and if you don't tremble (you will) then sit for an hour and think critically why you did not.

you think hessian tactics scare the molech & ishtar worshippers but that is because so many think Hitler thought of national socialism himself....

>would easily fail because there is no central bank money being pumped into it

You do not need a central bank to create derivatives. You and I as an individual can create one without even using the banking system

>The value of our currency would increase dramatically
You're assuming the countries we're giving our gold to actually have intrinsic value. You can't float a currency that is commodity based with a currency that is fiat based.

Revelation 3:9 - Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.



why wouldn't they just make everything go negative rates for everyone. Wouldnt this just make the gravy train continue forever? whats stopping them from doing this? econ majors plz teach me senpai

>They might be, but people would be stupid to invest in them because they would easily fail because there is no central bank money being pumped into it
So you think the derivative market would go away with a central bank? isn't the derivative market a part of the free market? Sure get away from the fed rate but there will always be a natural rate of interest.

It is a drastic measure to only be used in drastic situations. It encourages businesses to give loans.

However, this creates a huge problem, businesses giving loans to people for the purpose of evading the rates, not because the people will be able to pay it back.

It will cause a collapse long term

This is when autisicly screeching is a duty

Why is Jeffrey Tucker getting thrown? I thought he was libertarian