Why is Shaun King Succeeding?

The evidence that he's not black--the birth certificate, the police report, and, most astonishingly, his refusal to take a DNA test--is overwhelming. And it has been out there for two years. Yet King is still widely published and discussed by the Leftist media. His following on social media is only growing and the hostility of him from some black circles seems to have dissipated.

WTF? Do people actually believe he's black or is transracial becoming a thing?

Other urls found in this thread:


>talcum X

Don't judge the mentally ill. They don't know any better.

>niggers believe retarded shit
are you surprised?

He is a Soros shill

They don't care because he attacks white people.

That's the only thing that matters to them.

He be an artikilate spoksmen -- that's needed in the comunidy

Nobody actually cares about facts.


Literally who?

>martin luther cream

cuz he's white

Because they can't actually find a non faggot nigger male to write intelligible blog posts on a consistent basis without muh dickin and muhfuggin.

Takes a white man to accurately portray the true struggle of the average black man. Only a wigger can out nigger a nigger.

he perfectly represents the modern leftists.
obsessed with race

He is one of them

All kings
All black
Next question?

Shaun Kangz...

He's on their side so he gets a pass


Him and that white girl LARPing as a nigger get a free pass because they're parroting kill whitey which niggers and kikes want to hear.

But Dolezal didn't.


it also fuels a fantasy myth nigger racists believe. They believe whites all secretly wish they were black.

That was because leftists have internalized misogyny and are willing to attack race-faking women but not race-faking men.


Too many people are not about true justice anymore. All they care about is fuck whoever doesn't agree with them. All sides are guilty of this.

in CAPS I typed cuck but it came out KEK
in lower case I typed cuck and it went through as cuck
anybody else notcie this\?

You know you have to be 18 to post in the pink boards, kiddo. Let me guide you back to where you were:

it's word filters new friend

He's their token honky.

Because he is just a communist masquerading as a advocate for racial justice. He receives support from other undercover communists. He does not care about racial harmony, he cares about divisiveness, and unrest to ignite the revolution.


Fuck this cream puff looking faggot

@ 10:30 notice he is white hipster surfer dude when he is among his fellow commies.

It's almost as if the world isn't as race-oriented as we make it out to be on a far right imageboard.

In America people support the underdog, no matter the odds, cause fuck you.

I know about the filters. I've never used "Cuck" and it only happened when I did it in ALL CAPS

>You know you have to be 18 to post in the pink boards
Im 29, asshole. I dont ever use kekistanfag language. Ive been here since 2014, I mainly lurk.

Because it takes an off white guy who can kind of look like a black guy if you squint your eyes really hard to get people to take kind of seriously the ass backwards logic that they continue to pump out.

Black guy here, with a message for all the ignorant cumskins on this board:

It was you who took us all as slaves.

It was you who raped and murdered us on the boats.

It was you who raped us and whipped us on the cotton fields.

It was you who allowed the KKK to exterminate us even more in the South.

It was you who played geopolitical games with an entire continent.

It was you who gave states and private businesses the ability to discriminate.

It was you who caused the evil War on Drugs to destroy our communities.

It was you who created the gang culture by your War on Drugs.

It was you who to this day enslave black bodies in your private profiteering prisons.

It was you who, with your gluttonous diamand and oil consumption, gave power to colonial governments and turned a blind eye to their inexcusable abuses.

It was you who caused the Rwandan genocide to happen by introducing the poisonous ideology of racism.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Libya in retaliation against a single dictator.

It was you who invaded Somalia unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Egypt and the Republic of the Congo because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused black criminals to exist, but also invented racist ideologies to justify it, blaming high testosterone even though there is no relationship between testosterone and crime and this has been known for centuries.

It wasn't jouz who destroyed the lives of millions of blacks and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all the problems in the world. I'm not easily triggered but

>Negros only like him because he hates white and is a giant propagator of white hatred.

Wow, is almost like race and genetics really are everything.

Niggers are pathetic. Most of their leaders will be light skinned. In Shauns case he just happens to be completely white. Deray is an anomaly. Not his dick sucking - that seems to be pretty common among them- but his darker skin.

By the looks of your fagName_ you must be new and came from facecock.com. Right? nigger.

you'd think his nostril muscles would get tired

its filtered on all caps you retard

>in CAPS I typed cuck but it came out KEK
>in lower case I typed cuck and it went through as cuck
>anybody else notcie this\?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Malcolm X was right. The negro will always be exploited by white liberal political machine, unless they choose willingly to separate from the whites and focus on their own issues.

>white man is better at being black than black men
What a suprise

>leftist change their race (as if a thing was even possible)
>hurt durr right wingers care about race

When I was 4, I was taken by men from my backyard and placed in a child sex trafficking ring. I want to tell you that it is worse than you can truley imagine. Some children mainly small white girls were cut open, you could see their lungs working, food being digested, blood pumping on the inside of the heart, everything. They keep the child alive for almost 5 months in this condition... Men would walk in touching themselves as they watch them suffer... Sucking blood out of them and sometimes even pour salt in the wound laughing and moaning would be all I could hear from the other room. These pedophile rings are worse than you can imagine. Please keep your children close and do not let them play alone. Thanks.

>WTF? Do people actually believe he's black or is transracial becoming a thing?

I think that niggers are just confused as fuck about this crazy ass cracker, but since he's pushing for them to be absolved of criminal activity and to get more gibs, they're tolerating his ass for the time being.

I wish it were all true nigger. It will be the second time around

Dumb eurotrash

What a rant. Confirmed nigger.

Well yeah but come on: you kind of had it all coming to you in the first place, plus you did and continue to do worse things to each other for absolutely no reason.

At least now we can get some laughs out of you when you cry about injustices to your ancestors or try to ask us for money. That makes up for everything, right? You're lowlifes and we laugh at you.


I am Barr. Phillip Butulezi, an attorney of law to a deceased Immigrant property Magnate, who was based in the U.K, also referred to as my client.

On the 25th of July 2000, my client, his wife, and their two Children died in the Air France concord plane crash bound for New York. They were on their way to a world cruise.

Prior to that accident and since then, I have been managing Mr Schoeler’s properties here in the U.K. Some of these properties, at the time of the accident, were already put on sale. I, as his attorney, monitored the sale of the properties, and the depositing of the proceeds into Mr Schoeler’s main U.K bank account. I have contacted you initially to assist me in repatriating the money, and possibly ownership of some of the property left behind by my client; this is to prevent ownership of both reverting to the state. By U.K law, ownership of funds in current bank accounts unattended for six years will automatically revert back to her majesty’s government treasury. However, the legal procedure to activate this takes about three months, of which there are just about two months left.

I very much look forward to a swift response from you.

Kindest regards,

Barr. Phillip Butulezi

Imagine having to spend every public moment of your life with your nostrils flared just to seem black. That is what he lives with.

Just take a 10 second long break and flair your nostrils and imagine what he goes through.

>white men confirmed being better at being female
>white men confirmed being better at being black
maybe white men should start trying to be jews as well

Shaun? That you?

It's me LeDavious Cook!

>imagine a world with no niggerlovers

Wrong nigger.
It is your ancestors who were enslaved by your own kin and sold to the jew. American whites freed you from the kike chains, and we lost good men doing it.
History is no excuse for your peoples formal actions. If you gave two fucks about your nigs, you would go police your communities/HoodNiggas.

White people are better at being black than black people.


It's not hard to figure out. He has backers in high places shouting out any criticism of Trump. This man also has an army of bots on Twitter as followers. Take a look for yourself.


stop harassing brit/pol/ you cunt

White privelage


My sister has a friend, we'll call him Jeff.
Now Jeff was middle management in Comcast and making about $150k a year.
Jeff was married to... we'll call her Sasha for about 6 years.
3 months after the birth of his baby girl his wife slips up and leaves out her heroine kit for Jeff to find.
Jeff is obviously upset that if she was taking these drugs while pregnant it could lead to severe problems.
Sasha immediately gets on him about not supporting her or being there for her during the day and divorces him.

During the divorce court proceedings the judge over seeing the family court literally classifies herself as a "feminist" and absolutely refuses to allow Jeff custody of his child, even when Sasha failed TWICE on drug tests during the proceedings. The reason is the feminist judge believes "fathers aren't necessary to raise a child, a mother is"
He had to spend about $20k to just get VISITATION of his daughter.

So Jeff's house is taken in the divorce, 3/4 of his paycheck now go to his drug addict wife and daughter. So Jeff's house literally becomes a crack den which by 3 years later is busted and about 6 junkies are sent to jail.
Somehow Sasha avoids this mess and continues on... It's around this time that Jeff notices his daughter is acting weird and there is blood in her diaper from her vagina.
Not being a woman he was very confused about this and took her to the ER... she had a rape kit... she was raped.

Now in this crackden of a house Sasha was literally pimping out a 2 year old girl for drugs, when Jeff goes to family court after all this mess, with doctors notes PROVING she had been raped... Sasha is still the primary caregiver of his daughter.


>Do people actually believe he's black or is transracial becoming a thing?
Niggers are retarded, so is King, they're basically family



>WTF? Do people actually believe he's black or is transracial becoming a thing?
Social justice and leftism in general is prime breeding ground for liars and hypocrites.
If you feel zero guilt about telling a lie, then the entire system of social justice and marxism is there to protect you. It's considered politically incorrect to call a liar for whom he is when you live in a system created by liars.

This is why movements who have latched onto political correctness are ran by the greatest and most protected liars in our society.

Further examples: Anita Sarkeesian, Rachael Dolezal, Steve Shives

Many black veterans also fought, bled, and died, for what that flag is supposed represent...all men are created equal...but, imagine coming home and finding nothing you fought for was true, that you were still just a n#%$@.

That is the reality of America's systemic racism, that the state sanctioned murder of black men, women, or children, is so commonplace in America, that once again the Black Community felt compelled to start a public movement that says, Black Lives Matter—TOO.

That is what is being lost in this argument this protest is about systemic racial injustice.

As a white vet, I say it's time we ALL TAKE A KNEE in solidarity.

"President Trump’s recent remarks suggesting NFL team owners should fire players who kneel during the national anthem could be a federal crime.

18 U.S. Code § 227 stipulates that any federal employee, member of Congress, or member of the executive branch is forbidden from using their position within the federal government to influence the employment decisions of a private business, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation.


We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true

Alright, so let me get this straight:

>No fingerprint sensor
>No headphone jack
>Wireless charging implemented 4 years after Samsung and it doesn't even work properly
>Power button broken
>Less RAM than phones from 3 years ago
>Applel won't even release battery specs
>12mp camera
>Only available in 64 and 256gb w/o expandable storage
>Runs fucking iOS

> No-bezel screen
Essential PH-1 had it in May
>"Revolutionary" 458 ppi display
Galaxy S6 had a 577 ppi display in APRIL 2015
>First OLED display on Apple device
Samsung has been using AMOLED displays since 2009, on fucking flip phones like the ORIGINAL GALAXY
>Face recognition software
Galaxy S8 had it in April
>Full back glass
Galaxy S6 had it again in April 2015

Is this a fucking joke? It's literally a poor ripoff of the S8 that doesn't work all the way.

Shaun King "I refuse to speak in detail about the nature of my mother's past, or her sexual partners, and I am gravely embarrassed to even be saying this now, but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man."

He's not sure who his daddy is, so I'll say he's a nigger.

Nice copypasta, it almost made me reply.
I do love that it's another variation of the "ITS WHITEY'S FAULT" but uses big words like "Systemic oppression" to cover up for the fact that it's a bunch of baseless whining by people who never actually felt any kind of real oppression.

If you're a nazi and you're fired, it's your fault! clap clap

If you're a nazi and you're fired, it's your fault! clap clap

If you were spotted in the mob, and you lost your normal job...

You're a nazi, and you're fired! It's your fault!

so go ahead and cry~

What gets me is they praise that little faggot while they vilified this bitch who actually fucking did shit to make life better for nigs. All he does is post shit on Twitter.

Blacks hurt blacks more than any other group or label.

Get your shit together. Stop being a little bitch and blaming others.

Why is his excuse for not taking a DNA test? das raciss?

Shaun King has social media followers for the same reason people slowdown to look at a trainwreck. Its digital rubber-necking. I'd also question how many of his followers are real people and not bots. The other black circles are either being funded by his backers or they smell the money and want in.

larry king?

what? she was A grade insane. She was also making money larping over the nigs which just makes nigs look retarded (they are)

my professor is forced to wear full military battle gear to class because republicans allow felons and crazy people to carry guns into schools. A heated disagreement with him could end up in his death because of some outdated notion known as the second amendment.

Realize that gun control is needed to create a safe and productive learning environment. It's 2017 there's no need to even bring a gun into the classroom.

Blacks dont even like him. They think he's corny as fuck, and they don't consider him one of them. He just uses his fake identity for publicity and shitlib journos are happy to let him do that. They don't give a fuck about looking into his race. If I walked in and told them I was 1/8th native American and I had a bone to pick with Christopher Columbus, they would no doubt publish my shit. The question we should be asking is: does Talcum X know he's lying and have no qualms with his own behavior, or is he stupid enough to actually believe it?

It's the One Drop of Blood Doctrine. She didn't have black blood, so she was "in blackface."

Talcum X has a dubious claim to have had a great-great-great-grandparent who was black, therefore he's black, but could "pass for white" if he wanted to become a "race-traitor."

Talcum X is a cautionary tale.

Why did blacks become such pussies? White leftists making you Charmin soft babies wear dresses and live on their plantations

Every student should have a gun, as every professor. Licensed of course.


Black women fucking hate white females with a burning passion. This is because black men basically use black women as cumrags until they can bag themselves a coalburner.

Never heard of him.

because this picture applies to black people as well, nigga.

Fuck off nigger.


In 2017, sex no longer sells.

Racism does.

>(you)ing me with copypasta

leftism is not here anymore, they went on vacation for a while. If you would like to take a message you may do so after the beep.

>guns in classrooms



All black people capable of communicating well to a white audience can make infinity dollars doing something else
