Nice NK happening guys, really great

Nice NK happening guys, really great.
Face it, Kim blinked and will slink away. No more tests because he knows it will mean the end of him.

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How so? NK did not launch today yet everyone was betting they would.

Bad weather. No lauch today.

It's a small world after all, it's a small, small, world.

Is that the straw Kim is going to clutch? Sad. We all know he backed down and yet he blames a little rain.

It was Columbus Day.

>everyone was betting they would

Doesn't matter.

He's still in possession of nukes.

MAD is a powerful deterrent.



>MAD is a powerful deterrent.
You see the D there? In the acronym, it stands for "destruction". North Korea doesn't have the capability to destroy any nation that would threaten it. It can cause a mess, but that's a very big difference both quantitatively and qualitatively.

That matters why?
They usually launch on a date like this.

I don't get why we don't bomb monuments in their country. like the tower of juche or birth places of the kims. make sure not to kill a single person but hit them in their ego. make them feel like kim can't protect them. but don't give kim enough to justify getting his people nuked.

It's already afternoon in NK. Don't they always launch their test missiles in the morning?

Kim blinked hard and he's a total pussy. The worst part for him is that now he people know it too.

Yes, they launch between 5 and 6 am

they didn't launch one last year on oct. 10. besides, they don't launch when they're publically 'expected' to you goof

you're retarded to think that. name any other country that would get away with launching 2 missiles over another country, or even have the gall to do so

name a country you retards

Does this mean they're going to feed Little Rocket Man to the dogs?


That is from recent memory.

If Kim launched when he was expected to. It would do nothing for him. He intentionally launched when not expected or when it woul d cause maximum international disruption on purpose.

Don't expect anything till late November.

If they don't conduct more test during their holidays you can say he blinked. I for one welcome our new assault tractor overlords.

if any of those countries, except possibly usa, launched missiles over another country they weren't at war with, they'd face military intervention

You realize the military presence of the US is significant in SK. So why launch a missile across countries when it can be easily sent from SK

Russia literally shot down a passenger jet killing ~200 people and there was no intervention. They have done this twice first was in 85. No intervention.

holy kek

apparently the first few years they were making these tractors they couldn't make them go in reverse

So has 'murica. Your point, two-faced anglokike?

read the previous replies and you'll find out!

you're not even talking about the point

you're referring to mh17? there wasn't any public outcry from that incident at first because it wasn't told to the public that russia did it. it isn't as if nk is denying that they shot missiles over japan

You surely didn't expect burning cities or what? North Korea just wants to secure itself, like French who made 1000 atomic tests or Americans. After all they are under threat of American occupied Japan and South Korea, also are under embargo economic restrains. It only benefits Americans if Japan and worst Korea is damaged, i am not sure they want to allow American monitors to take over instead of LG/Samsung just yet.

I think of Kim as a faggot until the moment he truly delivers.