How does Guts sheathe and unsheathe his sword?

Unsheathing or in his case, arming it isn't really much of a problem BUT, i cant figure how he puts it back.

Some fag said that guts sword has that ring sorta thing close to its handle, guts uses that and basically hooks the sword onto his armor, like his armor has a fucking coat hanger in the back.

Other urls found in this thread:

turns out he has holes in the back, maybe he puts it there


You can see the goddamn thing that allows him to hand his sword right in that fucking picture? Are you really that fucking retarded you screaming chimp?

What exactly motherfucker? That hook at the end of the chain isnt how he fucking hangs it you goddamn fucking retard. The chain just keeps his sword close to his body.

AND even if we believe your garbage fucking idea then look now the chains fucking loose, how is he gonna unsheathe it?

sheathe it*

My theory is that since Dragonslayer is a magical sword at this point (this has been confirmed by multiple characters), it has "synchronized" with Guts and acts according to his wishes. It understands he needs it to be convenient and therefore reads his intentions like modern prosthetic limbs do.


We Bleach now.

Why not? Can you provide a single in-universe argument to disprove my theory? If not then you are just talking out of your ass and shitposting retarded memes.

>cuz magic

that's a big sword

I always just thought he had like a C clamp that would hold the sword but the U shape of it would still allow it to come out really quickly.
I'm only on volume 10 though so I have no idea.

its pretty obvious in earlier chapters that he squeezes his butt checks against it to hold it there.

doesnt his cape provide enough friction for it to stick on

Easy peasy.

Donovan was just training him all along

yes but we havent ever seen those hooks
also where does the chain come in?

The Dragonslayer has magical properties insofar as it can have an effect in the astral realm. That's all that was specified. Anything else doesn't need to even be proven wrong, it's less than speculation.
The chain from the handle is where the top part hooks on. If you watched the new show they just have him have a huge belt loop on his back that he slides the sword into. Its fucking ridiculous but then again so is the sword.

>implying he has a sheath for that bad boy
>Guts always walks commando bro
>It just sticks there, magnets, magic, a few bolts, a rope, who gives a shit. It just does.

> we havent ever seen those hooks
Just believe they're there.
>where does the chain come in?
It's for some other contraption. Arbalest or POUCH.

i want to believe but i cant

No, that can't be all it does. It was too hyped and foreshadowed. I think the berserker armor is just a red herring, the actual power-up comes from Dragonslayer.




>magic armor that kills you but give powerup
>nah it was from the sword!
>Guts still puts on the armor because he's just used to the suffering by now


>you are just talkjng out of your ass

you're fucking kidding, right? do you realize how ironic and retarded you sound?

that's pre-berserker armour though

Do you have to be such fucking cunts? I was tryng to put my theories out there and not be a dick about it, and I think I succeeded.

Whatever, I'm done with you cunts. If anyone wants to discuss theories in a civil manneer, you're welcome to reply.

you are retarded

could be worse, I could be you

it's impossible to be someone else. You need to stop smoking


are you trying to say that he hangs the sword differently afterward?

That's just a fucking leather strap you idiot you can put that over any armor

Try and come up with a less shitty theory if you want people to take you seriously user.

Let me guess, youve been here all summer and are an expert when it comes to animes?

Came here to post this.
This was there from the very beginning guys.

the strap gets covered by his cape
making it unusable
this only raises further questions


his hands are also covered by the cape

oh no :( now he cant use them

>Sword so heavy that no man can wield
>Gangs on a tiny little hook and ring

you could just flip that cape around because that's what a cape can do.

He's just that strong.

It's fiction, bro, don't think too hard.

>wielding is hanging


it can certainly make a better bait than your post

Are you serious? Have you ever read the fucking comic, you see the unit that holds his sword all the time

>No man can hold an I beam on their own
>Skyscrapers exist
fucking jews

post it faggot

just reread the manga.

I'm not going to since many people in the thread already have, but I'll spoonfeed you the posts

Is the world tree a huge tree of life?

All mercenaries in the Gambino team holds his sword firmly with the ass.

A wise man passed this technique to Guts

It was explicitly stated that it was magnetic so he could hold it with his metal arm. That's probably the reason.

No his hand is magnetic.

>Spouts stupid shit
>Complains when he's called out on it

>dragon's road
>dragon's slayer
How can dragons be so important, when we never saw one?

I agree on that. That sword is as special as the armor. That leaves hope for rickert since he was a student of the old blacksmith.

How are dragons even remotely important in Berserk?

I dunno, but two huge elements of the lore are about dragons.

what about grunbeld?

What does your mom have to do with that discussion?

wow rude

>berserk thread
>complains about rude people

wtf I hate berserk now

Dragonslayer was made in jest by a man who didn't believe dragons were real. Lore-wise, there is nothing connecting the sword to astral stuff before Guts took it up. The closest thing is has even come to slaying a dragon is Gut's beating the shit out of Grunbeld's apostle form.

The designation Dragon's Road might refer to it being a twisting, very long passage similar to an eastern dragon. Think Snake Way.


So many speedreaders in this thread.

Dragon clearly means Demon.
Demon's road
Demon's slayer

i don't mind discussing theories but yours was dumb as fuck dude

There's the one that works with Grifith. The giant with the cannon sheild that Guts fucks up the first time he gets the Berserker Armor.

>read all of Berserk in two nights around 5 years ago
>Don't remember shit now


Came to post my first work background.

Dude believed in dragons enough to create a practical sword. He even knows enough not to fuck with the dragons.

that's a faggot wyvern, not a dragon

A blacksmith will make whatever they're asked to make as long as they're getting paid.

Wyverns > Dragons

deal with it Europoor