Why do they want to fyck with norks?

Why do they want to fyck with norks?

So tomorrows news is that kim has executed about 15 of his top men, well played bbc

Penis dysfunction

who cares why?

all that matters is norks will outwit the dumb americans simply because theyre more clever and better at ''the game''

South Korea is so bitter

What "game"?
They are going to endup being invaded by usa, noone is going to help them. Also regarding nuclear weapons, the usa is probably going to hit first and destroy their armaments.

>They are going to endup being invaded by usa


but that would be awesome, I'd love to see another dead pile of yanks just like in Iraq

When they write the daily news in North Korea, do they have a Big Book of Bullshit that they just open and copy a page from? Seriously, who in this fourth world hellhole can be high enough to think all that up?

If you really want to experience some nuclear grade bullshit, I recommend googling the biography of Kims father. It has stuff in it like he spoke and wrote perfect Korean when he was one day old, and he had never played golf, but when he tried he finished 18 holes in 18 strokes.

Id fucking love the watch them all get shoved into D day style boats and taken to the US thinking they have a chance, you wouldnt even shoot them just llaugh while they all die of embarrassment

>I'd love to see another dead pile of yanks just like in Iraq
They nuke the shit out off them first, then send drones to finish the job faggot.

I'll believe it when I see i

That would be glorious.



Im pretty probity myself

I read a couple of years ago that North Korea reduced the minimal body height requirement for soldiers to 1,40m because due to malnutrition, they are all midgets in North Korea.
So you'd just have to dig a trench 1,50m deep, fill it with water and Norkors wouldn't be able to cross them without drowning.

H bomb and ICBMs are chinese. China had established an elite around kim which report back to beijing. China detonated a H bomb in the DPRK with only a hand full of NKs present. China would never hand over any such tech to NK, they are not insane. They are bluffing and playing you guys for fools.
Its absolutely safe to enter NK.

Those plans were just exercises. Real plan is to destroy NK with a space based solar laser aka death ray.

Wtf my son is 7, and he is 1,50 m tall. Fucking dwemer norks.

Death Ray yields 1Megaton of TNT/second when focused on the lower atmosphere.

Nah, its more like Iron Dome but in space.
Btw Kim is using a Samsung phone, pretty sure they got nudes and selfies of him. When released he will loose all respect in NK and will be purged.


>space based solar laser aka death ray

Yes, but what would you want there? How would you even begin to resocialize 25 million people that have been brainwashed for a lifetime? What do you do with an apparatus of a million people in the military that are absolutely loyal? You can't kill them all. You can't set them free like America did with the Iraki Army.

You'd probably have to install another god-leader puppet on top and go through a 30 year detox mode, slowly and painfully normalizing the country bit by bit.

lol just open the border to the south, enjoy

James Bond Diamonds are Forever and
James Bond Goldeneye.

What browser is that?

Money, smartphones, giant curved tvs, pornos, heating, food, music, drugs, cars shit loads of meat and booze and KFC

kim kong will ride on a nuke into trump tower at full moon and transform into kimtron ultra

Are we still talking about North Korea or did we change the topic to Germany?

Oh snap!

because norks are dirty racist anti-semitic bastids who refuse to let gods chosen people run their banks

>the only 3 countries in the world that don't have rothschild-owned central banks are north korea, iran and cuba
>the 3 countries in the world continually presented to us by the media and politicians as our enemies are north korea, iran and cuba

really made me think

Hey, we didn't import a hundred million apes from Africa and then make the mistake of not only giving them the vote, but also guns. Our problems are compared to your minuscule.

Eh, worked more than well enough for Japan.

>le hackers
funny how underdeveloped shitholes like a genuine communist near feudal country and the AIDS capital outside africa are apparently capable of hacing the most technolgically advanced countries in the world, and influence an election and steal top secret documents.

It's almost like it's all bollocks

Also Russia, Putin kicked them out

globalists need a war to wipe out all the bad toxic debt they've flooded the world with. nothing like a good ol' fashioned war as a cover to let ((them)) recalibrate the scams.


I'm not sure. Even pre-war Japan was pretty open to western ideas, and they copied a lot from us. I.e. all medical terms are German, as are their school uniforms. Technical terms are English. Ever since the Meiji era, Japan has been opened up to the world outside.

Not so with North Korea. They might as well live on Mars as how enstranged they are with the rest of the world. And since they are groomed to follow their leader from children's age on, I think there it might literally the case where when you cut off the head (Kim), the country seizes to work entirely.

Can't compare Japan and North Korea though

Totally different era's

Aaaaaaaand, Kim???

What are you gonna do about it????

Fuck you.

>PLAN: light it up

you cant bjork the norks

Interesting when you go back to that post last night about “Seal Team 6 being liquidated in NK”

Don't be racist user, they are people just like you.

Yeah, right....

Ok germany