Why are we decieved by big globe

Why do they want us to think we live on a sphere, whats the point?
Dont they know it dosent make sense, i mean planes would have to correct for the curve of the Earth and i never felt them tilting the nose down.
They also use fish eye lenses that are obviously fake and when we ask if pictures are doctored NASA openly admit to it.
How can they think this is working and why do it?

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>and i never felt
yes, let's always appeal to our fee fees when concerning matters of science

yes because using our senses to determine if something is happening is UnReAsOnAbLe. next time you are triping over your own dumb ass feet do an equation to determine if your face is truely going to hit concrete before you put your hands up to absorbe the blow. go role on a ball you flat earth faker!

why dont you go fucking kill yourself??

go jump off the edge faggot.

go find this edge and ill gladly livestream it shit head

cant the UN has a huge fleet of ships guarding anyone from getting close.

the entire point is that if it was revealed with live on a dome shaped object surrounded by the firmament that everyone would know God was real without a doubt and satan would be btfo

Do you have any pictures of this fleet?


Im still waiting for a flat earther retard to show me a proper map of the flat earth

They have cloaking technology that stops all forms of visual reconnaissance.

its the picture on the un flag, they are taunting us!

>UN has a huge fleet of ships guarding anyone from getting close

Sauce: Sup Forums

that was a ok larp, got to go to work now boyos

>bible says the earth is flat
>bible is written by jews and jew worshippers
Pure coincidence.

Fucking THIS


Because every other planet in the solar system including the sun are round.

the real question you should be asking OP, is what is the purpose in telling everyone the earth is flat what's the main goal and objectives? What's to benefit in denying science and believing in asperg autists?


Go back to fucking normiebook you faggot.

There are some interesting things surrounding the phenomena. From a general perspective i would say it just show the complete failure of authority to have subjects accept whatever they say, but there are more things of interest when it comes to the plane/planet debate.

A few thoughts;

1) The planet idea has 100% complete control over the "education" system and society, yet the most used "argument" against Plane is that "ha, you got brainwashed". Brainwashing requires authority and no opposite views are accepted; this only fits the Planet view.

2) A "Cult of personality" seems to exist among the Plane believers; how much of this is fabricated (by sock-puppet accounts on forums etc) and how much is real is hard to say.

3) Ad-hominem attacks are pretty common whenever the subject is presented; however it is by largely from the Planet side against the Plane side. This is pretty fascinating; like a Planet believer would say how stupid a Plane believer is while the Plane believer would present things like curvature + radius of Planet while the Planet believer would hold about 0 knowledge about the subject they believe so strongly in. They dont even do a basic duckduckgo search to get the basic information they argue for.

4) The Moon and Sun has clear focus points on the earth that you can see on days without clouds. This is not the behavior of a Luminary ball in any medium, but more like a focused light source.

5) The proposed curvature of the earth can be tested with observation tools and not your eyes, yet we can observe places that should be hidden by the curvature.

6) From the TV-people we hear things like the Planet is an "oblate spheroid" but with the NASA pictures, presented to us as reality, show a perfect sphere and in interviews they tell us the pictures are CGI produced from data; not from pictures sent to earth from our satellites.

7) The Planet has been adjusted to fit the problems presented by Plane believers several times through history

how fucking retarded is your education system Norway?

how can any reasonable human being believe what you say, and or similar ideas pertaining to flat earth? Both sides are so unobtainable to speculate why are you evening expending your time, resources and education is said phenomena ??

why didnt you spend just 2 minutes searching for what the Plane believers believe? They dont believe in an edge, they believe that Antarctica is not a continent on the bottom of the ball, but its a ice-wall all around a Plane with the North pole in the center of it.

The UN flag is actually a representation of the Plane and not the Planet.

There's that ad hominem

>why didnt you spend time """"""""""""""investigating""""""""""""""""""" flat earth

It's understandable for a third world inhabitant to believe this kind of false conspiracies that are floating around the internet to mislead the idiots into believing some fantastical bull shit to divert (You)r attention about real world issues that pertain to every single one of us in our own Countries and we need to be more concerned about actual things happening instead of some internet theory with no evidence supporting it whatsoever. It's just so apparent that even smart individuals are just as inept at becoming legitimately brainwashed by these so called theories and phenomena.

Holy fuck this is right (the guy in the pic)

Let's make a reality show where flat earthers try to find the edge of the earth on their boat


Spend at least 1 minute looking for the answer yourself instead of asking low-iq questions.
The treaty in question is this ats.aq/e/ats.htm
Factually people are refused entry to the landmass by military under UN command while the political elite visit the supposedly barren continent of snow en-mass for no apparent reason.

Funny how Sup Forums is so contrarian on any subject, but when this comes up; a subject where we all have been told since birth is the reality purely from a position of authority, all Sup Forums does is act the exact same way their opposition does. At least we can do this on a more intellectual level.

This is weak bait, but I'll bite because there are so many idiots who believe this nonsense.
Get the square root of your height of eye above sea level. Multiply that by 1.5 and you get the distance to the horizon. This equation works because it's based off of the curvature of the Earth.
The only way I'll look deeper into the "phlat earf theorie" is if you include some type of convex shape to it.

Flat earth is a muslim conspiracy theory.

Every single polytheistic religion prior to the semitic monotheism have explained Earth as some sort of Plane, not a Planet. Vikings visited the American continent based on a world-view that it is a flat Plane.
Circumvention of the continents does not prove its a Planet or a Plane as it is possible on both.




This exterminates the flatfag

nice ad-hominem. You know; there is a difference in believing and presenting the case for something.
You know; humans develop intelligence by getting contrary views and looking into it. accepting preconceptions just because an authority say so is the direct opposite.

nothing is too retarded for a flatfag to put forth

you bothered to ask the most unintelligent question as a "check-mate" post; a question you would have gotten answered by typing far less letters into a search engine.
You might actually learn something instead of being proven to be a low-effort, low-iq stereotypical burger.

FYI; you dont have to believe in something to present the views and ideas of said view.

holy shit you are so intelligent dude brb im going to jack off my dog with my sister bro you nailed it

You people should not allowed to procreate.

>never felt them tilting the nose down.
That's because it's always up, even when landing, and the curvature is too gradual for you to perceive

And no pictures ever leaked from the thousands of soldiers on these boats.

So I guess this is the kind of post that should deligitimate this board. People are supposed to think the global warming hoax is just as ridiculous as the flat earth theory.

Kill yourself and stop posting slide threads

Seriously. Kill yourself
Kill yourself
No one loves you. Do it.

Do it. There's a belt in your closet. Use the doorknob.

Kill yourself.