Is Sup Forums more intelligent than your average black lives matter nigger? Let's find out

Is Sup Forums more intelligent than your average black lives matter nigger? Let's find out.
Take this wonderlic test, then times it by 2 and add 60 and that is your IQ.

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>tfw 128 IQ
also Bump.


>add 60
But that already makes the score higher than most niggers...

Wait... That was the test, wasn't it? Fuck, I think I just passed.

>78 IQ
kekekekekekekek, found the nigger.

>look at me I'm so smart I can see patterns and do problem solving
Those tests prove nothing and especially one done over the internet.

The niggers in the NFL have to take a wonderlic test, and a bunch of them are below 90 and there are actually a lot that are borderline retarded.

>max score is 160 using that method
kek. OP is a brainlet or a subversive jew.

Nobody scores 50 on it, and many employers use this type of test or a similar one. Just read the wikipedia article if you are going to be a fag.

>then times it by 2
looks like you dont pass

The average score is 20, if you didn't times it by 2 then that would mean the average score is 80, don't be a retard.

Did a mensa supervised IQ test three weeks ago and received the results over the weekend. Cattal B: 134, Culture Fair: 121. When somebody asks my IQ, what figure do I give them?

Shit I didn't realize it was timed. What a gyp.

48 no calculator would have smashed with calculator an on shitter listening to podcast

you capped our potential score to make Sup Forums feel stupid.
You're a jew

How'd I do Sup Forums?

Wait, that's supposed to mean an IQ of 208? PFFFF. I'm smart, but I'm not that smart.

Anyway the damn thing doesn't even measure IQ. IQ is independent of, for instance, algebra knowledge.

Better than me. I bet you're a stemfag, though.

you mean multiply you brainlet

practically no one gets over 160, that is like 1 person in 10,000.

i made it to the end what's my prize you fucking faggot?

you've made sure no one will ever find out.

The higher one obviously

you multiply the points not the percentages

I realized that later, but thank you.

The culture fair one I think is the most leveled one, but yeah, do what Fin bro does.

The gift of knowing you are superior to pretty much everyone you walk past in the street.

Is that high enough to get in?

>subtle bantz
I c u senpai, well done

You times the points by 2, not the percentage.

No. You need to be in the 2nd percentile of either one of them to qualify for membership. The cuttoff for Cattell B is 148, Culture Fair 132. I was in the 7th percentile for Cattell B, 10th for CF

I wouldn't want to be part of their (((small international clique))) anyway, it's enough knowing that you have an IQ high enough to hold a high up Government position in the 4th Reich. The average IQ of Hitler's officials was 128.

can you please post all of these?

The retard region needs to be extended to 85, where it was before niggers whined about it in the 70s.

Wait this actually happened? Please gibs me the sauce.

Too bad my intellect and discipline wasn't fostered properly through highschool whilst I had chronic anxieties and depression. I was top of my class and clearly very smart during primary school, big underachiever after that.

How'd I do?

I would say every single person on pol is more aware than 99% of the global population about what is presently going on at any place on the planet at any given time.


This isn’t an IQ test by any means, but I still scored better than the average nigger. Not bad for taking it on the shitter.

Just anecdotal but I had a chat with my parents about IQ and they told me that in the old South Africa it was 85. All 85 and below went to special schools. If you failed a year you were tested, if you tested low then you were dealt with accordingly.

Like Hitler. It's a shame but you're intelligent enough to hack it in the world without a degree.

I think i'm mentally retarded also....

>"Minimum IQ for Best Colleges"
Mein sides
>Using ODB's image in this fucketry
You ain't ringin' a bell, you ain't bustin' a grape

Ye nigga I'm a tradesman, no student debt on me, earn decent money for myself relative to my monthly outgoings/disposable income. Going to see a therapist and try and lower my neuroticism and try and foster some enthusiasm for success/life in general. Thanks for chatting fellow bong, have a good night

There are some blacks with an IQ of 150


>those tests prove nothing
Incorrect, IQ tests measure G(general Intelligence) by testing pattern recognition(or the more accurate verbal tests). One’s ability to process and interpret information correctly can apply to everything in life.
>[doesn’t mean anything] especially on the internet

Awww yeah.

Try it again without a calculator, faggot.

You too man.

Stupid iPad keyboard cost me at least one right answer too

I bet those high scorers used calculators. kek

Slower and fewer correct?

Pretty good for a shitskin, though. We’ll let you leave through the gate in the wall, instead of via catapult over it.

Isn't it intelligence also measured by ability to use tools?

but superior anglos are naturally gifted

Found the muhammed

These tests are about social adaptivity. If you think that IQ higher than 130 will help you solve scientific problem or create something - that is wrong (we can't measure creativity with tests), but if you think that then IQ doesn't matter - you are also wrong, because person with low IQ can't integrate well into the modern society.

can't do an English IQ test sorry

>being so low IQ that you think the only way you can get a high score is by cheating

ODB, Ludacriss and Biz Markie

3 faces you used in the image.


middle could also be Martin Lawrence

I got like all them right not it didn't matter because the timer is only like 10 minutes. Stupid test



124 iq for me, not bad

Neither of these are usual IQ measures. The Cattell B is verbal and the Culture Fair is nonverbal; a typical IQ test will consolidate across these measure to give you an FSIQ score (though if there is a signifcant and rare difference between these scores the FSIQ is uninterpretable). You want to take a WAIS-IV, a WJ-IV, or potentially a Stanford-Binet (less commonly used) if you want a “true” FSIQ.

kek I got stuck here too, damn yanks


found the bogan

a "whole number" is a number that is not a decimal (25.76) or a fraction (2 1/2)

I need to work on my reading comprehension...



I got 16 out of 18 correct and spent more than half the time googling shitty American lino that nobody in the civilized world ever uses and laughing at the retarded English tricks they were trying.

Yeah a nickle, fuckin nickle.I'm so fucking happy that I got to learn Americans are idiots.

Gas the kikes

Awe fuck, mental math. I got every question I completed correct, but it takes me so Dame long my paper ant iq is only 106. Yet, i have the highest grade in my math, chemistry, and biology classes. If I had a calculator I bet I could get a 100% on this test. Gonna do with calculator to confirm.

Mental maths matters very little now days, that ability for abstraction is much more valuable then being able to add large sums of numbers in your head.

>The Cattell B is verbal and the Culture Fair is nonverbal
mm no sweetie, they were both non-verbal. The Cattell B was purely shapes and the Culture Fair composed of logic puzzles/riddles and word association

It asked me what a legend was and my immediate thought was "me"

Everyone knows a nickle is 5/100th of a dollar. a 16 means that you have an IQ of 92.

Nah the test is retarded, first time I got 62%, second I got 46%

This test is complete bullshit. Guys, if you get low scores on this test, dont get all sad. Its really poorly done. Using burger measuring systems and requires suffiecient knowledge in English. I have tested 144 IQ on real IQ test done by professionalists, but according to this test I am below average. My financial success also supports my high IQ. IQ wise I am in the 0,2 percentile. And according to this test I am nigger tier. Really poorly done.

>times it
Self hating nigger detected

I was almost held back in High School because of how poor my grades were but okay.

Am I fucking retarded or something?

There are different variants of the cattell b, but it includes more verbal reasoning than the culture fair, which includes none. Anyway, you don’t have to believe me if you don’t want, but whatever. I administer and score IQ tests regularly. MENSA is the only org that ever uses those tests for anything.

did it again, got 122

I have never in my life encountered words like these. This is gobbldegook.
I have no idea what this question asked of me. No fucking clue.

Any IQ test must be devoid of linguistic bullshit. It's not legit.


52 weeks in a year, 7 in a week, 31 in January.

However the fuck you find the magic number that these three have in common

A week and a day aren't the same thing. So there must be some factor that Americans call an "average" the three numbers have in common, l started going through the times tables.

>IQ test
The real IQ test is watching Rick and Morty

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Add them up, divide by three.

Are there some special needs schools in Stralia for half-abo, half kangaroo chimeras like yourself where they only teach you how to connect online and write in English, or are all stralians so retarded?

Average means to add the numbers up and divide by the number values you added.
It's just 52+7+31 =90 ÷ 3 = 30 dumbass

not unless i take the test over and over, each time taking note of the correct answer. after the tenth time i'll reach a perfect score

Yeah it's called the public school system.

Look up our gonski system. It's a national policy that involves all schools private and public.
Basically if there's a school with kids getting A's and another with kids failing the government will take the funding from the good school and give it to the bad one. It's also compulsory to be in the teachers union no matter what.

>i have a pickle diiiiick!

Fellow 9/50 nigger checking in.

Sheittt, sup dawg, was crackin?


>your iq can be determined by some random quick test
you're da kang Oliver

Retook. Not a nigger anymore.

Actually retarded