Book Thread

What books are you reading Sup Forums?
What does your library look like?

Book Thread

Other urls found in this thread:'s Das Kapital For Beginners - Michael Wayne, Sungyoon Choi#page/n0/mode/2up!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!gyYAxICB!IfpbD7_jgLmHTLm3ga6TYw


what books Sup Forums

Malazan book of the fallen
I don't read political shit, I don't even know anything about politics haha

The revolt against civilization

Negroes in Negroland

Oldies but goodies.

8gag's pdfs board is pretty good to find all sorts of stuff

>The 48 Laws of Power
>The Law
>Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>Gulag Archipelago
>The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism
>The Prince
>The Art of War


and another

Christopher Lasch's "Women and the Common Life"
Raymond Aron's "The century of total war"
Hegel's "The science of Logic"

Im reading Greek and Egyptian mythology and religious texts, then trying to unify them with Celtic Mythology and finally rewrite them into a single Epics novel full of poetry

My library consists of these books, and some modern philosophy, im a 2d person

fuck off pinko scum

know your enemy

How many books do you have? I have about 4000 books in my library. Currently i am not reading anything due to problems but i have many scientific books that i am interested in more than political ones.

I have over 18,000 on my computer

what would you recommend to start with?

bookanon back again.

Reading Hitler's War now

I only need one book & its the bible,king James since its the best & English is faster to read

Is the decline of the west fine to read as the abridged version?

probably Das Capital for beginners, or just ask /leftypol/ where a good place to start is's Das Kapital For Beginners - Michael Wayne, Sungyoon Choi#page/n0/mode/2up

I'm slightly over 100 pages into The Brothers Karamazov right now.

This is my second Dosto book. The way he describes events and the stuff he writes about speaks to me. I feel like he must've experienced a lot of the same things I've experienced in my life. Maybe it only seems this way because he's such a good writer. Idk.

Anyways, I haven't read too much of it, but so far it's amazing.

Recommanding this one.


Same fucking thread 15 times a week, search the archives you pathetic fuck. I bet he's the same cocksucker that wants to know what podcast you listen to as well. Fuck data mining cunts. OP is a fag and sage

dude holy shit picked up the book the only thing to fear and its about if Nazis won WW2 but the main characters sum faggot who is apart of this alliance n shit they talk about the improvements made by Nazis in america n stuff

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

Boku no Pico

i read the pdf of the full version and I can't really say the abridged is good enough, no




I don't have anything red-pilled really, but this book called "Goshawk Squadron" is a good read, nevertheless.

Friggin amazing, makes my heart warmer with every page. Gonna do The Screwtape Letters after I'm done with this one.

Im reading the sorrows of young Werther

The Classics, original history books, pre-1960 literature, anything to strengthen the Iron Pill inside me

Read this a few weeks ago. Mind boggling.

>Das Capital for beginners
Recommending 19th century three-book monoliths discussing economics and philosophy of the time to beginners is pretty bold. Especially so when it draws from Hegel.

>Vonnegut (*specifically Harrison Bergeron)
Good list, definitely read Vonnegut if you like your fiction right-wing. Don't forget Orwell, even if you read 1984 in school you still need to read his two other classics Animal Farm and Homage to Catalonia.

Dante's Monarchy

the book is titled "for beginners" its a major summary of the original work


This is definitely my fave

Tragedy and Hope - Carol Quigley
Worst Hard Time - Thomas Egan
Oswald Spengler
H.L. Mencken
Ecclesiastes (Win)

I'm currently reading William Gibson novel, a popsci book about chaos theory, an introductory book about NLP, and I just started Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling, (ordered by my enthusiasm for them.) I mostly have non-fiction, technical manuals and old textbooks mostly, one beat up bash scripting manual I'm particularly fond of. I have few classics I've either yet to get around to or skimmed for school, several translations of the bible, an interlinear Tanakh, the Zohar, and a few foreign language dictionaries.

George Washington: a life by chernow

I'm currently reading George Lincoln Rockwell's book White Power.

added to my reading queue

One day I'll have a bookshelf that stacked one day. Is that SPQR book good? Would love some redpilled Roman history

It's decent book so far and it's not too long.

dump in coming

Excellent choice. His description of Jews is dead on.

"Jews use other people like other people use land."








I'm just getting into the chapter. His ship chart plotter metaphor is pretty accurate. I read it on the train when I'm surrounded by degenerates and non-whites.







Some of the leftists he describes sound exactly the ones today. In C&P I found it hilarious when one of the characters says something like "Men and Women are equal in all ways, even in strength, as has been proven."


was before they really dropped the ball. Coulter is still decent


Currently reading Beyond Good and Evil and Mircea Eliade's "The myth of the eternal return". Also just finished Jünger' "Der Arbeiter".

These lists all came from the Sup Forums library!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

This link has a fuck ton of right wing books:!gyYAxICB!IfpbD7_jgLmHTLm3ga6TYw

I have some more



but this jew said its not true

Reading that many books is a waste of time. None of these books make you more productive.

Why aren't Turner Diaries and Hunter on there? They're way more influential than most books on there


Eliade is a must read, what's the last one, Kamarade?

That link has way more so disregard:

Uniqueness of Western Civilization is extremely important.

Reading Ride the Tiger and I'm about to start God Emperor of Dune since I finally slogged through Children.

>inb4 Genre fiction

You answered yourself

>more productive
Depends on your definition of productive and what you plan on doing with the knowledge.

Done sucking Jordan Peterson's dick?

how do i motivate myself into reading something, i get bored too quickly and rather do something else like listen to music or go out in a ride on my wrx


The Turner Diaries is fictional and honestly isn't that good. It just reads like William Luther Pierce's fantasies. I can't speak for Hunter though.

>all the authors are Jews, spics, and faggots
Yep, sounds about right.


Vnn has awesome audiobooks

okay, last two because kek


Either find something you find really interesting or force yourself to read for at least half an hour a day. Eventually you'll form the habit and start enjoying it more

What can you do with that knowledge? Nobody is gonna hire you just because you read a bunch of right-wing books.

>Nobody is gonna hire you

Ah, yes. Develop hard skills, goy. Get back to coding this back-back-end shit for my (((corporate interests))).

Some people just like to read, it is certainly more productive than playing vidya, or watching TV.

There is a fiction section lmfao. TD isn't the best book in the world I agree, but it's so important that I think it should be there anyway


Kek very true.