Makes a good point honestly

Makes a good point honestly.

Honestly, he does.


Nazi is short for National Socialist. Why do socialists get so mad when I say I'm a nazi? They should be agreeing with me

>Protest Ben Shapiro who gets more death threats from the fascists here on Sup Forums than anywhere else

I kill Nazis. It doesn't matter if i break the law, if you stop me that mean you're a nazi too and i get to kill you :D

I am now literally and metaphorically btfo

>label all opposition something bad

>either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists.

Where have I heard that BS before?

Leftists and their words...
>I have a club called Anti-chlidkillers.
>Its about putting money in my bank account.
>Anyone who doesn't put money in my bank account is prochildkilling.

That's some next level mental gymnastics. Leftist credibility goes down the shitter with these morons.

If you just name yourself anti-something that is perceived as bad then you can literally do no wrong and being against you means they are nazis or whatever then that opens up some real fucked up situations eh Warren?

>muh communism
>muh 100 million

>muh nazis
>muh 6 million

He's full of shit, just like you OP.

top argument mate

But what if antifa is actually fascist? Just because they say they are anti fascist doesn't mean they actually are...

Fuck off tripnig

If I called myself anti-paedophile and started beating people up in the streets, looting shops and causing chaos I wonder if someone on twitter would come out and say 'Well if you oppose him you're a paedophile'

ok i'll start Anti-Idiota. You will oppose me.

then cops shoot thugs and the only people who should be worried are thugs

>tell people you have a bridge to sell
>they buy it because nobody could possibly say no because I'm calling myself a bridge salesman

And north korea is democratic, it is known khaleesi.

I'm anti-moron.
Therefore, the only people who oppose me are morons.

how little do you have to accomplish in life to be verified on twitter?

antifa are degenerate faggots. the only bad thing about beating an antifa faggot is the risk of getting aids blood on you

why the fuck did it put the thread url as my poster name?

So since Islam calls itself a religion of peace, only warmongers oppose Islam?

Makes no sense. Just because someone claims to be something doesn't make it true.

Ignorant trolling or legitimate worthless human? Depends on who's behind this post.

wtf i'm a communist tranny degenerate now

>terms are always absolute and human terminology is infallible

anyone how opposes me is a fascist.

Friendly Redpill: One of the chief strategies of leftists is to imply language is greater than action. It's also the core behind political correctness. It's the basis of their unrealistic view of the world. They hatch the world from their minds, their language, vs what it actually really happens to be.
>call the police


by that logic, only jews and marxists should oppose national socialism


It is more accurate to say that "Antifa" is short for anti-First Amendment. How else to explain their use of violence to suppress free speech? Judge a man by his actions, not by his words. And, hey, say hi to Brock.

Kys commie

pls if you're gonna reply to 5 word bait, sage and report, you cunt nufag meme flagger

This is their psyop tactic. It makes it impossible to criticize them because that automatically makes you a fascist.

Call them what they are: Black Bloc.

their definition of fascist is anyone who doesn't shut up and agree with them

National Socialists are Socialists. The only people who should oppose National Socialists are Capitalists.

Ahahahaha. They are anti many things...

Succinct. I had trouble reducing word count on this one so thank you.


>this 1 post by this ID 5 sentence bait with a 144p image, of a literal who with

Hello I am an antiretard and we should extermine all jews and use faggots to rape all niggers and muslims in Europe.

Only retards opose me lol

Looks like I'm a fascist now

I take it you aren't that smart OP?

Vigilantes fight criminals only criminals oppise vigilantes.
What about police?

>Nazi is short for National Socialist
>the only ones who should oppose nazi's are global capitalists

>Twitter intelectuals

>"Stop being fascist or get punched."

>muh cognitive dissonance

Yes, and according to Antifa, everyone but Antifa is fascist.

Ben Shapiro doesnt get hate from being a jew, he is conflating statistical data that has been stretched beyond belief. Fucking kikes



>the map is the territory

Base jumpers. He's alright his shoot deployed

I am the Good Guy.
I decide who the Bad Guys are and how I will deal with them. If you have a problem with my beliefs or actions, then you are are a Bad Guy and I will deal with you likewise.
I am the Good Guy. You are either with me or you are against me. I am the Good Guy. I AM THE GOOD GUY. SAY IT.


north korea is short for democratic people's republic of north korea. the only ones who should oppose a democratic people's republic are fascists .

>tfw all Sup Forums ever needed to do was to call ourselves anti-fascist and we'd be off the hook

No No, anti fa target anyone who is right wing leaning, not solely fascist by any means, they need to be gassed.

>muh muh

but nazis are socialist not fascist

DPRK is short for 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea'. The only ones who should oppose the DPRK are anti-democratic.

Patriot Act for is patriots. The only ones who would oppose it are not patriots.

Is he ok?


I always said Bernie was an actual national socialist. He wanted socialism but also agreed with Trump on some trade and labor issues. Guy was a full on Nazi

yeah, he just scratched his knee, needed a band-aid though

I would stick it in there even if it meant death at the point of climax

>his shoot deployed
>his shoot

>muh nazis
>muh thinking the Holocaust actually happened and wasn't just more Communist genocide

holy fuck that's terrifying to watch

>self declared communists
>communism is the worst ideology in history but the west has never experienced it
>rebrand yourself as antiFAscists
>dumb degenerate people take the marketing b8
nothing to see here. Communists should be shot on the spot as always

So if, in Hitler's words, the nazis only wanted to bring peace and prosperity, then that would mean being anti-nazi would also be anti-peace and anti-prosperity. Checkmate bedbugs.

Me and my buddies formed a gang that goes around raping women. We call our gang antira which is short for anti-rape. The only people who should oppose us are rapists.

Fucking retard.

NAMBLA is short for North American Man Boy Love association. Who would oppose love?

get aborted op.

well said. Socialism gets a bad rep from all these Marxists.

im sweating


I am anticannedtuna. If you don't like cannedtuna you should not oppose whatever I do.

Nambla is short for National American man/boy love association. The only people who should oppose it are those against love.

AntiNig stands for anti-nigger.
The only ones who should oppose antinig are niggers.

"DPRK" is short for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The only ones who should oppose them are anti-democracy.

"Antifa" is short for anti-fascist. The only ones who antifa should oppose are fascists.

>Makes a good point honestly.
That implies that there's something wrong with fascism. There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.

Nice play on words, but following that logic, the only ones who should oppose anti-semites are semites? Not sure if that sits well with everyone.

One less nigger!

The syngergistic cuckoldry of branding political movements filled with the feculence of "public relations"

All this twitter fucks and the emboldened headlines made of black ash will chocke the elites.

Let them gasp
Lets them gasp for air
And let them asphyixiate on all their hot air used to weave their old world spells on a populace that have transcended beyond this rassling of dicks and shits and fucks and fags and boobs and pussies.

>There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.
Unless you are a pussy faggot like OP.

>Unless you are a pussy faggot like OP.
If you're antifa you're anti-White. Antifa is a code word for anti-White.

Nazi stands for National Socialist.
The only ones who should oppose nazis are suburban and rural retards. City people all believe in nationwide socialism.

Nazis are anti-communists
The only ones who should oppose Nazis are communists

this reminds me of the old "feminism only means equality" argument of 2013-2015. and they would point to the definition in the dictionary and say "see?? you are a BIGOT if you oppose feminism!"

DPRK is short for "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" the only ones who should oppose DPRK are anti-republicans

I define as jesus christ and anyone who goes against me are naturally and by consequence of their action in doing so; an anti-christ. I will sub-sequently send this devil to the hell where it belongs.

>tfw cockblocked by hussar

Or how about:

Nazi's should be punched. > Antifa only punches Nazi's. > You were punched by Antifa? > That means you are a Nazi. > You wouldn't have been punched by Antifa if you weren't a Nazi. > Nazi's should be punched. > lather, rinse, repeat.