What's Sup Forums's opinion on this man?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on this man?

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He's really good at detecting non-arguments.



is that David Duke?

Nasty guy.

His accent is a mess.

He makes some compelling arguments...

>Imagine enrolling in a community college philosophy class over the summer because you need the elective credit.
>No instructor was listed in the course catalog
>Molyneux enters classroom on first day and steps behind the instructor's podium
>Feels good man

Underappreciated guy, seems like he has a good moral as well.

He's a daughter fucker so he's alright with me.

What's wrong with it? I'll throw a vid on while going to sleep. His vids have an asmr quality to them.

Pseudo-intellectual who repeats things that others say to try and look smart and insightful.

He is a sell out.

What about this woodchuck cosplaying as 80s billy Joel?

his videos are too fucking long. Anyone who has 1.5 hours to sit around and watch a youtube video needs to remove themselves from the genepool.

Mouthy's video production is top quality.

>before Sup Forums vs. after Sup Forums

Think he's an annoying faggot but he's gotten better in twatting against the left.

They are top notch as far as quality goes, but he's such a smug little turd.

youtube seems to push this guy into my recommended videos, ive never watched more than about 2 minutes before he says something that raises alarm bells and i turn it off

Like what? He seems pretty reasonable, even when I do t agree with him.

Plus I've always gotten the impression that he's fake. Like someone who'll pretend to share your views while slowly trying to change your mind.

He's more interested in pushing an agenda than he is exploring a line of thought. Any videos of his that aren't an echo chamber are just him spending much more effort trying to control of the frame of the discussion than actually listening and debating the idea at hand. His informative videos are good though

Put earbuds in at work or go on a jog and learn something you disheveled fatass.


He's bald. There that my opinion. No ideo who he is .

That's fine. Not really interested in a leafs opinion about anything. Thanks for stopping by though.

Too smug for my taste

It's my opinion that we are being slid with writing prompts, one-line one-posts, and redundant advertisements for Eminem because of this thread right here:

I can't speak for Sup Forums, but my personal opinion is overwhelmingly positive.
Here's a guy who talks about race and iq, gender differences, the genocide happening in South Africa, the media's treatment of whites, and even eugenics, but does it calmly and reasonably with a friendly face.
He talks to plenty of people on the 'alt light' and many on the 'alt right', but he is neither; just a philosophical man talking about what he sees happening around him.
His presentations on Rome, various philosophers, and various other historical events are very well put together as well. It's no wonder he has a decently large following.

Does he have a decent following? Seems small to me. Much too small actually. Guy deserves more than his 679k subs. Plus he's been doing vids almost every day since 07.

Why would someone stick a dildo up his ass and videotape it for his large audience? Just what is his endgame?

Trust me, for someone like us, 679k subs is a LOT.
Millions more know of him, of course, but not everyone is willing to face the harsh truths, preferring their comforting lies.

how can someone so (self proclaimed) smart, be so blupilled on jews

you know the drill

Or I could find an infinitely better use of my 1.5 hours doing something more productive, faggot.

He knows about the Jews, and there's a pretty popular video with him questioning one on the double standards the tribe has when pertaining to whites.
However he's trying to fight for the spirit of the peoples, not the actual physical enemies. Unfortunately, and this is one of the few criticisms I have of him, he thinks this can still be solved with words.

his part one on Ayn Rand was a total jew sob story, he made it sound like communist soviet union was anudda shoah

Well, he spent years as an anarcho-capitalist, no doubt he'd suck off Rand.

He is one of the few who has the stones to say he believes in the Bell curve and race/IQ differences.

I'm not at all convinced that he's a Jew, and even if he was I wouldn't care much


I do not understand how he can remain a lolberg with the knowledge he has

I don't believe he thinks any problems can be solved with words, but that's all he can do. He's just some guy that has a fucking drama degree and makes Youtube videos, and unlike Justin Trudeau, his daddy wasn't prominent in politics.

He's mentioned that his mom had Jewish roots several times. Whether or not he was telling the truth or if it was just a ploy to avoid getting shut down is debatable, but I don't really care either way.

ok this is breddy gud

I'm pretty sure I heard him say he was Irish..I dunno what he is with that accent

Head over to /r/philosophy and /r/badphilosophy. They tear this guy to pieces.

Why don't you head on over there. We'll wait here.

He's good, a bit pompous and annoying at times but honestly a great youtube redpiller and educator.

The time for arguments is almost over

Shill and charlatan.

Let's be honest he isn't that bad

He's more intellectually honest than 99.5% of the commentators out there.

He will and has admitted he is/was wrong

I liked him better when he was a libertarian but it's amusing to see him slowly go 1488

Its like how the realization that there is only one solution to stop progressivism is slowly killing peterson

He's a racist. Nuff said.

he's not racist enough

>Its like how the realization that there is only one solution to stop progressivism is slowly killing peterson
There's no way JBP can face that truth because he's devoted his whole life to investigating the "evils of twentieth century totalitarianism". It'd invalidate reams of his work.



I'd eat any Redditor alive on philosophy and really molymeme isn't that bad

He's a commentator not a philosopher but his philosophy stuff isn't terrible

That's why it's so painful for him.

He may not aknowledge it yet but I gaurantee you that it haunts him.

He's trying to come up with an alternative but he can't.

It's bound to be hard for him to think of an alternative because he's a very verbal person, and not being able to talk about a subject like a future for the white race without being branded an unperson naturally makes it more difficult for him to go over those ideas.

Valuable service to the community by breaking down the timeline of events in the news recently.

His Imran Awan video and others are pretty great edutainment.

He's intelligent and puts some good videos together. I wonder how he would do in a debate. I'd like to think he would do well, but he has all the time in the world to put a video together so maybe he wouldn't be able to think on his feet. Sargon's video of him "owning" that skinny White liberal dude was kind of disappointing. The liberal sucked dick, but Sargon made a ton of logical fallacies and would get flustered and booty-bothered and make straw man attacks. I would have liked to see someone like Sam Harris debate these types of people. Dude has heroic levels of patience.

>I'd eat any Redditor alive on philosophy
Sup Forums has such a strawman idea of what reddit is like. If you go on specialized subreddits, those guys know their shit. Sup Forumstards wouldn't last a minute on /askhistorians/ for instance.

Holy fucking shit please be baiting.

He's a bad impersonation of himeself. He's like the shittest Thespian version of a clever person. He's way to into the sound of his own voice.

Not the best in terms of intellectual integrity, but leagues ahead of the vast majority of public intellectuals.

Dragged me to the libertarian right from the libertarian center and force-fed me the HBD redpill so there's that.



He got rek't in the Fascism debate. Cultured Thug actually has some pretty quality videos

He's ok. Hate the guest shows because most guests have shitty microphones.

>go to philosophy 1002
>fail because your foundation is shit

An ally, but if I'm feeling bitchy I'd say that he has traits of a pseudointellectual narcissist.

>He got rek't in the Fascism debate
not really

The world is a better place for having him in it.

He starts talking some philosophy nonsense and I start falling asleep.
What is it with young conservatives/nazis who just love all that philosophy shit? You can't critically think without reading Hegel?
>gather information about an issue
>develop a sense when you have looked hard enough
>form a judgement
>defend it against an inner argument
That is the way to sharpen your mind. Not take in information by reading philosophers about thinking. Reading is the most passive form of learning, with very little engagement. It's the best way to gather information but the worst way to learn how to think.

he is boring

Kind of smug. It annoys me how if he has a guest on his show he will very often outright ignore things that his guests say in order to pursue points he wants to talk about. It's not necessarily a bad thing since it is his show, but the manner in which he does it is rude and frankly self-absorbed. Other than that he's usually enjoyable to listen to and he does seem to research the topics he talks about.
Glad I'm not the only one.
I like it when he mentions his sources so it gives me something to read into.



>you can only use scientific studies in an argument when you're also the scientist who made the study

I particularly enjoy the "debates" with the crazy conspiracy lunatics

not an argument